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Han Zhu looked at Han Li seriously and said: "Remember to look at this little girl more in the future, she doesn't understand these things, don't you understand?".

"I'm sorry second brother, I didn't realize it at the time. When I did, my little sister has already touched the formation."

Han Zhu patted him on the shoulder and said: "Be more careful next time, she still doesn't understand a lot, we have to teach her, otherwise she will suffer a lot in the future, don't spoil her too much ".

Han Li looked at the second brother speechlessly. He dared to guarantee with his life that the second brother would definitely spoil the younger sister more than him. You must know that he is usually the one who takes education classes. In the end, he could only nod resentfully, there was no other way, big fists were the last word.

Han Zhu brought Han Li to the several acres of elixir fields and said, "This place is specially for you to cultivate various elixir. I added a vitality formation to this place. In the future, the elixir you cultivate will increase. Two or three percent of the vitality."

"This is an ancient formation, and I have only researched a part of it. After completing the research on it, it should increase the vitality of the elixir by 50%."

Han Li looked at the few acres of elixir fields in surprise, looking at the milky white light emitting from it. At this time, his heart could not be calm for a long time. He knew very well about elixir, but he knew what it meant to increase vitality by 50%.

What a simple metaphor, if he is refining the elixir, the quality of the elixir that has been refined with a 50% increase in vitality will be at least above the top grade, and the potency will be multiplied.

Take Foundation Establishment Pill as an example, if you use this kind of spiritual medicine to refine Foundation Establishment Pill, it will not be of the same level at all.

The Foundation Establishment Pill refined from ordinary elixir increases the success rate of foundation establishment by 30%, so this kind of elixir with vitality must increase by at least 50% to 60%. This is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are very few elixirs that naturally bring vitality, except for those powerful secret realms, which will occasionally produce some. These materials are what he saw in the classics left by the ancients.

Han Li excitedly grabbed some spiritual grass seeds and planted them in the elixir field he had opened up. He couldn't wait to cultivate some elixir and make it into a pill to see how much its medicinal properties would increase. , and how will it be different from ordinary pills.

Han Zhu looked at Han Li with an anxious face, and shook his head helplessly. Even if he wanted to give birth to the elixir, he had to wait for the seeds to turn into seedlings! It seems that Han Li has been suffering a lot these days.

Han Zhu followed Han Li to his cave, he wanted to see Han Li's spirit insects. Han Li quickly opened a separate room with his flying sword, and asked Han Zhu to arrange some formations for him with a smile.

Watching Han Li put the pair of white spiders and those strange insects that were still alive, Han Zhu didn't see any shadow of "gold-eating insects". He can only say that this kid is very lucky. Shit luck can also be met by him, it can only be said that the protagonist's aura is too awesome.

Han Li looked at his second brother suspiciously, and sized up the spirit insects with red eyes. I couldn't help asking: "Second brother, if you want, I can give you some, and you can take them all."

Han Zhu quickly waved his hand and said, "No hurry, no hurry, let's talk about it later! If you raise any powerful spirit insects, give them to me then."

Han Li nodded blankly, looking at the back of his second brother walking out, he couldn't help scratching his head. I don't know what the second brother means, and in the end, I can only helplessly continue to arrange my own cave.

Early the next morning, Han Zhu was already quietly sitting in the gazebo, thinking about how to arrange the island guard formation outside. According to his budget, even with the help of Han Li and the little girl, it would take at least three months to complete.

For them now, it is also a big project. Han Li, who was cultivating hard, suddenly heard the voice of his second brother, "Little Li, I have something to discuss with you."

Han Li glanced at the aura around him reluctantly. Last night's one night of cultivation was at least equal to his usual ten days of cultivation. This feeling is really cool, if it wasn't for the second brother calling him.

He can practice until he is old, maybe he is lucky and directly breaks through the golden core. While he was fantasizing, another cold "hum" came from his ear.

Han Li's figure trembled, he quickly stood up from the bed, and quickly ran to the second brother's place. After all, his second brother is not a gentleman, it will be troublesome if he wears a pair of shoes.

Han Zhu looked at Han Li who was rushing over in a hurry, glared at him fiercely and said: "You are a dignified monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, you must pay attention to your image, and don't lose face to our Han family."

Han Li smiled embarrassingly, and quickly performed a "cleaning technique", and his whole body became energetic in an instant. Han Zhucai nodded in satisfaction and said, "Are you ready? Let's go when we are ready! We will be busy for about three months."

Without giving Han Li any chance to react, Han Zhu strode out. Han Li hurriedly chased him out, and said while chasing, "Second Brother, the current island protection formation is already pretty good, it can block the ordinary late stage foundation building, there is no problem at all."

Han Li really didn't want to leave the cave now, because the feeling of rapidly increasing his cultivation was really great. Seeing that the second brother ignored him, he continued to stride out.

