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Taoist Qingwen quickly called the little monk up, and everyone looked at Han Zhu. In fact, they just wanted to find out if his family property was rich and whether it was worth taking the risk. After all, the monks on the ninth floor of Qi Refining are not so easy to kill, and maybe two fellow Taoists are missing.

Han Zhu had also guessed this kind of situation long ago. He had planned for a long time, and took out three wooden boxes from the storage bag without any haste. Everyone looked at the three wooden boxes floating in front of Han Zhu, and they all revealed Gave a greedy look.

Because the elixir was not packed in a jade box, there was a faint scent of the elixir. Everyone was an old bird in the world of cultivating immortals, and they could guess by smelling the elixir that it was at least a century-old elixir.

Han Zhu looked at the greedy eyes of the crowd, the aura in his body passed through his dantian, and the powerful spiritual pressure swept across the crowd in an instant, and everyone quickly reacted and withdrew their greedy gazes.

Taoist Qingwen pretended to cough lightly and said: Senior Han really has a rich family background, these three elixir are at least a century-old elixir!

In fact, the panicked group in Han Zhu's heart is afraid that these casual cultivators will fight him desperately for these elixir plants. In this way, his plan will not be stillborn, and even the three of them will be in danger.

He squinted at Han Li who was sitting there. As the person who knew him best, although he appeared to be as stable as an old dog, his eyes that kept promiscuously betrayed him. touch.


After all, last time Master Jin Guang nearly wiped them out. If these people went up together, they would definitely end up in the same boat. Han Zhu quickly stabilized his mood. With a chuckle, he opened the three wooden boxes with a wave of his hand, and a more intense medicinal fragrance wafted out.

A young man named Wu Jiuzhi, with two eyes that were bigger than a copper bell, exclaimed in surprise: "Century-year ginseng", "Century-year golden leaf grass", "Century-year Lingzhi", and the aura is so abundant.

Hu Pinggu was also the boss with phoenix eyes at this time, and asked in a trembling voice: "Senior Han Han... I wonder what you want to exchange for these elixir?"

Han Zhu glanced at everyone, and said calmly: "Magic Artifact", several people fell silent when they heard the name, and Hu Pinggu and his wife looked at each other, as if they had made a certain decision.

Hu Pinggu patted the storage bag, and a flying knife-shaped magic weapon flew out of the storage bag, and said to Han Zhu: "Senior Han's "Flying Cloud Knife" is a middle-grade magic weapon. , it has two characteristics, one is extremely fast, and there is no sound when attacking. The other is that it has the attribute of wind, and it can release two wind blades to attack while attacking the enemy."


Taoist Qingwen looked at the magic weapon of the flying knife, his expression changed, and he recovered quickly. Han Zhu made a light move with his hand, and the "Flying Cloud Knife" landed in his hand. Using his spiritual sense to sense it carefully, there was a forceful wind and sharpness, and the piercing spiritual sense felt a slight pain.

It was the first time Han Zhu saw the magic weapon, he couldn't help touching it carefully, looked up at the slightly nervous two people, smiled and said: "I like this magic weapon, you can choose one for yourself! "

When the couple heard Han Zhu's words, their faces showed ecstasy. They quickly put the wooden box of "Centennial Golden Leaf Grass" into the storage bag, and looked at the people around them vigilantly.

I saw a few people showing regretful expressions, and some even had a twinkle in their eyes. "Centennial Golden Leaf Grass" is the most precious of the three elixirs. It is the main material for refining several kinds of elixirs, and even fewer have reached a hundred years. With this elixir, the two of them should have Can break through to the eighth floor of the Qi refining period.

If it is sold in the market, at least two or three hundred spirit stones can be sold, which is much higher than ordinary hundred-year-old medicines. Han Zhu also knew the preciousness of this elixir. If they took out a low-level magic weapon, they would definitely have no choice but to give them "Centennial Ginseng" or "Century Spirit".

Han Zhu took a look at everyone, and said calmly, "Are there any other friends you want to exchange? If not, I'll put them away."

Taoist Priest Qingwen hesitated for a moment and said, "I only have one magic weapon, Senior Han, so I wonder if I can exchange it with a high-level talisman?"

