I should've listened to Blaze?

I sighed and muttered, "Hah, let's proceed," before gracefully descending from the window, ensuring my landing was as silent as possible.

Blaze, on the other hand, seemed less than enthusiastic. "Are we really doing this?" he questioned, as if he had something better to occupy his time.

I chuckled softly, countering his reluctance with a hint of curiosity. "Well, I do have something more inviting than lurking around in the unknown... namely, a comfortable bed. It's quite late, after all."

Despite my suggestion, Blaze seemed hesitant for some undisclosed reason.

"However," I continued, pulling the hood of my cloak over my face, "I'm genuinely intrigued about this place. So, let's proceed."

With that, I began my journey towards the school gates, anticipating my first venture beyond the school grounds in the dead of night.