Han Li could only miss it, glanced at the strong aura, and followed with strides. He didn't dare to offend his second brother, maybe he would do something wrong again.

Han Zhu, who was standing in the square, glanced at Han Li who came out dejectedly. Immediately feeling amused, he threw a jade slip to him and said, "You start from the west."

Han Li took the jade slip with his head downcast, and nodded weakly. Han Zhu glared at him fiercely, Han Li quickly raised his head and chest, and looked at his second brother seriously.

Han Zhu could only say helplessly: "As long as you work five hours a day, you can come back to practice at other times."

There was a gleam of light in Han Li's eyes, and he quickly said loudly: "Don't worry! Second brother, I promise to complete the task." Hastily summoned the magic weapon, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Looking at Han Li who was full of energy, he disappeared in an instant. Han Zhu shook his head helplessly, "No matter which world you are in, you can't work overtime!" .

He also flew to the east with the flying sword. The tasks he assigned to Han Li were all simple, and he couldn't do the complicated ones.

In the next three months, the whole "Little Huan Island" could hear vibrations and bumping sounds from time to time. Occasionally, some townspeople saw an immortal master standing quietly in the sky, with a huge sword hundreds of meters long, chopping down mountains and rivers incessantly.

Slowly everyone got used to it, time passed day by day. One day four months later, the entire "Little Huan Island" was suddenly enveloped by a thin layer of shield.

Most of the townspeople in the town have long been accustomed to it. Everyone just took a look at the protective shield and went about their own business.

What they don't know is how many lives and deaths have been blocked by this protective shield, and how many descendants of them have been blessed.

If other monks see it, they will definitely be stunned. After all, this is a formation that covers a small island, how huge it must be.

The three of Han Zhu stood quietly on the top of the mountain, looking at the island guard formation above their heads. Han Zhu showed a look of peace of mind. With this large array of island protection, he finally felt safe.

As for the energy supply of the entire formation, it was created from the inside of Han Zhu Mountain. The super spirit gathering pool provides energy, and this gathering spirit pool will continuously absorb spiritual energy and store it.

This technology, he also developed the formation method following the battery in his previous life. He has never seen it in this world. As for whether it exists in the spirit world, he doesn't know.

Han Li cast a glance, and the second brother next to him looked relaxed. He was extremely speechless in his heart. In his opinion, the defense of the "Heaven and Earth Peak" under their feet was strong enough, but the second brother actually wanted to arrange a large formation around the periphery.

"Tiandi Peak" is the name Han Zhu and the others gave to this mountain. In fact, it was Han Zhu who chose it himself, and the other two may be responsible for nodding.

Han Li always felt that this name was too domineering, and he was afraid of being beaten when he went out. From this name, it can be seen how ambitious Han Zhu is, he wants to be on the same level as heaven and earth.

Han Li couldn't help but asked next to him: "Second brother, can you practice in seclusion now?" Han Zhu looked at Han Li rascally, and then he said, "Xiao Li, you have to understand that without a safe environment, you You can't practice well."

Han Li nodded his head quickly, fearing that his second brother would continue to give him education lessons. The three of them came to the cave hall very quickly, and Han Zhu looked at them seriously and said, "From today onwards, we will enter the state of cultivation. Let's set a small goal first, and raise all of them to the peak of the foundation-building period."

Han Zhu glanced at the two of them with his eyes, and seeing that they both showed a serious attitude, Han Zhu nodded in satisfaction and continued: "I set for you to reach this small goal within 50 years."

Han Zhu suddenly said loudly: "Do you have confidence?" Han Li quickly patted his chest and said, "Second brother, don't worry! In such a rich cave, if I don't reach the peak of foundation building in twenty years, I will crash my head into this cave."

Han Zhu nodded in satisfaction, and both of them turned their attention to Han Xingyue. The little girl suddenly became nervous. It was indeed a bit difficult for her to reach the peak of the foundation-building period in fifty years.

Han Li whispered something in her ear, and the little girl looked at her second brother excitedly and said, "Second brother, I can also guarantee that I will reach the peak of the foundation-building stage within fifty years."

Han Zhu smiled, knowing what Han Li and his younger sister said without guessing. Han Li excitedly took out two jade slips from his storage ring and said, "Second brother, I have already prepared the exercises."

Han Zhu took the jade slip and scanned it with his spiritual sense. "Three-turn Chongyuan Gong" appeared in his mind instantly, and at the same time:

Ding...I found out whether the exercise "Three Turns of Chongyuan Gong" is true or not to hang up and practice.

After thinking about it, Han Zhu hung it up, even though his mana was stronger than that of the ordinary late foundation establishment period. This "three-turn Chongyuan Kungfu" can continue to compress mana, so who would dislike the depth of his mana.