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Seeing his expression, the old man quickly struck while the iron was hot and said, "Nephew Han, you must know the nature of your spiritual root too!

To be honest, even if he takes the Foundation Establishment Pill based on his nephew's aptitude, the chance of success in Foundation Establishment is very slim! At most, the Foundation Establishment Pill can be used to improve the magic power of the nephew, and it can only upgrade the basic skills to two or three levels!

If so, this Foundation Establishment Pill would be too wasteful! As far as my nephew is concerned, it would be better to exchange this thing for something more practical, which would be more cost-effective, if..." The old man began to bait Han Li frequently.

On the surface, Han Li seemed to be listening attentively to this Master Ye's long speech, and he was already extremely angry in his heart. If his cultivation base is higher than this old man now, he might be killed with a single slap.

In the end, Han Li resisted the impulse. Of course, no matter how impulsive he was, it would be a joke in front of a foundation-builder, and he himself understood this very well. The main thing was that when he first arrived, his second brother told him, so It's bound to happen.

Only reluctantly agreed to the other party! As for my own foundation building, I have to find another way in the future. I still have the small bottle of "Zhangtian Bottle". As long as I have the formula and time, I can't make any pills, right! I also need to prepare a few copies for my second brother and younger sister."

After Han Li thought about the pros and cons, he made up his mind, but the knife that should cause the other party to bleed profusely must be severed.

So he put on a troubled look on his face, a frown. "Uncle, it's not that the juniors disrespect the elders, this Foundation Establishment Pill is extremely important to the nephew! Even if the junior's aptitude is a bit weaker, isn't there still a glimmer of hope?

But if you give up this opportunity to build a foundation, the junior will really miss the Dao in this life! "The old man couldn't help snorting when he heard Han Li's words!

He thought to himself: "With your aptitude, you want to think about Dao affairs. You are really overwhelmed." But on the surface, the old man continued to persuade him from various aspects, and made a lot of empty promises, and continued to act. The pressure shook Han Li's determination and made him agree to exchange Jidan.

After hearing these empty words, Han Li sneered a few times in his heart. But the words that became weaker and weaker came out of his mouth, which made the old man even more energetic, and he kept asking higher and higher prices.

"Martial nephew! If you are willing to give up the foundation pill, I will let you choose any chores that the disciples in the valley must do!" Seeing that Han Li was in a situation where he seemed to agree but did not agree, the old man finally used it. own trump card. "Certain chores?"

Han Li was really stunned this time. Do you still need to do miscellaneous things to join the sect? It's not that joining a sect requires you to concentrate on practicing.

"Yes, you must know that the low-level disciples of our Huangfeng Valley must complete certain delivery tasks every month. For example: go to several mining sites to supervise the miners' mining, work as a deacon disciple in the square city opened by our gate, and take care of the children in the valley. Miscellaneous tasks such as spiritual birds and animals, and planting some spiritual roots and strange medicines.

Then, depending on the specific situation of the completed work, some low-level spirit stones will be distributed to these disciples on a monthly basis as a reward.

As for my uncle, I am the steward in the valley who is responsible for allocating such work. So if the nephew and nephew like what kind of work, the uncle and I can just say a word.

"The old man surnamed Ye puffed up his chest when he said this, and he really seemed to be in power. But Han Liwen was a little speechless after hearing this! It seems that no matter where there are, there will be people who use power for personal gain, even if it is Huang Fenggu. In the big sect of cultivating immortals, there is no exception.

However, when the other party mentioned the work of planting strange medicines just now, Han Li's heart was moved, and he felt that this work was simply created for him personally.

And the other party has already promised a lot of benefits, if you continue to delay, I'm afraid it will really make the other party feel too greedy, so let's accept it as soon as it is good!

Thinking of this, Han Li pretended to be impressed at last, and said to the old man very aggrieved: "Since Master Ye has said so, it will be too disrespectful for the junior if he refuses to agree. If you can abide by the conditions just mentioned, let the nephew's foundation building pill be given to your nephew Ling, and I hope your grand nephew can succeed in building the foundation!"

Hearing this, the old man was overjoyed, and repeatedly said: "Nephew, don't worry, what the uncle said is absolutely resounding, but when you meet the head, you can tell others about the open transactions, but It's better not to mention some things I promised in secret!

"Han Li listened, smiled understandingly, and agreed very tactfully: "Please rest assured, Master Uncle, this junior knows well, and will not do such a stupid thing!" "The old man smiled when he heard this, and was very satisfied with Han Li's cuteness.

