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Han Zhu still stood there with that expressionless expression on his face, and the stall owners next to him cast false glances in this direction. The eyes are full of fear, greed, and envy.

The middle-aged monk quickly counted the pair of items. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "Senior has already made it clear, it is worth 83 spirit stones in total."

Han Zhu took a deep look at him, the middle-aged monk was sweating more, and his legs were trembling a little. Only then did Han Zhu calmly say, "Just give me 80 spirit stones! You have to earn as much as you want."

The middle-aged monk quickly saluted him: "Thank you, senior." Han Zhu glanced at his booth and asked, "Do you have any common sense about the world of cultivating immortals, such as the introduction of spiritual materials and medicines?"

The middle-aged monk was stunned for a moment, and when he realized it, he nodded quickly and said: "Some seniors, originally he wanted to take the books on the booth, but finally he gritted his teeth and took out two books from the wooden box next to them. Pass the jade slip to Han Zhu."

Han Zhu used his spiritual sense to control the two jade slips and flew them into his hands. He threw it into his storage bag without looking at it, and reached out again to take a small cloth bag handed over by the middle-aged monk.

I scanned it with my spiritual sense, and there are exactly 80 spirit stones inside. This spirit stone is about the size of a thumb, and the color is the same as the white jade in the previous life. The only difference is that it is full of spiritual energy.

Han Zhu took a look at the middle-aged monk, and then strode away. The middle-aged monk waited until his figure disappeared into the crowd before he let out a long sigh of relief.

Several stall owners next to him came over and congratulated the middle-aged monk: "You are lucky Zhang Daoyou! This time I made another fortune."

The middle-aged monk hurriedly cupped his hands to the crowd, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "I made a little profit, but it almost scared me to death."

Several people said sourly: "If I can earn so many spirit stones in a day, then I want to be scared every day." The middle-aged monk hurriedly saluted everyone and took the booth away.

Han Zhu was wandering among the crowd at this time, and he didn't care about what happened just now. He has been in this world for several years, and he should be ruthless. He didn't feel ashamed at all for squeezing that middle-aged monk just now.

Han Zhu took out a spirit stone from the storage bag in his arms and held it in his hand. Unfortunately, there was no notification sound from the system. Han Zhu shrugged helplessly. He had already guessed this result. There was not much disappointment in my heart.

At the same time, the idea of ​​becoming a formation master became stronger. After all, the gathering spirit formation is arranged here, so the aura is higher than that outside.

He often let out a sigh of relief, let's see if there are any books about formations for sale! Then he walked around here.

Han Li was taking Han Xingyue to wander around the edge of the booth. Those who didn't have a single spirit stone could only stare greedily at the treasures of geniuses and exercises.

Han Xingyue, who was next to him, followed him obediently, "Second brother told her that these people in the world of cultivating immortals eat people and don't spit out their bones."

Han Li, who was strolling leisurely, suddenly heard a sentence from the side: "Why is fellow Taoist standing here alone, are you waiting for a friend?" As for Han Xingyue beside him, he didn't even take a second look. Monk's sorrow.

A clear voice suddenly came from behind Han Li, which shocked Han Li. Han Li turned around slowly, and saw six or seven people standing not far behind him, and the one who was talking was an immortal cultivator dressed as a Taoist priest in his twenties.

This person was white-faced and beardless, with regular features and a whisk on his arm. He was looking at Han Li with a smile. Han Li frowned and asked, "Fellow Daoist, what can I do?" Han Li ignored the other party's question, and instead replied with a blank expression.

"Hehe! Don't get me wrong, I don't have any malicious intentions when I'm looking for fellow daoist. I just saw fellow daoist standing here alone, looking very curious about everything here, so I guess you are a casual cultivator who went to the meeting alone, and just want to come up and make friends." .

Han Li looked at the little girl next to him, pointed with his finger and said, "Isn't my friend a human being?

The cultivator was taken aback by what he said, and quickly apologized to Han Xingyue: "It's a dream wave, please don't blame me, little fairy." The little girl snorted coldly, and stopped looking at them.

That cultivator didn't care either. If it wasn't for the fact that Han Li had the eighth level of Qi Refining Stage, he wouldn't bother to talk to this little girl. Continuing to say to Han Li: "We and the others are all casual cultivators, just like your Excellency."

Han Li originally wanted to reject them directly, but remembered the teaching of his second brother, one more friend has many paths, not everyone is a bad person.

He also cupped his hands to a few people and asked, "Are you all casual cultivators?" "Yes, if you are a casual cultivator, you'd better go with me, so that everyone can take care of each other at this meeting." ".

"This time it was a young woman with a handsome face but a scar on her face who spoke this time. Beside her was a big man with a beard and a knife. They seemed to be a couple.

"Yes, the casual cultivator who participated in the trade fair alone in the past years was often bullied by people from the big family because he was alone and lonely!" The two sang together and talked there. As a rookie, Han Li was soon dizzy by their rationale, and nodded in approval.

Hearing what the two said, Han Li somewhat understood what the other party meant. These casual cultivators who went to the meeting were afraid of being bullied by the members of the Xiuxian family at the meeting, so they automatically gathered together and formed a small group, trying to form a certain self-protection ability, so they looked for lonesome like him everywhere build.

Han Li's eyes flashed, and he said perfunctorily: "I'm still waiting for a friend, he should be back soon."

The few people heard the words and didn't say anything. One more friend and one more way, they also waited here with Han Li and the others.

Han Zhu was squatting in front of a stall, and a stall owner in his twenties was watching him nervously. He said in a trembling voice: "Senior, I need at least twenty spirit stones for this book of formations."

Han Zhu frowned, and said with a straight face: "I just asked the booth in front, he only needs three spirit stones, why are yours so expensive?"

The young monk hurriedly explained: "Senior, mine is different from theirs. Theirs are just common ones on the market, and generally there are only one or two formations. Mine has been passed down from generation to generation in our family. It is recorded in it. With five formations."

Han Zhu suddenly became interested, and asked the young man, "Can I take a look first?" The young man hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

Han Zhu picked up the encyclopedia of formations and opened the first page, only to see that it reads: formations, the movement of heaven and earth, everything in the world comes from formations. Han Zhu looked at these two domineering words and nodded.

He was quite acknowledging this point. He continued to look through it, and the first one was the Spirit Gathering Formation. According to the above records, as long as you keep adding formation eyes and formation lines to any formation, its power will become stronger.