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When several people were chatting happily, Han Zhu, who had the highest cultivation base, suddenly stopped talking and looked forward. Seeing this situation, several other people also hurriedly looked forward.

The dense fog in front suddenly rolled up, and then it seemed to be split open by someone with a knife, and a small path was separated for several people to walk side by side.

Seeing this situation, Wan Xiaoshan gave the three of them a reassuring look and said, "Okay, let's go!" He was so happy that he made a face at Han Xingyue, and rushed in excitedly.

Han Zhu shook his head with a smile and said, "Let's go too!" Han Li walked up worriedly and asked, "Second Brother, is Wan Xiaoshan really all right?

Han Zhu gave him an approving look, "After all, there are only a few elixirs. Although they are a bit expensive, they should not arouse his greed. I think this person is okay." The main thing was that he also recalled that Wan Xiaoshan was good to Han Li, and he was quite upright.

If it was another immortal cultivator who didn't know his character, Han Zhu would kill him without hesitation. After all, he is not the old nerd who just came to this world.

Seeing that his second brother was so sure, Han Li felt a little more at ease, and he was still vigilant against Wan Xiaoshan at all times, and would strike immediately if something went wrong.

Han Zhu looked at the trace of vigilance in the deepest part of Han Li's eyes, and nodded in satisfaction. He felt that he was about to bring Old Devil Han back.

Han Zhu walked in first, walking steadily and without hurry. In fact, I was so excited that I was dying, my exercises, my spells, my magic weapon, my fairy, here I come!

In Han Zhu's view, this short road is a road to heaven, and from then on this is the real difference between immortals and mortals.

The road looked very long, but after only a short walk, it came to the end of the road. When Han Zhu walked out of the intersection, he felt a sudden light in front of his eyes, and a green valley full of exotic flowers and plants appeared in front of him.

The valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the only exit is the hillside blocked by fog when Han Zhu comes in. At the same time, there was a system sound that had not moved for a long time in his mind: Ding... Found rich energy, adjusting to absorb...

Ding... The adjustment is successful, the energy concentration is 1.5 times, and all hang-up speeds are increased by 1.5 times. Listening to this wonderful voice, Han Zhu felt that his body was running 50% faster than usual, and he really wanted to laugh out loud.

Hastily covered his mouth with his hands, glanced left and right, hinting to himself in his heart: low-key, low-key...

Han Li also walked out with Han Xingyue at this time, looked at the blushing face of the second brother in surprise, and asked suspiciously: "Second brother, what's wrong with you!

Han Zhu took a few deep breaths of the rich aura, his face slowly returned to normal, he smiled calmly and said: The aura here is stronger than outside, so there is a little lack of oxygen when you come in.

Han Li quickly circulated the kung fu in his body, and it was indeed faster than the outside, but it wasn't as exaggerated as the second brother said! In the end, he could only conclude that "Second Brother" was better than his spiritual roots.

Embarrassed, Han Zhu hurriedly led them inside. The whole place is huge, covering an area of ​​more than a hundred acres. In the center, there is a large palace-style pavilion built with withered rails and jade, and some people dressed in strange clothes are coming out. In and out.

Whether it is the old otaku Han Zhu who traveled through time, or our protagonist Han Li, watching this miraculous scene, they all shouted frantically in their hearts, this is the real world of cultivating immortals.

And in the open space in front of the pavilion, there is a very wide blue brick square, in which there are many people like small vendors, setting up small stalls around the square.

In front of these booths, from time to time, one or two people would squeeze in front of them, take a look or ask a few questions in a low voice, but Han Zhu who was able to make a deal on the spot did not see many.

Seeing this scene, Han Li couldn't help taking a deep breath. This is the realm of cultivating immortals. The people here should all be cultivators. Seeing so many cultivators at once made Han Li a little dazed.

Han Li glanced at the second elder brother next to him, and saw that he was similar to himself, but he kept his face calm all the time, but the glances in his eyes completely betrayed him.

When Han Zhu saw Han Li looking at him, he gave an unnatural smile. He also wanted to pretend to maintain his composure, but his excited heart could not calm down.

Han Zhu shook his head lightly to wake himself up. He kept reminding himself that what he was going to enter was a cruel and ruthless world of cultivating immortals. Anyone here could easily kill them, so he had to be cautious and keep a low profile.

