Master Han

Han Zhu watched the little girl's coquettish operation with his spiritual sense, and shook his head speechlessly. I feel that this little girl is becoming more and more savvy, and this is good. If I go to open a shop in another place in the future, I don't need to hire a shopkeeper.

He quickly withdrew his consciousness and sighed slightly. Over the past year, although his cultivation has returned to the ninth floor of the Qi refining period. It's a pity that it will take at least eight months at the current speed to break through to the foundation building stage.

The super spirit-gathering formation under his feet is something he has been constantly updating and correcting over the past year. Now it has reached five times the speed, and even in this formation, that star reception formation is arranged.

Although his current level of formations is already very high, he has hung up all the basic formations. There are thousands of ordinary formations. Basically, he has hung up all the basic formations in the world of cultivating immortals. It is not an exaggeration to call him Master Han now, there should be no one in this mortal world who knows more about formations than him.

Ordinary formations don't even need materials, and he can make them easily. It's a pity that this set of "star reception array" must use star stones to increase its absorption speed. With his current stock of star stones, it can only speed up his cultivation speed by twice.

Han Zhu felt his body. There was a silver vortex in his heart. This was the first star cave he opened up in half a year. Strengthening every part of his body.

In order to condense this star point, he has basically stayed in this super spirit gathering array for more than half a year. After hanging up for more than half a year, his physical strength can resist the attacks of low-level spells and magic weapons. As for the strength of 40,000 to 50,000 catties, he should have it, but he has not tried the specific amount.

If he condenses his whole body into the star point, then his body training speed will be awesome, maybe he can reach the realm of Pan Gu in the novels of the prehistoric novels, and he can break all kinds of magic with one force, and he laughed silly when he thought about it. Han Zhu quickly wiped the saliva from his mouth and looked at the door. Fortunately, the little girl has not come back, otherwise it would be a big shame.

What pleased him the most was that as his body became stronger, the speed of "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Yuan Exercise" practice actually accelerated. The only thing that depressed him now was that there were too few hang-up slots.

Now he can't wait to break through to the foundation building stage, whether there will be more hang-up slots. He sighed helplessly again, and opened the properties panel to take a look.

Name: Han Zhu

Boundary: Qi Refining Nine Layers

Spirit Root: Fire, Wood and Earth

Cultivation method: "Xiaowuzang Yuanyuan Kungfu" 46% in the late stage of the first layer [a total of five layers in the upper part] "Star Body Refining Art" The number of star points is 1 [every 1 star is added, body strengthening speed +1]

Spells: [Elementary primary spells: "Fire Bomb 100%", "Water Polo 5%", "Wind Control 50%", "Sky Eye 100%", "Concealment 80%", "Wind Wall 50%", "Intermediate Ground stabbing technique 10%"] [medium-level spells: "primary fire snake technique 20%", "intermediate Yujianjue 50%", "advanced Guiyuan spirit armor 100%"]

Sub-profession: "Proficiency in Writing", "Three Swords of Immortals" [Perfect] "Mohist Medical Collection" [Perfect] "Huanglong Pill, Qingling Powder, Jinsui Pill, Yangjing Pill [Perfect alchemy success rate of 80%]

Branch 1: Formation Master "Spirit Gathering Formation 100%", "Five Elements Formation 51%", "Stone Falling Formation 72%", "Four Elephant Formation 85%", "Heavenly Wind Fierce Formation 72%", "Phantom Walking Formation 59%" "Beidou Liangyi Formation 30%" Qiankun Bagua Formation 100%" low-level formations have been hidden

The first hang-up position: "Xiao Wuzang Forging Yuan Gong" 46% in the late stage of the first layer [increase 1% every time you run a big week]

The second hang-up position: "Star Body Training Art" 2% [increase 1% every time you run a big cycle]

Available slots: 0 [You can hang up any skills and spells throughout the day, without any bottleneck]

According to the current speed of the "Star Body Refining Art", it takes about 16 months to add a star point, and every time a star point is added, it will take twice as long to condense the next one. If the absorption speed of the formation can be increased, it will take less time. The only thing missing now is the star stone. This kind of stone is formed by absorbing the power of the stars, and it usually appears in places where the power of the stars is strong.

