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Han Zhu was once again blown to the heaviest center of the secret realm by this huge force, and hit the ground fiercely. After spitting out two mouthfuls of blood again, Han Zhu slowly opened his eyes.

He first felt his body, the super hang-up system was still hanging his phone there as before, as if all this had nothing to do with it.

Han Zhu suspected that even if he was beaten to death, it would still hang up on its own machine. It was indeed a cold machine. He didn't know how to comfort its owner, so Han Zhu could only comfort himself like this.

Now all the spiritual power from the hang-up is repairing his broken body, Han Zhu showed a wry smile, fortunately he has this hang-up plug-in, otherwise he must have hung up this time.

It seems that following Han Li's side will really encounter life and death again and again, and each time is more exaggerated, but in this cruel world of cultivating immortals, if you want to become an immortal and ancestor, you must experience danger again and again.

At least Han Li's road can lead directly to the avenue. Although it is a bit more dangerous, at least the end can be seen. If you go on another path by yourself, everything is unknown.

The most important thing is that he has a concern now, otherwise he can hide in some deep mountain forest and hang up every day, and he can be a happy god.

Han Zhu thought that the first time he was only poisoned, and although he hurt his heart the second time, at least he could be rescued. This time it was even worse than the previous two times combined. Leaving aside being trapped in a secret realm, the injuries on his body would not recover for hundreds of years.

Han Zhu glanced at the secret realm with difficulty. As a formation master, he could tell at a glance that the entire formation had been destroyed by at least 80%.

Fortunately, the old man blocked 99% of the strength for him, otherwise there might not even be ashes left now. Thinking of this, the cold sweat suddenly stayed down again, and he owed a huge favor. It seems that the In fact, I can't beat the old man, and I still have a little regret in my heart.

The only thing that reassures him is that the periphery of the entire secret realm is swallowed up by spatial turbulence, at least the central area will be preserved, this is also his luck!

Han Zhu sensed it slightly, and even the concentration of spiritual energy dropped to less than three times. He could only lie down helplessly, and he waited quietly for the next time.

He was waiting to see if the old man would come back to save him. In the blink of an eye, three days passed. Fortunately, he has a super cheat, which has been replenishing the spiritual energy in his body and recovering from his injuries.

As the peak of the Qi refining period, as long as there is spiritual energy, he will not be starved to death even if he starves for a month, not to mention that his storage ring is full of various substances, prepared to deal with various uncertainties.

Han Zhu didn't do nothing in the past three days. He crawled and arranged a formation, which was the "Wuyuan Life-continuing Formation" that he had prepared for himself.

He had already guessed that such a day would come. After all, he would not believe that there would be no danger if he was by Han Li's side. Now he felt that all of Han Li's bad luck had been blessed by him. , I almost got killed again.

Han Zhu laughed at himself, and looked at the gray sky again. Even if he was lying here, he could see the turbulent flow of space on the edge of the secret realm. At this speed, at most two In ten years, the entire secret realm will be swallowed by space turbulence.

Han Zhu took a look at the "Wuyuan Continuing Life Formation" he had set up, and hoped that I could wake up within 20 years. According to his budget, I should be able to wake up in at most ten years. If he breaks through the foundation-building period by hanging up his skills, he will be pushed out by the formation.

Han Zhu once again glanced at the gray sky, "Xiao Li, I don't know what you will become when we meet in ten years. You are as decisive as Aihara's work, or you are still clinging like you are now! The second brother is looking forward to it."

Han Zhu slowly climbed to the very center of the formation. He placed hundreds of top-grade spirit stones in the entire formation, at least to ensure the normal operation of the "Wuyuan Life-continuing Formation" for 20 years. As for 20 years later, the entire formation The secret realms are all destroyed, and no amount of high-grade spirit stones will help.

Han Zhu once again looked outside obsessively, and entered the last formation into the formation. The entire formation suddenly flashed with ice blue light, and layers of frost began to appear around Han Zhu. Take a last look at your properties panel:

Name: Han Zhu

Boundary: Qi Refining Nine Layers

Spirit Root: Fire, Wood and Earth

Cultivation method: "Xiaowuzang Yuanyuan Kungfu"" 99% in the late stage of the first layer [the upper part has five layers] "Star body training formula" The number of star points is 2 [every 1 star is added, body strengthening speed +1]

Spells: [Elementary elementary spells: "Fire Bomb 100%", "Water Polo 100%", "Wind Control 100%", "Sky Eye 100%", "Concealment 100%", "Wind Wall 100%", "Intermediate Ground stabbing technique 100%"] [medium-level spells: "primary fire snake technique 100%", "primary stealth technique 100%", "intermediate Yujianjue 100%", "advanced Guiyuan spirit armor 100%"]