Han Zhu immediately became interested, "I don't know what high-level spirit symbol you want to exchange with me." Qingwen Taoist gritted his teeth, and took out a golden talisman from his storage bag.

Everyone took a breath when they saw this talisman, including Han Zhu and Han Li. The two felt a little familiar from this talisman, and looked at each other. Han Zhu made a light move with his hand, and the golden talisman came into his hands.

Han Zhu looked at the lifelike little golden sword painted on the talisman and felt the fluctuation of the aura of the talisman. He was completely sure that it was the flying sword talisman used by Master Jin Guang, and its power was several times stronger than that one. .

Taoist Priest Qingwen saw that Han Zhu was looking at him, and quickly explained: "Although it can't be compared with a magic weapon, its power is comparable to a high-grade magic weapon." The people around took a breath.

Han Zhu looked at the flying sword talisman in his hand, and asked calmly: "It should have a limit on the number of times!" Taoist priest Qingwen nodded and said: "Senior Han really has a lot of knowledge. It does have a limit on the number of times it can be used nine times in total. I have already used it seven times, and now I can use it twice."

In order to show its strength, he went on to say: "Last time I met a monk of the same level and killed him with one blow. Everyone took a deep breath again, with a little fear and greed in their eyes.

Han Zhu looked at the talisman in his hand, and asked tentatively: "It seems that one elixir cannot be exchanged, and I will give you both." Taoist priest Qingwen nodded without hesitation, and wiped the two wooden boxes with his palms, and the two wooden boxes disappeared in front of him.

Han Zhu was fooled by his operation. He originally thought that if he disagreed, he would take out another elixir. After all, this is a real life-saving thing. If it is used well, it can even threaten people. Ordinary foundation period. Unexpectedly, Taoist Priest Qing Wen agreed without hesitation, without even mentioning the price.

Han Zhu couldn't help but take another look at Taoist Priest Qingwen, this kid isn't up to anything! One must know that the flying sword talisman in his hand is no worse than the middle-grade magic weapon "Feiyun Saber" just now, and even better under certain circumstances.

He can understand that the couple are willing to trade middle-grade magical artifacts. What's the situation with this Qingwen Taoist priest? Could it be that there was something wrong with this talisman? Uneasy, he scanned it several times with his divine sense, but unfortunately, he still found nothing.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Taoist Priest Qingwen had been stuck on the eighth floor of the Qi Refining Stage for 8 years. This Ascension to Immortal Conference was his last chance, and he hadn't even hoped for it.

As for why he traded such a precious talisman, the main reason is that even if he snatched it, everyone would have to share it. If Han Zhu really only had these three hundred-year-old elixir, it would be fine if he could get one by then. He was not sure about entering the ninth floor of the Qi refining period.

The most important thing is that the magic talisman can only be used twice, and it can only kill two people at most. An old man like him usually appears last, so he must not be the one who died.

Compared with these things, cultivation is the most important. If he broke through to the ninth floor of the Qi Refining Stage, he would have a great chance to join those big sects. Even if he couldn't join, at least he would have a chance to hit the Foundation Establishment Stage. As for the magic talisman, he would eventually return to his hand.

Foundation building! That's what everyone dreams of. Han Zhu looked at the remaining people, and looked at himself with longing eyes. To several people, he said calmly: "I only have these three hundred-year-old elixir on me. If you want, how many more do you want?"

The crowd withdrew their eyes in disappointment, Taoist priest Qing Wen hurriedly cupped his hands and said to everyone: "Fellow Taoists, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Now he can't wait to find an alchemist to refine these two elixir into pills. If he can break through to the ninth floor of the Qi refining period before the trade fair, then this time the matter will be more assured.

Without waiting for everyone to say anything, they just saluted Han Zhu and walked down with big strides. Hu Pinggu and his wife hurriedly bid farewell to everyone, saluted Han Zhu, and left quickly.

Wu Jiuzhi and Huang Xiaotian looked at each other, said goodbye to everyone, and left the attic quickly, and then they said goodbye one by one, even the kind-hearted little monk left.

Han Zhu looked at the backs of the people leaving, and thought to himself: This casual cultivator alliance will not be broken like this!