Now he can only ask various big shops to help him buy. Fortunately, he now has the title of a formation master, otherwise it would be even more troublesome to acquire.

As for those formations, he basically didn't hang up, relying on self-study. There is no way that there are too few slots to hang up. Fortunately, he has hung up thousands of first-level formations. He only needs to read the general formations at a glance, and then he will slowly explore by himself.

The only thing that makes him happy is that based on so many formations, he has created a set of "Qiankun Eight Diagrams Formation". Should be easy too.

When Han Zhu was thinking about what to do next, there was a knock on the door. Then she was pushed away with a creak, and she didn't need to think about it to know that it was the little girl who came back.

Han Xingyue pretended to rub her little arm and said, "Second brother is too tired, why don't we invite two people"!

Han Zhu looked at her speechlessly, stretched out his hand and squeezed her cute little face, the little girl gave him a big white eye, Han Zhu smiled and said: "Just now I saw someone took a top-grade face mask Dan's".

The little girl's face flushed suddenly, she chopped her feet, handed a jade slip to Han Zhu, and made a face at him, "These three sets are formations that others want to customize, I'm going to practice." Never dare to mention recruiting again.

Han Zhu looked at her sitting cross-legged, earnestly cultivating, and nodded in satisfaction. This little girl has always cared about her cultivation, and Han Zhu also knew what she was thinking, but she just didn't want to hold them back.

"Don't worry! Little girl, who told you that you have two such awesome brothers! I dare not say that it will take you to become a fairy. It should not be difficult to reach the stage of crossing the catastrophe. As for becoming a fairy, I am not sure." As long as there are no emergencies, she should be able to keep her.

Han Zhu, who was thinking about this in a mess, frowned suddenly, and looked outside. At this moment, a loud voice came from above the door: "Is Master Han there?"

"Murong Te, the steward of Huangfeng Valley, came to pay a visit." Han Xingyue, who was cultivating hard, quickly opened her eyes and looked at Han Zhu with worried eyes, although many people came to visit Han Zhu during this time.

Unexpectedly, the owner here actually came today. This is the seven sects. I heard that there is an ancestor of Yuanying stage sitting in it. Han Zhu gave her a reassuring look and said: "You should practice hard here. I will go out to see Look".

The little girl nodded obediently, and looked at Han Zhu's back as she left the door, her face full of worry. As soon as Han Zhu came to the gate of the backyard, he saw a middle-aged man standing there quietly in the midair with a flying sword.

Seeing Han Zhu coming out, he quickly smiled and said, "Master Han is taking the liberty to disturb you, please don't take offense."

Han Zhu glanced at him, looking at the smile on his face. It didn't seem like he was looking for trouble, and he hurriedly cupped his hands forward and said, "I don't know what the senior Murong is looking for?"

Steward Murong glanced at him and said with a smile: "Don't Master Han invite me in for a cup of tea?"

Han Zhu was stunned for a moment, and quickly said with a smile: "It's the younger generation's fault, seniors please."

Steward Murong smiled and got off the flying sword, looked Han Zhu up and down, and nodded secretly. He didn't feel the arrogance of a master in him, nor did a low-ranking monk see the panic of a high-ranking monk. .

Just as he was about to say something, he felt a strong aura. I sensed it with my spiritual sense, and showed a surprised look, the aura here is not lower than that in Gu Nei.

He glanced at Han Zhu who was leading the way ahead, and he was relieved soon. The name of Formation Master should not be called indiscriminately. During this period of time, Huang Fenggu has investigated Han Zhu a lot, and bought several formations from here. After being confirmed by the formation master of the sect, this formation master is real.

This is also the purpose of his visit today. The senior management of Huangfenggu took a fancy to his formation strength and wanted to invite him to be Huangfenggu's Keqing deacon.