Sub-occupation: Hidden Branch 1: Array Master "Spirit Gathering Array 100%", "Five Elements Upside Down Array 100%", "Stone Falling Array 100%", "Four Elephant Array 100%", "Heavenly Wind Fierce Array 100%", "Phantom Walking Sky" Luo Formation 100%" "Beidou Liangyi Formation 80%" Qiankun Eight Diagrams Formation 100%" "Wuyuan Life-continuing Formation 100%"" Low-level formations are hidden

The first hang-up position: 99% of the late stage of the first layer of "Xiao Wuzang Forging Yuan Gong" [increase 1% for each cycle of operation]

The second hang-up slot: 2/13% of the astrology points of "Star Body Training Jue" [increase by 1% for every cycle]

Available slots: 0 [You can hang up any skills and spells throughout the day, without any bottleneck]

I hope that when I wake up again, you have already added a hanger, Han Zhu slowly closed his eyes, with a hopeful smile on the corner of his mouth.

The whole person was frozen into a frozen body in an instant, and then the entire formation turned into thick layers of ice, which stretched out for more than ten meters before stopping. In the middle, an iceberg suddenly appeared.

Three days later, a powerful divine sense crazily swept across the entire secret realm, and soon stopped on an iceberg, and an old voice suddenly sounded.

"It's worthy of being a formation master! It's good to use such a method to recover from your injuries. After all, there will be chaos outside, so you should stay here honestly!"

This divine sense withdrew slowly, but before leaving, it still imprinted a secret method on Han Zhu. The entire secret realm seems to be as eternal as it is, maintaining its tranquility, only in the periphery of the secret realm, there is a constant flow of turbulent space.

At the entrance of the blood refinement secret realm, there is still half a day before the end of the blood refinement secret realm. The elders of the Qili Golden Core Stage were standing there quietly waiting, and suddenly the entire entrance fluctuated violently.

The seven Jindan powerhouses were all taken aback and retreated quickly. You must know that these ancient formations are not a joke, not to mention their Jindan stage, even the Nascent Soul stage may be killed.

Under the gaze of the seven people, tiny space cracks appeared one after another, vomiting out one by one disciples of the sect. Several people stared at this scene dumbfounded. Such a situation has never happened in hundreds of years.

It wasn't until the last disciple was spit out that the seven Jindan stage elders realized it, and quickly grabbed the disciples of their sect and started asking.

The Jindan Qi of Lingshou Mountain had a dark face, and swept around among all the disciples, finally found a young girl in a corner, and quickly stretched out his hand to suck her in.

Soon everyone learned what happened in the secret realm from the surviving disciples. Then he looked at the old man at the Jindan Stage in Lingshou Mountain with angry eyes.

The old man just glanced at them indifferently, and drove away with a magic weapon. The fiery Uncle Liu was just about to go after him, but he was stopped by Jin Danqi from several other sects, and advised him not to be impulsive. You have to go back and tell the elders of each faction to make a decision.

Li Huayuan and Fairy Hongfu, who were in the dark, also sensed that something was wrong, jumped out of the dark instantly, and quickly understood the current situation.

Both of them showed angry expressions, especially Xiangu Hongfu, whose face was even more livid. In the end, under the persuasion of everyone, he had no choice but to go back to the sect.

After all, for such a big matter, it is necessary to tell the elders immediately, and then unite to fight against the demon gate.

After all, this is not the first time such a thing has happened. Fortunately, the righteous and the evil have already agreed that such a battle cannot involve the participation of the god transformation stage.

Otherwise, the strongest of the seven sects was only in the Nascent Soul Stage, and would have been wiped out long ago. Han Li stared intently at the Golden Core Stage of the Spirit Beast Mountain, and the anger in his heart had already reached its peak.

But the words of the second brother kept ringing in my ears, "When you should keep a low profile, you must keep a low profile. When you have the strength, uproot them." What happened this time completely planted a seed of hatred in his heart.

Han Li and Nan Gongwan looked at each other deeply. The two of them had agreed in the secret realm long ago that as long as Han Li reached the Golden Core stage, they would become a couple of dual cultivators.

Han Li took one last look at the entrance of the secret realm, "Second Brother, I will come here every year to wait for you."

Then rays of light shot from here continuously, and the whole country of Yue suddenly entered a state of preparation for war. One month later, the six sects attacked Lingshou Mountain together, and the entire mountain gate was leveled down. Even their Yuanying Patriarch was beheaded by Huangfeng Valley's new Yuanying Lei Wanhe.

Because Huang Fenggu has two Nascent Soul Stages and the awesome mountain guard formation, he has become the leader of the six sects faintly. Because the demon lord suddenly made a move in the country of Yue, it immediately attracted the attention of the decent.

They sent a team of Nascent Soul Stage to check on the matter, and it was precisely because of Zheng Zheng's intervention that the plot returned to its original state. If the Demon Sect had made a full attack, the six factions would have been attacked long ago. Han Li also started to go his own way, as if everything had returned to the original point.