Han Li looked at the back of the old man driving away with the magic weapon, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he restrained it quickly

Not long after a day, Han Li stood in front of the huge stone hall tens of meters high, and looked curiously at the several Huangfenggu disciples guarding the door. These people's magic power is much deeper than Han Li's, and at least they have the appearance of more than ten levels of basic skills.

Han Li couldn't help being dumbfounded, and took another look at the strength of the immortal cultivators of this sect. When the old man surnamed Ye came here with him just now, he asked Han Li to stay outside the hall first, waiting for the summoning of Master Zhong, while he walked in by himself. This created an embarrassing situation for Han Li to stand alone outside the hall, and made Han Li complain for a long time.

Fortunately, after a while, a middle-aged man in white came out from the inside. This person came directly in front of Han Li and said coldly, "Junior Brother Han came with me, the head of the sect has summoned you."

Then, ignoring Han Li's reaction, he walked back on his own. Han Li smiled wryly to himself. It seemed that he, an immortal cultivator on the eighth floor of the Qi refining stage, didn't take it into the eyes of the other party at all, and he didn't even want to say a word to himself!

Although he was very dissatisfied with this person in his heart, he, who had always remembered the words of the second brother, followed him obediently and walked into the hall.

After passing through three gates guarded by disciples in a row, Han Li saw Zhong Lingdao, the head of Huangfenggu, a middle-aged man with a long beard. And on both sides of the hall, there are more than a dozen other people in different clothes.

When Han Li came in, these people looked at Han Li for a while, but seeing that Han Li's appearance was ordinary and not attractive, they turned their eyes away in disinterest.

The old man surnamed Ye and the younger brother Wang were also sitting among them. "My little friend is called Han Li!" Master Zhong asked serenely. "Yes, disciple Han Li, I have met the master!"

Han Li hastily and sincerely stepped forward to pay respects. "There is no need to be too polite! Since the little friend can come here with the Ascension Token, the head of this book will definitely abide by the rules set by the sages and accept the little friend as his sect."

Zhong Lingdao smiled kindly like a spring breeze, and flicked his sleeves lightly. However, Han Li felt that his body, which was about to lower himself, was gently supported by an invisible soft force, and he couldn't continue to pay homage.

"It stands to reason that apart from joining our sect, you are also eligible to take the Foundation Establishment Pill. But before that, I heard from Junior Brother Ye that you gave up this Foundation Establishment Pill and gave it to someone else. is this real?"

Head Zhong didn't talk nonsense, but directly stated the purpose of calling him into the palace. "Yes, master! This disciple feels that his aptitude is low, and taking this Foundation Establishment Pill is too extravagant. Let's give such a precious thing to other senior brothers who need it more!"

After Han Li said this, he still felt a faint heartache in his heart. This is the Foundation Establishment Pill! It's not those ordinary pills that you can eat as snacks!

"Okay! This sect leader is also very pleased that Xiaoyou Han has such a heart. But don't worry, this sect leader will not let little friend make this sacrifice in vain!"

After finishing speaking, Zhong Lingdao turned his head and faced the old man surnamed Ye. "Junior Brother Ye! The Foundation Establishment Pill that Han Xiaoyou gave up will still be taken by Ling's nephew and grandson, but Junior Brother must make up for the loss of Xiaoyou, and he must be satisfied!" Zhong Lingdao said solemnly.

"Hehe! Sect Leader, don't worry, I will definitely satisfy Martial Nephew Han!" The old man couldn't help being elated when he saw that the matter had been successfully completed as he had imagined, and he responded repeatedly.

Seeing the old man's appearance, Zhong Lingdao twitched his long beard and smiled. This time, the problem was solved so easily with the best of both worlds, and Master Zhong heaved a sigh of relief.

"The matter of Zhu Jidan is settled like this, and Han Xiaoyou will be a disciple of this sect from today. Brother Wang, you arrange the residence of Martial Nephew Han, and by the way, tell me about the rules of this valley, and let him first teach him the exercises. The disciple is practicing, and if there is an outstanding performance, he will be promoted again!

Han Li didn't know how he got out of the hall. He looked back at the solemn and sacred hall, and sneered in his heart. He didn't feel any warmth in Huangfeng Valley. I don't know how the second brother and younger sister are doing in Fangshi, and then strode away without looking back.