
In the past few years, he and Han Li have also written several letters to his family, but unfortunately they have not received a reply. Thinking of this question, he hurriedly asked the third uncle who was on the way: Nian and Xiaoli also sent a few letters home, did you receive them?

We have only received one letter from your home, and returned one to you. Have you received it? Han Zhu shook his head speechlessly, it is understandable for such a thing to happen in such a backward world.

Then the third uncle told him about what happened at home in the past few years. His eldest brother, who had never met before, had already finished his studies and became a teacher, and entered into the master's family, taking the blacksmith's daughter. However, he has moved to a nearby big city called "Qingyun City" to live.

I didn't have any impression of this big brother at first, so I didn't say much on this topic, and asked quickly: I don't know how the little girl is, she should be eleven or twelve years old now, she is a big girl, in this backward world, It is normal to get married at the age of eleven or twelve, and it is even normal to have children at the age of eleven or twelve.

Thinking of a short and thin figure that appeared in the little girl's mind, the owner of this figure has been following behind him and Han Li, and the baby-sounding "second brother" and "fourth brother" kept yelling. He could remember clearly that the first person he saw when he came to this world was this little girl.

The third uncle smiled and said: "That girl has indeed grown into a big girl. Last month, someone introduced a landlord's son surnamed Liu to be engaged. Your father also asked me to go and have a look. That young man is not bad."

Oh! Han Zhu immediately became interested. Considering our family situation, there is actually a landlord who will take a fancy to our girl.

The third uncle smiled and said: I saw you two joining Qixuanmen, "Oh" Han Zhu nodded clearly, how does my sister feel about the marriage?

The third uncle hesitated for a moment, glanced at Han Zhu and said: I should be satisfied! After all, these matters are decided by your parents, and we have not asked her opinion.

Han Zhu just nodded and didn't continue the topic. He had to ask his younger sister personally, after all, the daughter of his old Han family was not so easy to marry.

He even wanted to test whether his little sister also had spiritual roots, after all, he had to have someone close to him help him with this big event, otherwise he would not be at ease.

In the next part of the journey, the third uncle basically talked about some family shortening, and it also talked about himself, who gave birth to a daughter three years ago.

Han Zhu was thinking about other things, just nodded perfunctorily. He was thinking about how to arrange for his parents. The world of cultivating immortals is too dangerous. Even if he has a hang-up plug-in, he dare not say that he can guarantee their safety.

After several hours of driving, Han Zhu and his third uncle came to a quiet small village together.

Han Zhu stood at the entrance of the village and looked at the stream in front of him. He vaguely remembered that time when he and Han Li were fishing in the stream. coming! He brought us a lot of delicious food.

Along the loess road, I finally saw a very familiar house from a distance. The low mud walls, the rows of straw piles, and the potholed path all made Han Zhu so familiar.

"Third Uncle" looked at Han Zhu who was standing there quietly in a daze, and didn't urge him, but just stood there quietly with him. Although Han Zhu hadn't shown real martial arts in front of him, there was something in Han Zhu's body. A sense of oppression, feeling like a fairy on high.

Suddenly the door of the Han family squeaked! As soon as it was opened, a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl came out of it with a basket on her shoulders. While walking, she turned her head and said, "Dad, mother, then I'll go and pick some wild vegetables."

Just turning her head around, she saw two people standing in front of her house. She was stunned for a moment, then recognized one of them, and exclaimed in surprise: "Third Uncle, why are you here?"

The third uncle smiled at her, pointed at Han Zhu next to him, and then the little girl looked over to the noble young man standing next to the third uncle.

Looking at the noble young master who was smiling and looking at her, she always felt a sense of familiarity. She seemed to have guessed something, and continued to observe with uncertainty.

Han Zhu looked at the little girl looking at his eyes, smiled and imitated her childhood appearance, walked up and touched her little head, the little girl opened her eyes instantly, and shouted in surprise: "Second brother" This feeling is too much. Familiar, she often dreamed of it in her dreams.

He fiercely hugged the "Second Brother" who was a head taller than himself, and Han Zhu hugged the little girl who was a little excited and trembling, and said with a smile: "Young girl, you are a big girl now, why don't you Like when I was a child, so easy to cry.

The little girl broke free from his arms in embarrassment, gave him a big white eye, and then hurriedly ran home, shouting as she ran: "Dad, mother, "Second Brother" is back."

The third uncle stood by and shook his head with a smile. Just as Han Zhu was about to go inside, two figures ran out of it. The middle-aged woman ran the fastest, and immediately ran in front of Han Zhu.

"Zhu'er" You finally came back, the woman's face was full of tears, Han Zhu looked at this face that was even older than before, and suddenly felt a little sorry.

In fact, he could have come back earlier, but for the sake of the Ascension Order, he chose to wait. Han Zhumeng knelt down on the ground, parents and children are not filial, and they didn't come back to see you until today.

Mother Han quickly pulled him up, "Zhu'er," get up quickly, as long as you can come back. Your father and I are nagging every day when you will come back, by the way, "Li'er"!

She reacted abruptly, and quickly looked behind. Even the father, who didn't talk much, quickly looked behind, but unfortunately, there was nothing behind except two horses and a carriage.

Han's mother suddenly became too anxious. Now they are not like five years ago, they don't understand anything, what is Jianghu.

Fearing that they might misunderstand, Han Zhu quickly explained. Quickly under his explanation, Han's father, Han's mother, and the younger sister breathed a long sigh of relief.

Father Han also nodded and said: It is indeed to take care of his master's funeral, after all, he taught you skills. Mother Han asked with concern: How long will it take "Xiao Li" to come back?

Han Zhu was immediately stopped by what his mother said, he thought for a while and said: Actually, I came back this time just for this matter.

My fourth brother and I have learned the skills and plan to go out on our own. This time, we just want to pick up our parents and you to go there together. The two of us were silent when we heard this, only the eyes of the little girl next to us flickered.

Han Zhu looked at the silent parents, and didn't hurry to urge them. He gave them enough time to think, and he also had to think about how to arrange the parents.

The third uncle stood by and saw such a situation! He hurriedly said: Brother and sister-in-law, let's go in first and talk about it later!

Okay, okay... Mother Han hurriedly took Han Zhu to the house. Han Zhu looked at the home that hadn't changed much, without any dislike. Although he is now a high-ranking immortal cultivator, he will always be that Han at home. cast.