The recruits gathered in the room, eagerly awaiting their training.
However, their expectations were about to be exceeded as the boss unveiled the true nature of their work.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," the boss began, "I hope you're ready for this."
"You see, Earth is not the only world out there. There are other species and civilizations that exist in the universe.
And some of them possess abilities, or what you might call 'powers'."
The recruits were filled with excitement and wonder, reminiscent of the comics, movies, games, and books they had seen.
"Powers?" they thought, reminiscent of comics, movies, games, and books.
The boss, noticing their reactions, chuckled and said, "Yes, powers. Just like the ones you've seen and imagined."
"We'll start by introducing the species," the boss said, noticing their reactions.
"Unfortunately, we don't know their actual names, as they haven't revealed it to us. However, I'll describe what they look like."
"The first species the boss introduced was the Na'vi, which resemble the aliens from the movie Avatar.
These beings are depicted as tall, blue-skinned creatures with tails and large expressive eyes.
And have the ability to manipulate water."
Next, the boss introduced species that looked like Xenomorphs but more crimson red, which are from the movie Alien.
These beings are highly dangerous and can withstand bullets from revolvers and even shotgun rounds.
They are tall bipedal creatures with a sleek, crimson red exoskeleton and a deadly inner jaw. Their powers have made them even more fearsome.
The final species the boss introduced was the Zorgons, which have superpowers similar to Superman.
These aliens are tall, purple-skinned beings with large purple eyes and tentacle-like arms. They can shoot laser beams from their eyes and possess immense physical strength.
They are a reptilian species with scales and sharp teeth, and their technology is highly advanced.
"Now, onto why they haven't invaded us," the boss continued, sighing heavily.
"Earth is a low-ranked world with zero magic power, so high-ranked aliens can't invade us.
That's why we're still alive. Only low-ranked beings, such as Rank 1 Bronze, are allowed on Earth."
The boss then introduced the ranking system, starting with the weakest:
Grand Master
Each rank is divided into early, mid, high, and peak stages.
"At the peak Bronze stage," the boss explained, "you will have the power of 10 average men. Your abilities are strong enough to bend steel bars with ease, jumping great distances and heights, breaking down doors and walls, punching through solid objects, creating shockwaves by clapping, running faster and for longer distances, and withstanding heavy blows without severe injury."
The early Silver stage offers the chance to awaken a random power, elemental or unique. Unique powers are often linked to what elemental power you get. Though there is also other Unique abilities that have nothing to do with elemental power.
"Keep in mind," the boss warned, "that the ranks above Elite are restricted to low-ranked beings and will not be accessible to us."
As the boss finishes explaining, the room is filled with stunned silence.
People exchange confused and worried looks, trying to process the information they just received.
Some appear to be in disbelief, while others seem to be deep in thought, trying to make sense of what they just heard.
A few people are openly worried, their brows furrowed and lips tight as they consider the implications of the boss's words.
Despite the heavy atmosphere, no one faints or loses control.
They all seem to be taking the information in stride, determined to find out more and understand the situation they are in.
As they start to ask questions and discuss among themselves, it becomes clear that they are all eager to learn as much as they can about this new reality they find themselves in.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I have been tasked with explaining the reason behind the invasion of our planet by extraterrestrial beings.
The situation is complex, and to truly understand it, we must look far, far away, beyond the limits of our imagination.
There is a war raging in the cosmos, a war between gods, and it has reached a scale that has already destroyed entire worlds, universes and galaxies.
Some of the aliens, from different species and even former enemies, have banded together to flee from the destruction and chaos of this war.
One such group consists of the Xenomorphs, a species known for their bloodthirsty nature. Yet, even they have chosen to cooperate in this dire situation.
The reason for their invasion of our planet is simple: Earth is home to life, and life on a planet is extremely rare.
The aliens do not have the power to wormhole away to another planet, and their search for a new home has led them here.
I know this news is difficult to hear, but it must be understood that the aliens do not want to invade us.
Their only options are limited, and the rarity of life on a planet, while common on a cosmic scale, has forced them to take desperate measures.
Earth has sustained life for billions of years, making it a valuable resource in the eyes of these beings.
They have no choice but to come to our planet and make it their own.
I assure you that every effort is being made to protect our planet and its people.
We must work together to find a solution that benefits all parties involved.
The reality of the situation is that life on a planet is a precious commodity, and we must do everything in our power to protect it. Thank you."