Ready to Go

Han Zhu led Han Zhu and the others along a slope that was not considered a path, up to the top of the hill, and then looked down at Gujiazhuang from the top of the hill.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his eyes, and he saw that Mr. Gu, surrounded by a group of men and women, walked into a huge house in the center of Zhuangzi, and then the crowd dispersed automatically, only a few of them had more ornate clothes. The people followed into the house.

Han Zhu's eyes turned around those girls' hearts, and Han Li also opened his sky eyes in doubt, but he didn't see anything, so he could only ask in doubt: "Second brother, we have a house, why do we live on the mountain?" ?".

Han Zhu looked at him helplessly, and asked with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth, "Are those girls pretty?"

"Ah...!" Han Li stared blankly at his second brother with a dazed look on his face. Han Zhu looked at the two people who were puzzled, and could only helplessly explain again: "You didn't see the way that Gu Dongzhu looked at us, like a wolf staring at a sheep."

Han Li was even more puzzled, "Are we three immortals still afraid of a group of mortals? Did the second brother make a fuss over a molehill?"

Han Zhu looked at Han Li, who had a look of disdain for ordinary people, and could only explain again: "Little Li, have you ever thought about beauty tricks?".

"Ah..." Han Li was stunned again, and then his face became ugly, "He should not dare to do such a thing by himself!".

Han Zhu shook his head helplessly, and said calmly: "He is not even afraid of death, do you think he will be afraid of this? If you give him an extra grandson or granddaughter, it will be a big profit."

Han Li fell silent after hearing what his second brother said. "Yeah! If someone sends their daughter to your bed and gives you some medicine, don't you really cut off their whole family, and then you can only recognize them with your eyes closed. After all, they are not cruel monks." ".

Han Zhu turned around and was busy with his own affairs. He first found a relatively flat slope at the waist of the hill. Then he picked out a few thicker pine trees three times, five times and two times, and quickly dismembered them with his flying sword.

Han Xingyue looked at the two brothers suspiciously, one had a gloomy face, his expression was changing, and the other was cracking wood leisurely.

The little girl looked at this, then at that, with a dazed expression on her face, she couldn't understand what the two brothers were talking about, what kind of girl! What grandson, granddaughter! .

In the end, he could only pretend to sigh helplessly, patted his fourth brother on the shoulder, gave Han Li an expression that he liked you, and ran to help his second brother.

She was quickly driven back by the second brother again, after all, the accuracy of her flying sword was so poor that several pieces of wood were split into seven or eight pieces by her. The little girl sat next to Han Li with her mouth shut, quietly watching her second brother build a house there.

Han Zhu gave the little girl a disdainful look, but at her level, she still wanted to help. It's not bad if it doesn't help.

Anyway, in his previous life, he also graduated from an engineering university, so building a small house is still easy. Especially with the help of divine sense and spells, it is even easier.

Half an hour later, a simple small courtyard appeared on the hill. And the wooden tables, chairs, and even wooden beds in the house are all complete.

Han Zhu patted his hands that didn't occupy any soil, glanced at the little girl who looked adoring, and then glanced at Han Li who was still there with a bitter face.

He walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Li! You are still young, and you don't understand many things. Don't think that you understand everything after you have been torn and killed in Zhao Guo for a few years. The most you can do is to fight With such a little achievement, there is still a lot to learn!".

Han Li could only nod his head dejectedly. It seemed that he really didn't know anything about the world. He thought he knew everything, but now he realized that he didn't understand anything.

Now think back to the twelve years when the second brother was away, the younger sister was basically taken care of by Master Lei, and he took care of him a lot. Apart from practicing, he basically killed.

Han Zhu took the two of them to visit his newly built house. There were three rooms in the whole house and a reception hall. Each of the three brothers and sisters chose a room as a practice room.

Han Zhu brought the two of them to the yard, touched the storage ring, and suddenly streamers flew out, and quickly spread to all directions of the entire yard.

Following Han Zhu's formations one by one, the entire courtyard was shrouded in a faint layer of clear light, and then spiritual energy from all directions rushed to the entire courtyard frantically.

Soon the aura reached more than twice that of the outside, and the formation was still pumping the aura outside. The aura in the formation also became more and more intense.

Both Han Li and Han Xingyue looked at this scene in amazement, and couldn't help but glance at the second brother. The second brother who has already broken through to the foundation establishment stage has become more and more powerful in formations.

In the past, it took him at least one or two hours to arrange such a formation, but now it only took less than a stick of incense, and he didn't consume any spirit stones, just like the Taoism mentioned in the classics.

Both of them looked at the second brother enviously, his superb formation skills. At the same time, I was secretly happy. Fortunately, he was my second brother, and both of them showed happy smiles.

For the next month, Han Li and Han Xingyue took pills and medicine every day in the wooden house, practiced Qi meditation, and strived to break through the cultivation base in one day.

Now the aura in the entire formation has reached more than four times that of the outside. And in their training room, the aura has reached more than five times, and the two of them now feel like they are on a plane.

The mana in the body grows at a rate visible to the naked eye every day, even in Huangfeng Valley, there is no such treatment.

Han Zhu had a leisurely time during this period, he would go out for a few laps at every turn, and spend the rest of his time studying various formations. After all, he had already embarked on this road, and he could only go one way to the dark.

