The Legend

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed, and Han Zhu's injuries were completely healed. In the end, Han Li was still defeated by Han Zhu's principles, and embarked on his journey alone. Han Zhu and Han Li went to pay a visit to the senior officials of Qixuanmen.

I thanked him for taking care of me here in the past few years, and I also specially explained that if his parents are not willing to follow them, in their territory in the future, they must take care of them more, and of course they should not be disturbed.

In order to be more effective, Han Zhu led the four of them to the back mountain, and once again used a huge "fire bomb" to move a small mountain into flat ground. In the end, they were given a sweet date, and each of them gave them a bottle of Qingling Powder, which is a holy medicine for healing for warriors.

Whether it is the head of the king or the three uncles, they are all respectful and respectful to them, and they can only nod their heads with smiles. Especially when they looked at Han Zhu's eyes, they were even more afraid.

Han Zhu is also very helpless! He didn't expect that the power of 200% would be so powerful. If he knew it, he would have sneaked a fart! A fireball hit it directly, and all the masters died, but now I was injured all over my body, and almost lost my life.

Han Zhu looked at Han Li who kept looking back at him, waved to him and said loudly, "Xiao Li, you can go at ease! I will take care of the family, remember to go to the place we agreed upon."

Han Li nodded his head desperately, resisting the tears of separation, and thought to himself: "Second brother is right, there will always be a day when the young eagle leaves the nest. If the cultivation level is high, you can protect the second brother and his family and never separate."

Looking at the figure gradually disappearing in front of him, Han Zhu heaved a long sigh of relief, finally being able to live the life of a normal cultivator.

Looking back at the two horses, there were two huge boxes hanging on one of them, which contained the century-old elixir that Han Li had ripened with the "Heaven Palm Bottle" during this period, and there was another one on his own horse. The package contained more than a dozen thousand-year-old elixir.

Han Zhu went over and patted the two boxes, and said to himself: "With you, I have the first start-up capital in the world of cultivating immortals"! There is a plan in his heart, and these elixir are the funds to start the plan.

It's better to go back quickly and take care of things at home! Now I can't wait to enter the world of cultivating immortals. Now that Han Li's trouble-making aura is gone, he should be able to live a good life!

Han Zhu turned over and rode on the hard-earned BMW given to him by Qixuanmen, and walked slowly on the way home. According to the distance, it would take at least five or six days to reach Qingniu Town.

Han Zhuzheng was walking slowly on the official road on two horses. On the neck of the horse was a standard map given to him by Qixuanmen. According to the marks on the map, it would take about 30 miles to walk, and there would be a crowd of tens of thousands of people. small town.

It is called "Heishi Town". It is rich in a kind of black stone, which is extremely hard and is the best material for building Dahang buildings. It is also one of the resource points of Qixuanmen, and it can bring tens of thousands of vehicles to Qixuanmen every year. silver income.

Two hours later, as Han Zhu approached "Heishi Town", he gradually met some mortals on the road, and the number of people gradually increased. Han Zhu rode a tall horse and came to the town soon. In front of the city gate.

All the people in this world who can ride a horse are from wealthy families or sects, so everyone who saw him on the road gave way. He didn't want to be so ostentatious, he couldn't go down and lead the horse by himself if he had no choice! How embarrassing that is, he is still a cultivator after all.

There are two disciples of Qixuanmen guarding the gate. As disciples of Qixuanmen, it is impossible to go to the gate. They just sit and drink tea under an awning. As for the gatekeepers, they are all disciples of small gangs and small sects.

The two people who were drinking tea suddenly saw a man riding two tall horses approaching, and hurriedly picked up the machete on the table vigilantly. The martial artist took out a token from his arms and threw it to them. This is when he left Qixuanmen.

The head king gave it to him, and said at the time that as long as he held this token, he could walk sideways within the scope of the Qixuanmen, and even mobilize the people and talents of the Qixuanmen branch.

The two took the token in doubt, looked at it, and quickly saluted Han Zhu. After seeing the adults, they respectfully handed over the token to Han Zhu.

Han Zhu took the token with a blank face, and led the horses to walk into the town, until his back disappeared at the gate of the town, the two dared to raise their heads, and looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

The short man next to him asked: "Brother, this must be too high-ranking!" The senior brother nodded seriously. What else did the short man want to ask, but the senior brother gave him a hard look, don't you know that there are some things that you can't ask indiscriminately?

The short man quickly shut his mouth, I'll go back and tell Hall Master Zhang first, and after finishing talking about the Lightness Kung Fu, I quickly ran towards the town.

Han Zhu rode his horse all the way to the largest restaurant in "Heishi Town". He looked up at the door sign, and saw that there was a sign of Qixuanmen next to it that said "Yingchun Building". It seemed that this was another Qixuanmen's industry.

A waiter who was entertaining guests at the door looked at Han Zhu who was riding on a tall horse, and at a glance, he knew that he was a son of a rich family, and quickly shouted respectfully: This young man doesn't know that you are eating! Still hitting the tip, Han Zhu looked at this scene that can only be seen in novels or TV, feeling very novel.

The shop clerk looked at the rich young man who was riding on the horse but kept silent, and asked carefully again: "Master, do you want to eat or play the top?"

It was only then that Han Zhu came to his senses, smiled at the waiter in a friendly manner, and imitated the words on the TV and said: I also eat fast, if you have a room, give me a room.

Seeing that the young master finally spoke, and that he wanted an upper room, the waiter in the shop was overjoyed and said, "Yes! Yes! Young master, please sit inside."

Han Zhu turned over and got off his horse. He only took the bundle hanging on his horse, and said to Xiaoer next to him, "Remember to move my two boxes into my room, and give me these two horses as the best. Feed. Alright! "Guest officer, please rest assured that it is definitely the best feed in our shop."

Han Zhu walked into the restaurant accompanied by another waiter, who asked respectfully, "Guest officer, do you want the private room or the lobby?"

Han Zhu said without hesitation: "Just in the lobby! Find a place near the window", then took out a ten tael silver coin from his arms, threw it to him directly and said: "Take the best dishes here Come up."

Xiao Er quickly caught the silver with his hands, and wiped it on his body very skillfully. He wanted to put it in his mouth and bite it, but looked at Han Zhu, and finally resisted the urge.

Xiaoer has become more respectful, "objective" how many days do you plan to stay?"? I will leave early tomorrow morning, remember that there are valuables in my box so that they cannot be damaged or lost, "guest officer" please Don't worry, this is the property of Qixuanmen, there will be absolutely no problems, with him who has spiritual sense, how can he rest assured that there is a trace of spiritual consciousness attached to the box all the time.

Only then did Han Zhu nodded in satisfaction, and waved to him. Xiao Er hurriedly saluted him, and went to the back to order the food.