The Crazy Han Li

Time passed like this for a day, and today the entire Mo family is immersed in sadness. Last night, several big gangs in the city sent several innate masters to attack the Mo family.

The third young lady of the Mo family was seriously injured in order to save her mother. Later, a mysterious master appeared in the Mo family and killed all the innate masters. It's a pity that the third miss of the Mo family still couldn't be rescued in the end.

Han Li slowly opened his eyes. He looked around in a daze, and slowly came to his senses. He remembered what he said with his second brother, and sighed a long time. It's time to leave...

Han Zhu walked in from the outside with a pale face. Han Li was taken aback by seeing his second brother's face, sat up abruptly, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you, second brother?"

Quickly took out a few medicine bottles from the bedside cabinet, Han Zhu waved at him, "I've already taken the medicine, it's not a big deal."

As soon as he finished speaking, he coughed violently, and quickly covered his mouth with his hands, and blood came out of his mouth. Han Li hurried over and used his spiritual power to suppress the rioting spiritual power in Han Zhu's body.

Seeing that the desired effect had been achieved, Han Zhu hurriedly circulated the spiritual power in his body, slowly suppressing the violent spiritual energy.

Seeing that "Second Brother"'s complexion slowly returned to normal, Han Li withdrew his spiritual power, and asked anxiously, "What happened to Second Brother?"

Han Zhu looked at him with a hesitant expression. Han Li suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. Han Zhu was silent for a while, and then said in a guilty voice: "Xiao Li, I'm sorry."

"What happened to the second brother?" Han Zhu was silent for a while, making the atmosphere even more sad, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Caihuan..."

"Cai'er, her, what's wrong? She's already gone." "Second brother, stop joking, this joke is not funny at all." Han Zhu lowered his head slowly, "It's true."

Han Li stood there in a daze before he ran out abruptly. Han Zhu looked at his back as he quickly disappeared at the door, shrugged helplessly, and followed him out.

Han Li ran to the hall of the Mo family in one breath, and saw that the entire Mo family was covered with white Ling Ling, and the closer he got to the hall, the louder the mourning sound.

Han Li stood quietly at the entrance of the hall. There was a red coffin in the hall. On the wooden sign in front of it was written: "The wood of the filial daughter Mo Caihuan".

"No, no, no... Cai'er, Cai'er..." Han Li rushed to the coffin, wanting to open it. The people next to him were taken aback and stopped him quickly.

Han Li erupted the spiritual power in his body and sent everyone flying. The coffin lid was opened with a "bang", and a beautiful pale face appeared in front of him.

"Cai'er, Cai'er...I am your elder brother Li! Open your eyes and take a look!" Then he scanned his entire body with his divine sense, and his divine sense only felt cold. He muttered in his mouth: "Impossible, this is impossible..."

We haven't seen each other for one night! who is it! Who killed her... A powerful burst of spiritual power shook the entire hall.

Everyone looked at Han Li in astonishment, especially those warriors, who showed shocking expressions. What kind of monster is this! Only then can such terrifying power erupt.

Han Zhu stood outside and looked at the crazy Han Li, fearing that things would go uncontrollable, he softly shouted: "Little Li can't be resurrected after death, don't bother her anymore."

He glanced at Madam Yan next to him, Madam Yan nodded, and quickly walked up to Han Li and said, "Han Li "Cai'er" is dead, what right do you have to make trouble here, we were assassinated last night where were you when

Han Li stood there in a daze, still murmuring: "Yes! Where was I when Cai'er was in danger?"

Han Zhu walked up and hugged Han Li, and said in a gentle voice, "Little Li, I can't blame you. No one thought that last night, several major gangs would join hands to attack the Mo family." Han Zhu then told him About.

In fact, all of this was also planned by him. He asked Mrs. Yan to convey wrong information to the spies in those gangs. This led them to send someone over to assassinate them.

Han Zhu glanced at it, and Han Li, whose eyes were getting redder, continued to make up: "There is even an immortal cultivator in the late stage of the Qi refining period. Unfortunately, I was held back by that immortal cultivator. When I knocked him back , when we rushed over, Miss Mo was seriously injured and was powerless."

Han Li raised his head with red eyes and asked, "They killed Cai'er, Han Zhu nodded heavily." Han Li looked back at Mo Caihuan's body again. When he turned his head again, his eyes were only cold.

"Second brother, I want to kill someone, go for it! That immortal cultivator has been seriously injured by me, go and avenge Miss Mo!" Han Li sucked a long sword from a warrior next to him, and strode outside.

Jiayuan City spent the whole day amidst the shouts of killing. All the big and small forces in the city, and all the high-level officials, all died in their own homes or gangs on this day. In one day, all the forces were wiped out, and the Jingjiao Society took over the entire Jiayuan City.

This is a small mountain with beautiful scenery. On the top of the mountain, there is a lonely tomb standing there. Han Li is standing in front of the tomb alone. He had been standing here for two days and two nights. Han Zhu and Han Xingyue were standing at the foot of the mountain waiting for him.

Han Xingyue looked at "fourth brother" standing there motionless, and asked worriedly, "second brother, fourth brother, is he okay?"

Han Zhu gave her a reassuring look and said: Don't worry! Your "fourth brother" will get over it. After all, he is Old Devil Han! If he can't even survive this, then he shouldn't be called this name.

The sky gradually darkened, and a figure slowly walked down from above. Han Xingyue saw "fourth brother" coming down from the top, and ran over happily and shouted, "fourth brother, you finally came down."

Han Li squeezed out a stiff smile, and said hoarsely, "I'm letting you down."

Han Zhu came over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Come back!"

Han Li looked back at the top of the mountain again, and the three of them quickly arrived at the restaurant where they lived. On the day Mo Caihuan's funeral was held, they had already moved out of the Mo family.

They lived in a restaurant called "Xiangjia Restaurant". The three came to Han Zhu's room. Han Zhu glanced at the silent Han Li and said, "Let's go after two days of rest! Find the existence of the cultivator."

Han Li nodded and said, "I'll listen to my second brother." Han Xingyue also nodded, "In that case, let's make this decision. You all go back and rest!"

Han Zhu looked at Han Li's back and nodded in satisfaction. It should have achieved the expected effect. Having reached the ninth floor of the Qi refining stage, he sensed a little, and saw that both of them had entered the state of cultivation.

He opened the window and jumped down lightly. Ten minutes later, he arrived at Mo Mansion, and soon came to a secret room, where Mrs. Yan and Mo Caihuan were waiting for him.

Seeing him walking in, Mo Caihuan hurriedly asked: How is Brother Han and "Brother Li" doing? Han Zhu looked at the anxious Mo Caihuan, and felt a little sore in his heart. It seemed that he was also a person who longed for a love.

Han Zhu was afraid that they would see something, so he said blankly: "Don't worry! Xiao Li has come out of the shadows now."

"Slowly make up his scars with time. You will also have something important in his heart. After all, it is your first love, how can you forget it. When you cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage and reshape your body, it is time to meet him." .

"It's just that this time will be longer, it may be a hundred years, or it may be a thousand years. Are you sure you can afford to wait?" Mo Caihuan said firmly: "In order to be able to be with brother Li forever in the future, even if it is ten thousand years, I will wait."

Han Zhu was soured again, is the protagonist's life so good? Whenever you meet a beautiful girl, you are willing to give everything for him. Why hasn't he come across such a good thing.

Han Zhu couldn't stay any longer, and said to the two, "We will leave in about two days, and I will come back to you in two years at most." Before they could answer, his figure disappeared into the secret room in a flash , I can't afford to hurt you! I can't afford to hurt...