
Three days passed in the blink of an eye. During these three days, Qixuanmen was very busy, and they were busy taking over the inheritance of the Wild Wolf Gang.

Because Han Zhu's huge fireball at that time was too powerful, together with Venerable Jin Guang, Jia Tianlong and some high-level officials of the Wild Wolf Gang, they were all burned to ashes.

Because Jia Tianlong was afraid of death, he followed Master Jin Guang all the time. Chi Yu was hurt, otherwise with his martial arts, he should have no problem running away.

It has been three days since the battle in "Shenshou Valley". Han Li walked out of Han Zhu's room, his expression was not very good. Li Feiyu and Zhang Xiu'er hurriedly walked over and asked, "Han Li, are you "Second Brother" hasn't woken up yet?"

Han Li shook his head helplessly and said: "Although "Second Brother" is seriously injured, there is a spiritual power in his body that maintains his body. Although I am still relatively proficient in medicine."

But I have never seen this kind of situation with "Second Brother", so I can only wait and see. If it really doesn't work, I can only take him to the place where the immortals live.

Li Feiyu looked at Han Li with complicated eyes. His former good friend had become a high-ranking immortal teacher in the blink of an eye. Even the sect master and the three ancestors had to be polite when they saw him. If he was not his good friend, Now in his eyes, he might just be an ordinary mortal!

The two looked at Han Li's worried eyes, comforted him a few words, and then left. They both knew in their hearts that they were not from the same world as him. attitude can be seen.

The most important thing is the super big fireball released by Han Zhu, "I can still see it vividly" and now there is a big crater 30 to 40 meters wide on the main peak of Sunset Peak.

Every time he thinks of that big pit, Li Feiyu's whole body is full of wit. He still remembers clearly that he was seventy or eighty meters away from the place where the explosion happened, but he was still blown away dozens of times by the huge impact. Mi Yuan, if he hadn't been blocked by a wall, he might have flown even further.

Li Feiyu gave Han Li a complicated look. From that moment on, they were no longer from the same world.

Han Li also looked at his former friend. Although Li Feiyu had come every day for the past three days, he could no longer feel the feeling of his former friend.

Although Li Feiyu didn't do it very clearly, but looking at him and his tone, there was deep respect. Han Li sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, it's just like what the second brother said, how can a person be like an ant?" Let's live together!"

He remembered clearly that when he and Li Feiyu were friends, the second brother comforted him like this. At that time, he just scoffed.

So what about the immortal cultivator, he is not the same as a mortal. Ever since he experienced the battle of the immortal cultivator this time, he has fully understood that it is indeed different. A mortal, even a mortal martial artist, is so fragile in the eyes of the immortal cultivator. No wonder he grew up so big, he had never heard of the legend of the immortal cultivator.

Han Li looked at the backs of the two going away, and heaved a long sigh. He knew in his heart that there might be no chance to meet again from now on.

Even if he comes back here in the future, he might already be old and dead. Han Li shook his head vigorously and threw these out. The most important thing now is the injury of his second brother. He secretly made up his mind to wait two more days if The second brother couldn't wake up for two days, so he could only go to the place where the immortals lived.

Time soon came to night, Han Li stayed by the second brother's side as usual, sat cross-legged next to him, took out a bottle of Yellow Dragon Pill, poured all of it into his mouth, and silently operated the cultivation technique, possessing the "Heaven Palm" Bottle", he is such a luxury.

Han Zhu felt like he had a dream. In the dream, he kept walking in the dark. He didn't know how long he walked. The time passed by like this bit by bit. in the dark.

I don't know how long I walked, but suddenly a bright light appeared in front of me. Han Zhu, who was walking in a daze, suddenly raised his head, and instinctively ran after the light. Finally, he came to the front of the light, which he hadn't seen for a long time. Seeing the light, he rushed in without hesitation.

In reality, Han Zhu's eyelids moved slightly, and then moved again. As time went by, the movement became bigger and bigger. When it reached a certain point, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Han Zhu looked around blankly, and it took him a while to realize, am I still alive? Won't cross again!

He hurriedly moved his head to look around, and when he saw Han Li sitting cross-legged on the left side silently performing the exercises, he let out a long breath. Uneasy, he quickly called out the attribute panel in his heart and looked at it:

Name: Han Zhu

Boundary: Qi Refining Eighth Layer

Spirit Root: Fire, Wood and Earth

Kung Fu: Changchun Kung Fu[Nine-story complete book]

Spell: Fireball [perfect, instant, damage increased by 100%]

Sub-profession: "Proficiency in Writing", "Three Swords of Immortals" [Perfect] "Mohist Medical Collection" [Perfect] "Huanglong Pill, Qingling Powder, Jinsui Pill, Yangjing Pill [Perfect alchemy success rate of 80%]

The first hang-up position: 89% on the eighth floor of "Changchun Gong" [1% increase for each small week]

Hang-up position: 1 [you can hang up any skills and spells all day long, without any bottleneck]

Looking at the attribute panel that appeared in front of him, he finally breathed a long sigh of relief. It seems that he is indeed still alive, and he was not dreaming just now. After all, he was in the darkness, and he did not know how many times he called the panel in his heart, but there was no response.

Only then did Han Zhu remember, and quickly used his spiritual sense to sweep his whole body, especially his heart. He remembered very clearly that the flying sword was inserted straight into his heart at that time, and it was inserted very accurately.

The only thing that comforted him was that with the death of Master Jin Guang, the flying sword gradually became a magic talisman. Under the scanning of the spiritual consciousness, it is obvious that there is a small gap in the heart.

Half of the spiritual power in his body poured into this wound. Although he didn't know that he had been unconscious for a few days, the wound only recovered a little bit. At this rate, it would take at least a month to fully recover.

Here I have to thank the super cheat, if it is not for it to hang up all the time, run the spiritual power all the time, supplementing his own consumption, he would have died hundreds of times.

Han Zhu looked at Han Li who was silently cultivating there, and suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. Is this the treatment of the protagonist? He was just a sneak attack and was almost killed. He is a straight-faced person, but he just vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. After a few days, nothing happened.

Hey... He blurted out a long sigh, and Han Li, who was cultivating, opened his eyes suddenly, and a "fire bomb technique" appeared in his hand in an instant. His consciousness swept around the room, and his whole body froze. When he came over, he quickly dispersed the "fire bomb technique" in his hand, and shouted excitedly: "Second brother" you finally woke up, and rushed over.