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In the next half month, the four lived together like this. Apart from cultivating, Han Li practiced spells every day, or made alchemy. After all, he was going to be a master of alchemy.

As for Dong Xuan'er and Han Xingyue, they ran out to roam around from time to time. Han Zhu didn't say anything when he saw the two little girls having fun.

In fact, the places they go are not too far away, and they usually don't leave the place where the elders live. As for the past half month in the sect, it seemed to be calm, as if this matter had been suppressed by Zhong Lingdao and others.

But outside, it was turbulent. The other six sects received reports from the spies. At first they didn't believe it. Just in case, basically every sect sent one or two powerful Jindanqi The monk brought a group of formation masters to visit, the purpose! it goes without saying.

The result they got shocked them very much, it was not bad at all, and even stronger. Huang Fenggu suddenly seemed to become the head of the seven sects, there was no way they had a foundation that would not fail for thousands of years. Even the magic door, which was about to move, slowed down.

Now everyone is trying to figure out who this formation master is and where he came from. He even did not hesitate to use the secret agents in Huangfeng Valley just to get in touch with this formation master. Unfortunately, Huang Fenggu was prepared and arrested a group of secret agents.

Now in the entire Yellow Maple Valley's sphere of influence, the number of monks has even doubled or tripled. Even the old monster Linghu, the ancestor who hadn't shown up for a long time, once appeared in Huangfenggufang City and overwhelmed the audience.

If the person who was about to move stopped in an instant, it seemed that the rumors were all lies. The old monster Linghu didn't go out to travel at all. Thinking about it, he is also the treasure of a sect, how could he not be in the sect!

Han Zhu was shocked when he heard the news from Uncle Hongfu at the beginning, thinking that he had changed the plot drastically again! Fortunately, he got an accurate answer, and the blood refining secret realm opened as usual, so he heaved a long sigh of relief. It seems that he has to be more low-key in the future, otherwise it will be troublesome to change the plot.

At this time, the four of them were sitting in the lobby of the attic, listening to Dong Xuan'er's introduction about the secret realm of blood refinement. Dong Xuan'er glanced at Han Zhu, hesitated and said, "Brother Han, why don't you two participate in the blood refining secret realm! I heard from the master that many people will die every time there."

At this time, Dong Xuan'er also knew that Han Li was Han Zhu's fourth brother, and she no longer treated Han Li that coldly, and she also promised to keep them a secret. Han Zhu smiled confidently and said, "You don't have to worry about Xuan'er, we will definitely enter the Blood Refining Secret Realm."

Han Xingyue was about to say something, but Han Zhu stared back at her. Dong Xuan'er saw that her support was suppressed in an instant, so she had no choice but to keep her mouth shut, and began to introduce the origin of the Blood Refining Realm to them.

It turns out that the foundation-building elixir, or those precious elixir, became rare in the world of cultivating immortals a long time ago, and they disappeared in ordinary places. blood flow.

The only places where they can still be found now are the so-called forbidden places. Since they can be called forbidden places by immortal cultivators, these places are of course extremely dangerous, and they are generally remote places with harsh environments.

Some are the lairs of monsters, which must be killed all the way to pass through, and some have some ancient forbidden laws, which must be broken through with great effort before they can enter.

As for Huang Fenggu and other sects of cultivating immortals in the Yue Kingdom, the main medicine of the establishment of foundation pills over the years came from the latter kind of forbidden place, which was a forbidden place in ancient times, which had been sealed off for a long time.

The forbidden law there is very powerful, and there was no hope of opening it with the strength of their immortal sect. But later, it was discovered somehow that this forbidden law will have a five-day weakening period every five years. Let a certain number of people enter.

But when the passage appeared and all the cultivators tried to enter, another accident occurred. Immortal cultivators after foundation establishment were all blocked out by another strange restriction on the inner layer, while people in the Qi refining period entered it without hindrance, and collected a large number of rare elixir and brought them with them. out.

This discovery immediately caused a sensation in the world of cultivating immortals in the Yue Kingdom, so the seven sects of cultivating immortals send a group of disciples below the foundation establishment stage into the forbidden area every five years to collect a large amount of elixir, and of course the main medicine of foundation establishment pill is the most important among them. Heavy.

In the beginning, the disciples of each sect of cultivating immortals could do their own thing without committing any crimes. For the selected disciples, this was a great blessing. However, with the continuous collection and search over the years, after the elixir in the forbidden area gradually became scarce, various sects began to argue with each other and make big moves over a certain elixir.

At one time hundreds of years ago, some disciples even lost their lives in the battle. The appearance of human life that time caused the major sects to completely tear their skins apart. They simply played the banner of the law of the jungle and the inhumanity of the world, and encouraged their disciples to rob others, which completely stained the trip to the forbidden area.

As a result, the elixir was gradually decreasing, and the competition in the forbidden area became more intense and bloody each time. In the past hundred years, due to the brutal fighting, the number of disciples who survived from the forbidden area is less than one-third of the original number, which caused the loss of a lot of elite among the low-level disciples of all sects!

It also made the disciples of various sects start to call the trip to the forbidden area the "Blood Forbidden Trial", and they began to avoid it one after another, and there was even an embarrassing scene where no one wanted to go.

As for the forced hardlining, that is of course even worse. Because if it wasn't a disciple who sincerely entered the forbidden area to find medicine, then he would definitely be perfunctory, and in all likelihood, he would find a place to hide and come out safely when the time came.

It's not like this kind of thing has happened before, and the seven orifices that dispatched their upper-level qi smoked, but there was nothing they could do. After all, they didn't want to go in the first place, and you sent people in to take such a risk, so what can you blame!

As a result, all sects in the Yue Kingdom were more peeping at the elixir, but there were very few disciples who voluntarily took risks. The level of reward is ticked.

Don't talk about other sects, just talk about Huang Fenggu himself! From the last few times, the sect has clearly stipulated that as long as the disciples who sign up to participate, they can get a middle-level spirit stone and a high-level magic weapon in the sect, as well as resource encouragement.

After the elixir can really be brought out from the forbidden area, the door will give more generous rewards depending on the quantity and quality of the things it brings! There are everything from spirit stones to magic tools and spirit pills, and even higher rewards include the Foundation Establishment Pill hidden in the door, which is enough for low-level disciples to fight for a handful of things.

Such a high reward really caused the Immortal Cultivation School to see a surge of registrations, but this situation only lasted for a short two or three times before it completely fell down. The bloody reality made all the disciples realize clearly that this big reward is not so easy to get!

This is because there were still one-third of the people who survived the forbidden land competition when no heavy rewards were used to stimulate them, but after the heavy rewards, not even a quarter of the people who could escape the blood-forbidden trial were less than one-quarter, and the disciples who were still alive Among them, there are even fewer people who can bring out the elixir, and most of them have nothing at all except for serious injuries, let alone exchange for Foundation Establishment Pill.

After Dong Xuan'er finished speaking, she looked at the two quietly, hoping to scare them away. She also knew that Han Zhu's formation was very powerful, but if he wasn't given a chance to use it, he would be just an ordinary Qi-refining monk.

She even mentioned going in with them, but Han Zhu refused without hesitation. Originally, she wanted to act like a baby, but Han Zhu stopped her with stern eyes. In the end, Han Zhu didn't continue to make trouble when he ensured his safety.