Old Man Mo finally made a move

Han Zhu stood quietly in the woods. He had been waiting here for more than three hours, and the time he had agreed with Han Li had passed for more than two hours. He was wondering if something had happened to Han Li. There was movement.

As a five-level immortal cultivator in the Qi training period, although he does not have divine consciousness yet, his five senses are still very keen. He quickly looked out of the woods and saw a figure running towards the woods quickly.

As soon as he saw the figure, he knew that it was Han Li, and at the same time he was relieved. After all, they had been together for more than half a year, and the relationship between the two was still very deep. Han Li quickly ran to the middle of the forest, and saw a familiar figure looking at him with a smile.

As soon as Han Li saw this figure, he immediately let go of the uneasiness in his heart, and called out "Second Brother" kindly. Han Zhu nodded with a smile and said, "Xiao Li, come and sit quickly. I see that you are rushing over too." Bar! All sweating.

Han Li smiled embarrassedly, wiped the sweat off his face, walked to the stone that Han Zhu had prepared for him, sat down, and explained to Han Zhu embarrassedly: Today, Doctor Mo is assessing me and Zhang Tie. , so it's late.

Han Zhu smiled and said: It's okay! Anyway, didn't we make an appointment? Wait here for two hours. If you come later, maybe I will make a mark and go back. Han Li knew that his second brother would not blame him, and his heart immediately warmed up. Han Zhu then asked: How was the assessment today? Did you pass it?

Han Li, who was still smiling at first, suddenly became unhappy when he heard this. When Han Zhu saw this situation, he knew that there might be something wrong, and asked quickly: What's wrong? If you have anything to say to your second brother.

Han Li then told Han Zhu what happened during their assessment, and also expressed his own feelings. Han Zhu frowned when he heard this, and thought to himself: It seems that old man Mo wants to Shot them.

Han Zhu pondered for a while and said: This Doctor Mo is indeed abnormal, he must be plotting against the two of you. Han Zhu glanced at Han Li whose face was getting uglier, thought for a while and said, "Little Li" this matter Certainly not simple, our beware. Han Li also nodded seriously.

Han Li suddenly thought of something and asked: "Second Brother", have you ever heard of the "Elephant Armor Kungfu"? I always feel that this kind of kung fu is a bit evil, and the way Dr. Mo looks at Zhang Tie is like looking at a dead person.

Han Zhu glanced at the worried Han Li, and really wanted to tell him that this was indeed not a good exercise, but in the end he still didn't say anything. If he said it and changed Zhang Tie's fate, would Han Li be able to get the "hand-holding technique"? Tian Ping" he was not sure, he could gamble on anything, but he didn't dare to gamble on this matter, which was related to the future immortality of both him and Han Li.

Han Zhu pretended to ponder for a while and said: I have never heard of this technique. As for whether Dr. Mo has any plans for Zhang Tie, we can only wait and see. Nodded disappointed.

Then he seemed to think of something, and quickly asked: "Second Brother" I gave you the exercise book, are you still practicing? Han Zhu was stunned and asked: What's wrong with still practicing? Have you cultivated your true energy?

Han Zhu glanced at him, and immediately understood what he meant. It should be that his spiritual root is too poor, his cultivation speed is too slow, and the most important thing is that there is too little spiritual energy in the world here.

Han Zhu thought for a while and said: I feel okay, and now I have reached the fourth level of the exercises. Han Li's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Han Zhu in disbelief. He asked in a trembling tone: "Second brother", have you really cultivated that exercise to the fourth level? Han Zhu nodded affirmatively.

Seeing his disappointed expression, Han Zhu was afraid of hurting his confidence, so he quickly comforted him and said, "Xiao Li," you don't have to worry, maybe my talent in this aspect is better than yours, so the speed is a little faster. Han Li felt much better when he heard this.

Han Zhu was afraid that he would be thinking wildly, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Xiao Li..." The exercises we practiced together may not be ordinary exercises. Sure enough, as his words fell, Han Li's attention was immediately attracted. He looked at Han Zhu suspiciously.

Han Zhu coughed twice pretending to be serious, and then walked outside the woods to see if there was anyone there. Han Li was a little nervous because of his serious atmosphere. Seeing Han Zhu coming back, he hurried over and whispered Asked: "Second brother" what happened?

Han Zhu looked at him with serious eyes, "Xiao Li" I searched all the exercises available in the sect, and none of the exercises were the same as ours. Han Li looked at him in surprise, "Second Brother" are you sure? Han Zhu nodded firmly.

Han Li walked back and forth twice and said: "Second Brother" Maybe what Dr. Mo taught us is his family's practice, so it's different from the sect's practice. Han Zhu glanced at him and said indifferently: "We cultivate The zhenqi that came out was different from the zhenqi of others. Han Li fell silent when he heard this.

After several minutes, Han Li asked in a hoarse voice: "Second Brother" Then did you find out anything? Could it be that we are practicing evil skills? Han Li immediately stood there thinking wildly. Looking at his changing expression, Han Zhu knew that he was thinking wrong.

Do not worry! "Xiao Li..." This should not be an evil skill. Han Li was relieved after hearing this, and looked at him with doubtful eyes.

Han Zhu looked at him with puzzled eyes and explained: If it is evil kung fu, the true qi we cultivate should be different. You have only reached the first level now, so you don't feel much. I have already reached the fourth level. Feeling that this exercise is of great benefit to the body, he then exposed his skin.

Han Li looked at his second brother's skin in surprise, and pulled his sleeves to look at it. It was black and white, and Han Zhu shrugged helplessly.

Han Zhu went on to say: I even feel that my lifespan has increased. Even Han Li, who had been prepared for a long time, was still surprised by this sentence. He asked excitedly, "Second brother", how much do you think it has increased?

Looking at his excited eyes, Han Zhu also pretended to be happy and said: It should have increased by more than ten years! Han Li heard that Shi Da's whole body was shaking, and he said excitedly: If we practice this exercise to the sixth level, wouldn't it take another fifty or sixty years?

Han Zhu nodded. Han Li's guess was not bad. After all, mortals probably live to be fifty or sixty years old. Once an immortal cultivator enters the Qi refining stage, as long as he doesn't suffer any serious injuries, it shouldn't be a big problem for him to live to be 120 years old. Han Zhu went on to say: I feel that there should be a follow-up to this exercise, and Doctor Mo probably didn't give you the full copy.

Han Li calmly thought about it for a while and nodded, recalled it carefully and said: I often see Doctor Mo reading with a thick book. Once I saw the previous point, which is exactly the same as the exercise I gave me. At first he didn't think about that, but now he heard the reminder from the second brother, he immediately thought of it.

Seeing that Han Li had been put on the right track, Han Zhu pretended to ponder for a while and said: Regardless of whether Doctor Mo has plans for you or not, we must get the full copy from him.

Han Li nodded his head when he heard the words, and said with a twinkle in his eyes: Doctor Mo is going to collect medicines elsewhere this time, and it may take a month or two before he comes back. We will look for it then.

Han Zhu nodded and asked: When will he leave? Either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, Han Zhu thought for a while and said: We will meet here again in three days, Han Li nodded.

Seeing that it was getting late, Han Zhu said to Han Li: "Then let's see you in three days!" You should go back first so as not to expose your secrets. Han Li nodded, and then the two separated.