The most important thing is the formation, which is more suitable for his dog way. He is not optimistic about Han Li's direct rushing style of play. Hiding behind and laying down a formation, everything will be solved.

He is already happy to die now, as for the hang-up, he has already handed over to the system. As long as he stayed in a place with strong aura, his speed would be much faster than Han Li's drug addiction.

According to his budget, staying in such a rich environment, he can reach the middle stage of the foundation-building stage in ten years, the late stage of the foundation-building stage in less than fifty years, and break through to the Jindan stage in a maximum of 120 years.

For others, this speed is already flying. He feels that he is still a bit slow. His focus now is to improve and upgrade the "Spirit Gathering Formation" again. First, set a small goal and increase it by ten times.

As for Dongzhu Gu, he also came several times during this period, but it was a pity that he had never even seen Han Zhu's face, and it was Han Li who went to see him indifferently.

Since the second brother knew about his shameless thoughts, his favor towards him plummeted, especially when he brought his three daughters here for the first time. If it wasn't for the second brother's reminder, he wouldn't have thought about it.

Proprietor Gu once again brought a lot of resources unique to Luan Xinghai. On this day, Gu Dongzhu came to visit Han Zhu and the others again. This time Han Zhu came out to meet him. After all, the game was about to start.

Dongzhu Gu's eyes lit up when he saw Han Zhu, and he hurried down and made a big salute, "I've met Immortal Master Han". After all, he knows that this most low-key fairy teacher is the one who decides.

Originally, I thought that I would not be able to see Han Zhu this time, and would have to face Han Li's cold face. Unexpectedly, Han Zhu would meet him in person.

Han Zhu still looked indifferent, just nodded to Gu Dongzhu. Gu Dongzhu quickly showed a worried look, and began to talk about what he was worried about.

According to Gu Dongzhu, the immortal masters invited by the dozen or so families were not simple people. Except for a few in the late stage of Qi refining stage, most of them were in the foundation stage, and the opponents to challenge were decided by lottery.

As long as Han Li's luck is not too bad, there should be no problem if he encounters the late stage of the three foundation building stages. In addition, in order to increase Han Li's chances of winning, this Gu Dongzhu also collected two or three powerful magic weapons everywhere, hoping to make Han Li stronger.

When Gu Dongzhu showed Han Zhu those powerful magic weapons, Han Zhu couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, wanting to throw this Gu Dongzhu out directly, but finally held back.

It's just a few middle-level artifacts. Not to mention the current Han Li, even the little girl doesn't like it. Didn't you see her disgusted expression next to her?

Han Zhu glanced at Han Li, meaning to say: "Hurry up and accept it! After all, it's his kindness." Han Li couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching, and finally reached out to take the three magical artifacts. Proprietor Gu could also see the disgusted look on his face, so he could only smile awkwardly.

Another week passed like this. Proprietor Gu came to Han Zhu's courtyard early this day, and there were two beast carts behind him. He was waiting here respectfully. It wasn't that he didn't want to knock The door, or as long as he walked three feet away from the courtyard, he would be blocked by a layer of faint light, and every time it was the little girl who took him in from the inside.

Looking at the empty place in front of him, Gu Dongzhu couldn't help but lament the magic of the immortal cultivators, especially the immortal master Han, who made him feel like a master outside the world.

Originally, I wanted to play tricks on them, but it was a pity that they noticed it at a glance, and I didn't even stay at his house for a night.

Every time I think of this, I feel pain in my heart. If I can get involved with a powerful immortal cultivator, then their Gu family is in "Kuixing Island". Still no problem.

Gu Dongzhu glanced into the yard from time to time, but unfortunately, he waited for more than an hour, but no one came out. He looked at the sun above his head, calculated silently in his heart, and could only wait quietly again.

Half an hour later, there was a sudden fluctuation in front of him, and Gu Dongzhu quickly regained his energy and put on a respectful expression.

With a flash of light, the three of Han Zhu walked out from the inside, Dongzhu Gu hurried up to say hello to the three immortal masters, Han Zhu just nodded lightly, and led the two of them towards the beast cart in front of him .

Proprietor Gu followed respectfully. Seeing that the three of them had already boarded the car, he ordered his servants to prepare to set off. Today is the day of the challenge, but the three brothers and sisters all acted indifferent. Han Zhu and Han Xingyue are purely Just to go to the theater.

Han Li always treats outsiders with a cold look. I don't know if he thinks he is a tall and cold man. In fact, he is a salty fish. If he is not forced by his second brother, he would rather stay at home and practice.

Seeing that the three immortal masters had already sat down, Gu Dongzhu hurriedly ordered them to set off, and the beast cart drove away quickly. This time, after two hours of galloping, the beast cart pulled them into a city completely made of white stones.

When entering the city, there were still many mortal guards at the gate of the city guarding the gate. Those who go out, they will not interrogate, but those who enter the city must take out a token like the old man gave them last time, before they can enter.

When Han Zhu and the others entered the city, a man who looked like a captain suddenly flashed a white light from a formation disk in his hand, and a guard next to him quickly took out a cylinder-like object and shook it on Han Zhu and the others a few times. After seeing the green light emitting from the cylinder, he immediately saluted Han Zhu and the others respectfully.

Even the mortals next to him showed a respectful look. As for Gu Dongzhu, he would inevitably be inspected. Han Zhu just took a look and stopped paying attention.