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Shopkeeper Tian put the jade slip aside, and with a wave of his hand, another purple jade slip flew into his hand.

Han Zhu sensed it with his spiritual sense, and there was a taste of time. Shopkeeper Tian said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Han should also feel it! This body training method existed in ancient times, but unfortunately, no one practices it anymore in this era."

Han Zhu looked at him suspiciously. Shopkeeper Tian sighed before saying, "I heard that in ancient times, our ancestors didn't know any cultivation skills, and all of them focused on body training. It wasn't until later Slowly created the Qigong method."

"The name of this exercise is "Star Body Training Jue", and it is a top-level body training exercise that has been handed down since ancient times." Han Zhu was surprised once again, and there were two consecutive books that did not appear in the novel. It seems that the novels are indeed mentioned in one stroke, and many details are not described. It seems that we need to pay more attention to this aspect in the future.

Soon he learned that this "Star Body Training Jue" is indeed a practice of ancient times, and there is no hierarchy for this practice. In fact, it is simple and easy, and it is difficult to say, he can just absorb the power of the stars or spiritual energy, but compared with the power of the stars, it is at least twice as slow. In the body and in the meridians, a star point is opened up, and these star points will continuously absorb the power of the stars to strengthen the body.

The more Han Zhu listened, the brighter his eyes became. Seeing his appearance, Manager Tian didn't try to persuade him. After all, he is just a businessman. But for the sake of the three thousand-year-old elixir, he still reminded: "Fellow Daoist Han, do you know why the current monks don't practice those ancient skills?"

Han Zhu thought for a while and said: "It should be because the concentration of spiritual energy is much lower than that of ancient times!" Shopkeeper Tian nodded, then shook his head and said: "This is also an important aspect. The most important thing is the ancient exercises. Although they are powerful, their cultivation speed is too slow. In ancient times, because of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and The power of the stars is sufficient, so people live longer than the current people.

"In the ancient times, there was no theory of refining Qi, building foundations, and golden pills. Generally, they were first-tier, second-tier, and third-tier. According to those ancient records, even a first-tier monk has a lifespan of at least 1,000 years."

When Han Zhu heard this, his heart didn't fluctuate much. Seeing that he was still in the same state, shopkeeper Tian stopped persuading him, and continued to introduce the next two jade slips.

One of them is that there are three middle-level spells, one middle-level elementary "Fire Snake Art", the middle-level "Yujian Jue", and one middle-level high-level "Guiyuan Lingjia".

These spells are all middle-level spells, and they are all spells used in the Foundation Establishment and Golden Core Stages. Of course, the ninth floor of the Qi Refining Stage can barely be used, as long as your spiritual power can support it.

Han Zhu was quite satisfied with these three spells, he just clicked on them. After taking a fancy to the last jade slip, shopkeeper Tian stopped procrastinating and introduced directly: "There are a total of six formations here, each of which can affect monks above Foundation Establishment, if you keep going to the formation Adding formation eyes and formation patterns inside, even Jindan Nascent Soul can fight a fight."

The "Five Elements Reversal Formation" is known as the "Small Forbidden Formation", which can cover up the mountain gate and confuse the enemy. "Stonefall Formation" is one of the simplest earth attribute formations. The "Four Elephant Formation" is used to trap the enemy, and the "Tianfeng Furious Formation" has a wider range, which can cause headaches for monks in the foundation building period. The "Phantom Walking Heaven Array" has a wide range, which can cause headaches for monks in the foundation building stage. "Spirit arresting array" is an array that can cover up the aura.

Shopkeeper Tian looked at Han Zhu who was meditating there, and didn't bother him, but just waited quietly. After a few minutes, Han Zhu still did not give up and asked: "Is there really no exercise that can cultivate spiritual consciousness?"

Shopkeeper Tian shook his head with a wry smile, "Fellow Daoist Han won't sell such exercises. I can assure you that even our entire country of Yue won't have one."

Han Zhu could only shake his head helplessly. In this regard, it seemed that Han Li could only rely on Han Li to obtain the Dayan Jue from the Dayan God Lord. Han Zhu thought for a while and said, "Then do you have a formation that condenses the power of the stars?"

Shopkeeper Tian glanced at him, and still said: "Yes, there is one, but I advise fellow Taoists, let's practice with other exercises!"

Han Zhu smiled at him, took a jade slip he handed over, and scanned it with the god stone. It recorded a formation method for receiving and guiding stars, and the name was very simple, it was called "the formation of receiving and guiding stars". ".

Han Zhu looked at the things on the table and said: "Even if you give me all these things, it shouldn't be worth the value of these three elixirs!"

Shopkeeper Tian could only nod helplessly, as this kid had already seen through him. He originally wanted to fool or haggle over the price, but he could only say helplessly: "In addition, I will make you up to 8,000 spirit stones."

Han Zhu thought for a while and finally clicked. In the end, he replaced the 8,000 spirit stones, 5,000 of which were middle-grade spirit stones. Too precious, shopkeeper Tian disagreed.

Han Zhu swept all the things into the storage bag, cupped his hands to shopkeeper Tian and said, "I am very satisfied with this transaction, shopkeeper Tian. If there is a chance next time, we will continue to cooperate."

Shopkeeper Tian sent them out the door with a smile. Looking at the backs of the two of them going away, Shopkeeper Tian's eyes flickered, and finally he looked back.

He still decided not to take this risk. The most important thing for him now is to establish the foundation. Just as shopkeeper Tian walked in, a middle-aged monk came out of it.

When shopkeeper Tian saw him, he saluted quickly and said, "Are you going out, Zhang Gongfeng?" Zhang Gongfeng just nodded, gave him a warning look, and strode out.

Shopkeeper Tian looked at the back of Zhang Gongfeng going away, and finally walked back without saying anything, sighed. Han Zhu, who was walking on the road with the little girl, soon felt that his spiritual consciousness locked him, although it was very secretive.

If he hadn't been vigilant all the time, he definitely wouldn't have found it. The corner of Han Zhu's mouth showed a smile, and he took the little girl directly to Huang Fenggu's office.

Zhang Gongfeng, who was following five or six hundred meters away, frowned as he looked at Han Zhu's direction. Han Zhu brought the little girl to a tall attic, only to see "Huangfenggu shop rental office" written on the house number.

Han Zhu stepped in with the little girl, and saw that the whole living room was very spacious. There were three windows in total, two of which were occupied. Han Zhu looked at the third window and walked over.

Looking into the window, an elderly monk was taking a nap there. Han Zhu tapped on the table lightly and said, "My fellow Taoist, I'm planning to rent a shop here, but I don't know what procedures to go through"?

The elderly monk who was dozing off slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Han Zhu, and saw that he was a ninth-floor monk in the Qi refining period, and he was not dressed like a casual monk, so his face looked better.

However, his tone was not very good. After all, as a disciple of the great sect, even an outer disciple is better than them. He took out a painting from the side, and when he opened it, a three-dimensional view of the entire city appeared on the painting.

Facing Han Zhu impatiently, he said: "The green dots are not rented out, and the red dots are rented out, and the price is also on it. You can see for yourself! Just let me know when you are sure."

Han Zhu just nodded indifferently, and looked at this 3D-like picture. As for him, he was not surprised when he saw this. Things that cannot be done can be easily done in this world. This is extraordinary power.