Dreadclaw Part-2

Dreadclaw is a notorious bandit group that has been plaguing the region for years. Composed of ruthless and cunning individuals, they are known for their brazen acts of robbery, pillaging, and violence.


As the menacing proclamation of "Dreadclaw" echoed through the night, adrenaline surged through my veins, dispelling any remnants of drowsiness. I swiftly pushed Anabelle away, gently rousing her from her slumber.

"Anabelle, wake up! We're under attack," I urgently whispered, shaking her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open, still groggy from sleep, but soon widened with alarm as she registered the urgency in my voice.

"What? Dreadclaw? Here?" Anabelle exclaimed, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination. She quickly sat up, rubbing her eyes to clear away any remnants of sleep.