The third uncle is here

Han Zhu didn't know why he fell asleep after thinking about it. It must have something to do with his brain injury! He accidentally fell while helping his family with farm work, and the original Han Zhu died, but somehow he transmigrated into him.

Han Zhu shook his head vigorously. Just as he remembered to move around, a voice suddenly came from beside him: "Second Brother, you're awake!"

Han Zhu was taken aback for a moment, then quickly looked to the side, only to see a ten-year-old boy lying on another bed like him, and Han Zhu could be sure that this was the future Old Demon Han when he saw him at first sight. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Seeing his second elder brother staring blankly at him, Han Li thought there was something on his face, so he quickly wiped it off with his hand, but nothing happened.

Seeing his reaction like this, Han Zhu quickly reacted, smiled and said as he remembered: "Fourth brother, you got up so early too!"

Han Li quickly nodded with a smile. Seeing that Han Zhu was about to get up, he hurried over to support him and said, "Second brother, are you going out for a walk?"

Han Zhu nodded with a smile, touched his head as he remembered, and said, "I've been lying on the bed for a day and a night, and I want to go out for a walk, and I feel that my body has almost recovered."

Han Li nodded quickly and helped Han Zhu go outside. Han Zhu came outside and took a few deep breaths of fresh air. The air here is really fresh!

I don't know how many times better than Blue Star, the most important thing is that there is still aura in the air. I don't know if this body has spiritual roots. If there is no spiritual root, it will be troublesome.

Han Zhu looked at Han Li. If he remembered correctly, Han Li should be a four spirit root! As his older brother, it shouldn't be a problem for him to have a five spirit root, right?

Just as the two brothers were looking outside and thinking about their own affairs, a middle-aged couple came out from another house. Han Zhu and Han Li hurriedly greeted them. Father Han looked at Han Zhu and said, "Head!" Does it still hurt?" Mother Han also looked at him with concern.

Han Zhu smiled at the two of them quickly and said: "Father, mother and child are fine", and hurriedly walked a few steps in front of them. Seeing that he was walking smoothly, the two felt relieved.

Mother Han smiled and said: "Just now your third uncle sent a message, and he will come to see us at home in a few days." Han Zhu's eyes flickered when he heard this, and he thought to himself, it should be this time!

Originally, I thought there was enough time, but I didn't expect it to come so soon. In Han Zhu's memory, he only met this third uncle a few times when he was very young.

His eldest brother was an apprentice to an old blacksmith in the city, and it was the third uncle who introduced him to him. The third uncle often asked someone to bring food and food to his parents. He took good care of their family, so Han Zhu was also very impressed with this third uncle, knowing that even though his parents didn't say anything, the whole family was very grateful to him.

The eldest brother in the city is the pride of the family. I heard that being an apprentice blacksmith not only manages food and housing, but also earns 30 copper coins a month. When he is officially hired as a teacher, he can earn even more money. .

Whenever the parents mentioned the eldest brother, they would be in high spirits, as if they were a different person. They often talk about their eldest son to the neighbors.

Although Han Zhu and Han Li were young, they were envious. They also had the best job in their minds early on, which was to be taken as an apprentice by some craftsman in a small town, and they became decent people who depended on their crafts for a living.

As soon as Han Li heard that his third uncle was coming, he quickly asked, "Father, can I go to the city with my third uncle as an apprentice this time?" Seeing this, Han Zhu quickly said: "Father, I also want to go out with my fourth brother."

Father Han and Mother Han looked at their longing eyes, thought for a while and said, "I'll ask when your third uncle comes"! The two nodded quickly with a smile.

Time passed day by day like this. In these few days, Han Zhu has become very familiar with his family members, and he has slowly accepted this big family. On this day, he and Han Li were fishing by the stream to improve their food.

The little girl hurried over and said loudly: "Second brother and fourth brother hurry home, third uncle is here! He brought us a lot of delicious food."

When Han Zhu and Han Li heard this, their eyes lit up immediately, and they quickly ran up from the creek, and ran home without their shoes on. Seeing that the little girl was running slowly, Han Zhu quickly stretched out his hand to carry her behind his back, and ran home frantically.

If he guessed correctly, the third uncle should be taking them to Qixuanmen this time. The three of them arrived at the door of the house very quickly, Han Zhu grabbed Han Li who was about to run in, and said to him, "Fourth brother put on his shoes first, don't leave a bad impression on third uncle."

It was only at this time that Han Li came to his senses. He smiled embarrassedly, and the two quickly put on their shoes and tidied up their clothes. Then he walked in with his little sister.

As soon as the three of them entered the room, they saw a middle-aged man sitting there chatting with Father Han and Mother Han. The three hurried over to salute and said, "Hello, third uncle." The parents chatted with the third uncle.

The third uncle looked at them with a smile, looked at them for a while, praised him a few words such as "obedient" and "sensible", and then turned his head to talk to his parents.

Although Han Li was still young and couldn't fully understand what Third Uncle said, he understood the general meaning.

As a time traveler, Han Zhu soon understood that the restaurant where the third uncle worked belonged to a Jianghu sect called Qixuanmen, which was divided into outer sect and inner sect. He officially became an outer disciple of this sect.

Han Zhu was relieved to be able to recommend children aged 7 to 12 to participate in the test of Qixuanmen to recruit inner disciples. Fortunately, he is only 12 years old this year. If he is one year older, it will be over.

The five-year Qixuanmen recruitment test for inner disciples will start next month. This shrewd third uncle has no children, so he naturally thinks of the two Han brothers who are of the right age.

He originally meant that only one person could go, but this time he heard from his brother that he wanted both of them to go out.

Father Han, who has always been honest and honest, was a little hesitant when he heard the words "Jianghu, sects, etc., which he had never heard of before." There was no sound.

Han Zhu knew that Qixuanmen was the sect in the novel that Sanshu said. He was afraid that his father would disagree, so he hurriedly asked, "Does Sanshu get a lot of money if he joins Qixuanmen?" Sanshu was surprised glanced at him.

He smiled and said: "Naturally! It's one of the best sects within a radius of hundreds of miles. As long as you become an inner disciple, you will not only be able to practice martial arts for free in the future, you will not have to worry about eating and drinking, and you will also be able to spend more than one or two coins a month.

And those who participate in the test, even if they are not selected, have the opportunity to become outsiders like the third uncle, who specialize in managing the business outside the door for Qixuanmen."

When he heard that there might be a tael of silver a month and a chance to become a respectable person like the third uncle, Father Han finally made up his mind and quickly agreed.

Moreover, he wanted to ask both sons to go. The third uncle hesitated for a while when he saw this, but finally said nothing. After all, one more person has one more hope, and even if he fails, he can become an outer disciple.

The third uncle was very happy to see Father Han agreeing. He left a few taels of silver and said that he would come and take them away in a month, and during this period, he would make more delicious food for them to nourish their bodies so that they could cope with the test. Afterwards, Third Uncle said hello to Father Han and went back to the city.