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At this time, Han Zhu in the formation also had a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth. At this time, his thoughts were the same as Lei Wanhe's. He really regarded him as a master of the formation for nothing. Today, I will let you see what is called heaven and earth. prestige.

In order to dismount Han Zhu, Lei Wanhe directly used 70% of his strength, and the flying sword above his head became hundreds of feet long in an instant, and the sword energy filled with killing aura pressed Zhong Lingdao and others back quickly.

Lei Wanhe pointed lightly at the flying sword, and the hundred-foot-long flying sword reached the speed of sound, and instantly hit the mountain protection formation, and then the entire formation fluctuated. Han Zhu couldn't help sighing, at such a speed, he didn't even have time to react.

The tens of thousands of disciples who stayed in the formation all showed terrifying expressions when they looked at the hundred-foot-long flying sword. How worried that this sword directly split the mountain protection formation and killed them in an instant.

Even those formation masters were full of confidence. But looking at Uncle Lei's invincible sword, he lost his confidence in an instant. Han Zhu just squinted at them with his eyes, and ignored them, but quietly looked at the violently fluctuating formation with his eyes.

At this time, his heart was very peaceful, no one knew the power of this formation better than him, even if it was Yuan Ying, it would take at least two or three swords to split it with all its strength.

If he had activated the formation to 100%, then this sword might not even make waves. But this is too much face for Master Lei, and it consumes a lot of spirit stones. He is afraid that he will be directly killed by Master Lei afterwards.

Thinking of this, Han Zhu hastily fired a few more spells at the main control array. In an instant, the entire defensive array became weaker by three points, and the fluctuations in the places hit by the flying sword became more intense.

Tens of thousands of people looked at the constantly fluctuating place, showing different expressions, some were worried and some were excited. There was only one old man standing there quietly, looking at Han Zhu who was doing his hands and feet, he couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha... Interesting! What an interesting little guy, he really has a temper with the old man. Han Zhu instantly felt something staring at him again, and looked around quickly, but found nothing.

Standing in the distance, Xiang Zhili looked at Han Zhu and said, "I didn't expect this kid to be quite sensitive!" He could actually feel my peeking at a stage of transformation. You know, with his strength, even peeking In the Nascent Soul stage, people will not be discovered under normal circumstances, unless those who have practiced special skills or have strong spiritual consciousness.

The divine light in Xiang Zhili's eyes flashed again, but unfortunately he still couldn't see through Han Zhu, he could only see layers of starlight on his appearance, this was thanks to the "Star Body Refining Art", otherwise Han Zhu Casting super hooks may be found.

You must know that these ancient exercises all have special effects, and the "Star Body Refining Art" is the best among them. It condenses the power of stars all over the sky. essence.

Xiang Zhili pondered quietly, it seems that this little guy has cultivated an ancient kung fu, and he is really blessed. It seems that the certainty of that matter is even greater, "Little guy, let's grow up quickly! I am very much looking forward to it."

Han Zhu's frown deepened, and now he is 100% sure that Xiang Zhili must be peeping at him, and only his peeping can prevent him from discovering it. You must know that for the sake of safety, he has arranged several high-level formations inside his clothes, especially since he is still standing in the big formation protecting the mountain in Huangfeng Valley, it is impossible for even a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage to spy on him.

Unfortunately. He still felt the feeling of peeping, Han Zhu sighed helplessly, like this old monster, you can't do anything to him, he would run out to scare people at every turn.

He thought viciously in his heart: "If I don't blackmail you old man to death in the future, my surname will not be Han, and I will tell you to come out and scare me every now and then."

Just when Han Zhu was thinking about these things, the fluctuation of the formation above also stabilized, everyone gasped, including Lei Wanhe himself, this was a sword with 70% of his strength, and it was actually blocked down.

The faces of Zhong Lingdao and others were even more ugly. They thought that Uncle Lei could break a gap with a sword, but they didn't give Han Zhu a good look just now.

At this moment, Han Zhu's voice came from the formation: "Uncle Lei is indeed powerful, and a single blow consumes 10% of the energy stored in the formation. If you keep hitting two more swords, the formation will directly It broke."

Hearing Han Zhu's praise, Lei Wanhe suddenly felt that there was a step down, and he hurriedly said with a smile: "Mr.

Zhong Lingdao and others looked at the two of them flattering each other there silently, and the several formation masters who were inside the formation were also silently looking at the continuous flattering of Uncle Lei Han Zhu, people who don't know can still lie, They are probably array mages, and they did consume 2% of their reserve energy just now, but they have recovered during the time they were talking, and they were actually said to be 10% by him. According to Uncle Lei's attack, even if it is Attacking for a day will not break the formation.

But looking at Uncle Lei who was smiling all over his face, they all looked at each other silently and lowered their heads. Uncle Lei's temper is not very good, if he is swept up in face now, he will definitely have a bad life in the future.

Li Yuanhua and Hongfu looked at each other, sitting like old foxes, they had already seen the tricks in it. Senior Brother Lei seemed unable to break through this formation, and he dared not offend Lei Wanhe to return Han Zhu.

Li Huayuan gave a wry smile, and suddenly said loudly: "Senior Brother Lei, I think the defense power is not bad, why don't you try its attack power!"

Lei Wanhe finally found a step, and quickly said with a smile: "Alright! How about I just try its attack power?"

Han Zhu also heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart, knowing that he just wanted to find a place to hang out, if he offended this Uncle Lei, then he would definitely have a hard time in the future.

Han Zhu quickly ordered to the array masters behind: "Reduce the attack power to 30%", and they all understood what he meant. After all, the 50% defense power just now is so strong. If the 50% attack power , Maybe directly beat this Uncle Lei to serious injuries.

None of them had any good fruit to eat, and they quickly cooperated with Han Zhu to adjust the attack power of the formation to 30%. Lei Wanhe was mentally prepared this time, and tapped the storage bag, and a huge black iron shield appeared in front of him. Looking at the shining shield, he knew without guessing that it must have reached the magic weapon level.

Han Zhu glanced enviously, but unfortunately, even if the magic weapon was given to him now, it would not be able to use it. After all, that thing consumes too much mana, and with his current spiritual power, even a single breath would not be able to do it.

Seeing that Lei Wanhe Jing was ready, Han Zhu made a gesture to these people, and they began to make a series of spells. At the same time, a new change appeared in the big formation outside to protect the mountain.

The originally colorful protective shields began to turn red, and when everyone looked puzzled, a fiery wave of fire rushed out, and then huge fire crows rushed out of the formation, straight Hit Lei Wanhe's magical shield.

This time Lei Wanhe directly exploded with all his mana, and the shield, which was originally about 1 meter in size, instantly became more than 100 meters in size. The berserk fire crows slammed into the shield fiercely, making continuous crackling sounds.