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Han Zhu stared at what was happening in front of him speechlessly. He didn't want to take care of Qixuanmen's serious business, but for the sake of Han Li's immortal order, he could only take a small risk. Han Zhu listened.

"This time... the one who... stole... the list..." Another burst of whispers came indistinctly, much clearer than before. At this time, the two should be closer to Han Zhu.

Judging from their incomplete conversation, it seems that the other party is going to take some kind of action that is not good for Qixuanmen in the near future, and this action has a lot to do with a certain list.

What surprised Han Zhu even more was that within the scope of his spiritual consciousness, there was actually a person he knew. You must know that during the time he stayed in Qixuanmen, he basically rarely went out in the dormitory, so the people he met were not There are many of them, and he does know one of them, because he is the steward of the kitchen. You must know that he still has to get his own food.

Han Zhu looked at the figure that was getting further and further away and shook his head. He didn't want to take care of this kind of crap. He just had to wait here for Master Jin Guang to come out. His goal was only the Ascension Token.

Time passed quickly, and two springs, summers, autumns and winters passed like this. At this time, in the courtyard of Shenshou Valley, two ordinary-looking youths were practicing duels. Flying, Han Zhu pretended to be depressed and said to Han Li: "Little Li can't imagine that in just a few years, you have already surpassed the second brother."

Han Li on the opposite side scratched his head in embarrassment, " cultivation base is higher than that of "Second Brother" you, so it's normal to win!" Han Zhu smiled without explaining. While the two were talking, a chaotic voice came from outside the valley.

Han Li frowned and said to Han Zhu who was facing him: "Second brother," the battle between Qixuanmen and the Wild Wolf Gang is getting more and more serious. Last time I treated an elder, how long has it been since there are more wounded people? coming.

all right! Take care of these things yourself! Han Li nodded and walked towards the door. Han Zhu looked at Han Li's back, thinking about the little things that happened in the past two years.

In the past two years, Han Li has successfully stepped from the sixth floor of the Qi refining period to the eighth floor of the Qi refining period by taking pills. Because of the disappearance of old man Mo, Han Li has taken over the entire Valley of Divine Hands. Now he is in Qixuan The status in the door is no lower than that of ordinary elders.

Han Zhu's own cultivation is only worth it. He has reached the eighth level of Qi Refining Stage, and he has carefully calculated that it will take at least three years to complete the Qi Refining Stage.

After all, the aura of the mortal world was too low, and he really wanted to abandon Han Li and go directly to the world of cultivating immortals, but finally resisted the urge.

After all, they have lived together for so many years, and their relationship has grown deeper and deeper. If they want to separate, at least they must first help him get the Immortal Order.

However, according to his budget, the Qixuanmen and the Wild Wolf Gang should have a fight within one or two months, so just wait! Although his progress in cultivation was slow, it wasn't because he had perfected other skills. Han Zhu opened his attribute panel and took a look:

Name: Han Zhu

Boundary: Qi Refining Eighth Layer

Spirit Root: Fire, Wood and Earth

Kung Fu: Changchun Kung Fu[Nine-story complete book]

Spell: Fireball [perfect, instant, damage increased by 100%]

Sub-profession: "Proficiency in Writing", "Three Swords of Immortals" [Perfect] "Mohist Medical Collection" [Perfect] "Huanglong Pill, Qingling Powder, Jinsui Pill, Yangjing Pill [Perfect alchemy success rate of 80%]

The first hang-up position: 76% on the eighth floor of "Changchun Gong" [1% increase for each small week]

Hang-up position: 1 [you can hang up any skills and spells all day long, without any bottleneck]

What surprised him was that the magic had reached a perfect state, and the damage could be doubled. In this way, his spells would be twice as strong as others in the future. Unfortunately, he has nothing to hang up now.

He originally wanted to find some mundane things to hang up, but he also secretly went to the Sutra Pavilion of Qixuanmen. There was not a book of exercises and martial arts that he could fancy, so he finally gave up and was honest. Really follow his immortal way!

Just as Han Li walked out of the door, a young man came up quickly, bowed and said, "Doctor Han, you are here. My master has been poisoned, and he is about to die. Please see if you can get rid of the poison."

As soon as this person approached, Han Li discovered that this person was familiar. He had met him several times. He was Ma Rong, the proud disciple of Elder Li, who was ranked fifth in the school. So they can be regarded as half acquaintances.

Poisoned? The disciple quickly replied: "Yes, my master fought with a master of the Wild Wolf Gang when he was going down the mountain to handle errands. In the end, he accidentally hit a dark green seed on the other side. At first, he didn't pay attention to it, and even shot him dead. ".

But who would have thought that as soon as he returned to the mountain, he would immediately become unconscious from the poison. Have you checked with other doctors? Of course I've looked for it, if it was a normal poisoning, I wouldn't bother Miracle Doctor Han.

Han Li nodded, returned to the valley, explained the situation to Han Zhu, and walked out with a medicine box on his back. Han Zhu looked at Han Li's back and shook his head helplessly.

As time passed, the battle between Qixuanmen and the Wild Wolf Gang became more intense. At this moment, Han Zhu was standing on an ordinary high mountain in Qixuanmen, looking at a middle-aged man below. This big man was Jia Tianlong whose expression had changed when Qixuanmen disciples talked about it.

Golden wolf Jia Tianlong was full of ambition at this time, his usually pale and dismal face was flushed a little because he was too excited.

It's no wonder he looks like this. After all, Qixuanmen, the lifelong enemy of the Wild Wolf Gang, will fall in front of him alive immediately under his careful calculation, which makes him, the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang , how can you not be proud!

He is now standing on the mountainside of Sunset Peak. It turns out that at a certain checkpoint of Qixuanmen, there are still many iron guards in red from the Wild Wolf Gang around him. He has spent a lot of painstaking efforts on these sixty or seventy iron guards. The soldiers who have been cultivated are not only superb in martial arts, but also loyal, and they have no second thoughts about him.

This group of people has always been regarded as a treasure by him, and he is usually reluctant to use them in daily battles, but at this time he brought them all by his side, in order to completely deter those small and medium-sized gangs who are about to move, otherwise the iron gun society, the water-breaking gate, etc. The big and small leaders of the gang, how could they obey orders so obediently.

After all, these gangs never want the Wild Wolf Gang to dominate, but hope that the two forces will always be in a struggle or balance, so that they can survive in the cracks.

If it hadn't been for Jia Tianlong's sudden control of all the family members and children of these leaders, and the promise of huge profits, these small and medium-sized gangs would have turned against each other long ago.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance back at the dozen or so small and medium gang leaders standing not far behind him. Each of these people looked downcast, and when they saw Jia Tianlong looking over, they either glared back angrily, or avoided looking at each other.

Seeing such a situation, Jia Tianlong smiled coldly in his heart. Looking back, he couldn't help thinking about how to annex these small and medium-sized gangs after taking down Qixuanmen.

Looking at the chaotic crowd below, Han Zhu felt like he was watching a monkey show. He didn't bother these people, but just watched quietly in the dark. The big fish he was waiting for was Venerable Golden Light, these small characters were not in his eyes, it was just a matter of a few fireballs.