At the same time, he scolded fiercely in his heart: "The state of mind is still not enough."

Han Zhu and the others had just walked a few steps when they heard someone calling them in the distance. "Here, Brother Han! Brother Han" Han Zhu heard the words and looked towards the voice, and saw Wan Xiaoshan standing beside an old man in green clothes, waving to him non-stop.

Han Zhu quickly adjusted his mentality, regained his composure, and gave Han Li a look. Han Li nodded indifferently.

Han Zhu smiled slightly, walked quickly, and said as he walked, "Brother Wan walked so fast, I thought you had already left first!

Wan Xiaoshan smiled awkwardly and said, "I just met an elder here."

Quickly introduced to Han Zhu and the others: "This is Daoist Qingyan from Tainan Valley, he is a close friend with my father, and he and several other seniors co-hosted this Tainan meeting.

Han Zhu walked up quickly, and gave a salute that the junior had met the senior. Can't help but take a careful look at Qingyan real person. I saw that this old man was tall and thin, with broad shoulders and long hands, wearing a blue Confucian shirt, he had the look of a deity who had come out of the world.

It's just that his blue-stained face is really amazing! Seeing this, Wan Xiaoshan quickly said to the old man: "I just met these fellow Taoists outside the valley, although they are casual cultivators, we have a good chat.

Then he pointed at Han Zhu, especially Brother Han, who is so forthright, Shi Bo needs to take care of him more!

"The old man also looked at Han Zhu at this time, and suddenly he narrowed his eyes and said to Han Li: "Han Xiaoyou's wood attribute skills are well practiced!" He has already reached the ninth floor at a young age. This level is rare even in the Xiuxian family!

Then he glanced at Han Li and Han Xingyue again, but didn't say much. "Han Zhu heard Qingyan's praise, "I was slightly surprised, is the foundation-building cultivator so awesome?" "You can see through his skills and cultivation at a glance.

Now that he understands the situation, he doesn't dare to use his spiritual sense to scan randomly. At the same time, he secretly made a decision in his heart that he must buy a secret technique that hides his cultivation as soon as possible. He feels too insecure.

But on the surface, he still respectfully and humbly said: "Senior, it's absurd praise, it's just a fluke." Master Qingyan nodded indifferently, and didn't say anything to him anymore.

Instead, he turned his face to Wan Xiaoshan and said seriously: "Xiaoshan, several other members of your family have already arrived, and they are very worried about you, so they asked me to take you to see them as soon as I saw you, come with me now!

Hearing this, Wan Xiaoshan said with a bitter face: "Isn't it possible that my seventh sister and ninth brother are also here? I'm most afraid of their nagging, why don't you go?" Wan Xiaoshan was full of hope. Looking at Daoist Qingyan. Master Qingyan sternly said, "What do you think?

"Wan Xiaoshan replied dejectedly." Humph! You are quite courageous, you dared to hide it from your family and sneak out by yourself. If you meet some immortal cultivators with evil intentions on the way, you will have to confess your life here!

When Daoist Qingyan said this, he gave Han Zhu and the others a sideways glance, and Han Zhu immediately felt the pressure on his body. I fucked in Han Zhu's heart, old man, you actually played tricks, but fortunately, this sense of consciousness disappeared soon. If my cultivation base is higher than yours, I will destroy you in minutes.

Now he can only pretend to be a grandson, Han Zhu pretended not to understand and saw Qingyan's eyes, bowed to the two of them and said, "Since Senior and Brother Wan still have something to do, let's take our leave first."

Wan Xiaoshan just wanted to keep him for a while, but was stared at by Daoist Qingyan. He could only smile bitterly and said, "Brother Han, I'll go back first, and I'll talk to you when I have time."

Han Zhu smiled and nodded, looking at the backs of the two going away, heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart, and educated Han Li and Han Xingyue next to him: "Like this kind of old fox, try to deal as little as possible, otherwise what Those who are calculated don't know." He couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead with his hands.

I was almost scared to pee, after all, the two of them are not at the same level of life, when the old bastard looked at him just now, he actually suppressed him with his spiritual sense. Sure enough, people are sitting at home, and the disaster is coming from the sky!


note: I hope you liked today's chapters, tomorrow there will be more!!