[PART 10: ???]

[Part 10.1:]

How can flying type Gu be easy to control? By nature, humans walk on the ground, if they want to fly and soar freely, they need a lot of painstaking practice! And to battle while flying? It needs even more bitter training! Even Verdant Great Sun, son of the great Ren Zu, died while flying.

[Part 10.2:]

Humans were creatures that walked on ground and did not have wings. Even Ren Zu did not have ability to fly. Being able to fly by itself was a miracle in defiance of heaven.

[Part 10.3: Dang Hun Mountain]

Dang Hun Mountain known as Crystal Mountain in the legends of Ren Zu.

As long as any living creatures enter the range of Dang Hun Mountain, their soul would receive a shock. The closer they get to the peak, the stronger the force of the shock would be. Many living beings don't have strong souls and their soul would often scatter when they reach halfway up the mountain

[Part 10.4: Died For Glory]

In this world, there is a thing that is more precious than life. That is glory. Eons ago, Ren Zu's eldest son Verdant Great Sun gave up his life while chasing for glory.