New Vest

Han Zhu and the others randomly found an inn and set up a simple formation. Han Li quickly took out those pills and began to study them. After all, his cultivation had already reached the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and no matter how hard he practiced, it was useless. As long as you maintain the basic practice every day, you will be fine.

Han Zhu took a look, not worried at all about Han Li who was fighting behind him. He could only shake his head helplessly, "Maybe in his heart, as long as the second brother follows behind, everything will be fine, and Han Zhu is an invincible existence in his heart."

In fact, the facts are similar, let alone a sixth-level monster, even a seventh-level monster. As long as you give him a certain amount of time, he can be easily killed.

Han Li was thinking hard about pills in the inn. Han Zhu simply explained a few words, and then he walked out. He planned to change his vest and go to Liulian Hall to buy what he needed.

Han Zhu quickly arrived outside "Kuixing City", walked around outside, found a secret place, and changed into his black robe again.

The breath also soared from the late stage of the original Qi refining stage to the peak of the middle stage of construction in an instant, and even the leaves next to it were blown. Han Zhu felt the powerful force in his body, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

His temperament also changed instantly, this is the external expression of releasing all his strength. Just his strength in body training can smash a monk who is at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

As for the mana reserve in his body, it was seven or eight times that of Han Li. Even if he didn't have super cheats to keep replenishing his mana, he could easily blow up ten peak monks in the Foundation Establishment period like Han Li.

As for whether he can be as smart as Jindanqi, maybe he will have a chance to try this time. Han Zhu frantically extended his consciousness to a distance of nine miles.

You know, even if it is Han Li, the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and he has practiced the "Da Yanjue", the distance of his consciousness is only ten miles away. The normal distance between the spiritual consciousness of a monk in the middle of the foundation building period is about six miles.

From this point, it can be seen that the benefits of practicing the ancient kung fu are not only the profound mana, but also the increase of spiritual consciousness. It's a pity that the ancient exercises are too difficult to practice, even Han Li, a man of destiny like Han Li, can't get started, let alone other monks.

Han Zhu glanced at his luxurious attribute panel:

Name: Han Zhu

Boundary: Foundation-building period [mid-term]

Spirit Root: Fire, Wood and Earth

Cultivation method: "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Yuan Kungfu" "Second layer intermediate level 92% [upper five layers in total] "Star Body Refining Art" The number of star points is 3 [every 1 star is added, body strengthening speed +1]" The fourth floor of "Da Yanjue" 100% [Fourth floor of the remaining version] "Three-turn Chongyuan Gong" second pass 92% [Total of three turns]

Spells: "Elementary spells are hidden" [Middle-level spells: "Elementary Fire Snake Art 100%", "Elementary Stealth Art 100%", "Intermediate Sword Art 100%", "Advanced Returning Spirit Armor 100%"]

Sub-occupation: Hidden Branch 1: Array Master "Spirit Gathering Array 100%", "Upside Down Five Elements Array 100%", "Falling Stone Array 100%", "Four Elephant Array 100%", "Heavenly Wind Fierce Array 100%", "Phantom Walking Sky" Luo Formation 100%", "Beidou Liangyi Formation 100%", Qiankun Eight Diagrams Formation 100%", "Wuyuan Renewing Life Formation 100%", "Ancient Teleportation Formation 100%" low-level formations have been hidden

The first hang-up slot: 92% of the second level of the "Xiao Wuzang Forging Yuan Gong" intermediate level [1% increase for each cycle]

The second hang-up slot: 3/84% of the astrology points of "Star Body Training Jue" [increased by 1% for each cycle]

The third hang-up position: 92% on the second floor of "Three-turn Heavy Yuan Gong" [1% increase for each small cycle]

Available slots: 0 [You can hang up any skills and spells throughout the day, without any bottleneck]

Everything else is fine, the speed of "Star Body Refining Art" is really too slow, although every time a star point is added, the strength will increase several times, and his star body will also increase nine feet in height.

But this cultivation speed is really too slow, you must know that he specially arranged a set of star reception array for his cave. Although it is only five times the speed, it takes more than a few hundred years to count more than 20 years.

If it is a normal monk, it is impossible to practice all the time. Such a perverted technique can only be created in ancient times.

Whenever he wanted to give up, he would think of the terrifying increase of the star battle body, and he had to hold on even if he gritted his teeth. After all, besides the formation, the star battle body was his strongest trump card at present.

Han Zhu was wearing a black robe, with only a pair of eyes exposed, coupled with his outward aura, most of the monks stayed away from him. Even if there are individuals with higher cultivation bases than him, they just cast a glance and ignore them.

Han Zhu once again came to the small square of the Liulian Hall. Unfortunately, he was not as lucky as Han Li, and a beautiful woman came to strike up a conversation.

It seems that I am not a lucky master, and I am just an ordinary monk. Han Zhu glanced at the six shops, and walked into the Baishuilou that he had been to last time.

He also saw that only six of them belonged to the alliance. It doesn't matter which one you go to, Cao Lu, the shopkeeper of Baishuilou, looks quite pleasing to the eye.

As soon as Han Zhu entered the hall of Baishui Building, a sharp-eyed guy in Tsing Yi saw Han Zhu's status as a mid-stage foundation-building monk at a glance. After all, Han Zhu didn't hide his cultivation at all.

The guy in Tsing Yi's eyes lit up. A big order was snatched by someone else yesterday. I heard that the guy got the reward from the shopkeeper. He couldn't miss this opportunity today.

He quickly walked over, first saluted Han Zhu deeply, and asked with a professional smile: "Senior, what magic weapon do you want, or do you have other needs?".

Han Zhu just glanced at him with indifferent eyes, and said in a cold tone: "Go and call out the shopkeeper inside."

The guy in Tsing Yi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Han Zhu's dead fish eyes, his whole body was full of wit. Hastily and respectfully said: "Senior, please come with me, there is a private room next to it, I will invite the shopkeeper here."

"Lead the way ahead." The clerk in Tsing Yi invited Han Zhu to the side hall on the side of the main hall, then left and went to invite the shopkeeper.

He who just walked out the door couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead. The aura of this senior is really scary, he and Han Zhu feel a lot of pressure when they are together.

Han Zhu looked at the boy who seemed to be running away, and could only shake his head helplessly. After all, he gave himself this vest to identify himself as a cold and arrogant formation mage.

This time, perhaps because of his murderous intent, he didn't even come to the beauties serving tea. Han Zhu could only shrug his shoulders roguely, but he didn't have the halo of the protagonist like Han Li.

Not a while later, a middle-aged man with a strange appearance and three long beards walked in. This person had a smiling expression when he first came in, but after seeing clearly Han Zhu's icy aura and his peak cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

He couldn't help being startled, and thought to himself: "This monk is not a simple person at first glance, he started to think crazily in his mind, but unfortunately he couldn't match this person.

Suddenly he looked down and was startled. He saw a formation slowly rotating under the person's feet. It looked like a sky full of stars, and it made people fall into it at a glance.

After a while, a burst of white light suddenly burst out from his body. Shopkeeper Cao just woke up from the illusion, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead in an instant.

As the shopkeeper of such a big store, he still has some vision. He is now 100% sure that the person in front of him is definitely a formation master.

And it's still very good, because he has seen other formation masters, and none of them can do whatever they want like the one in front of them. When he came in just now, there was no formation under his feet, but after he took a look, the formation appeared.

Shopkeeper Cao knew that the formation master opposite was telling him his identity. There was a slight tremor in the whole body, which was completely excited. After all, there may not be a master like this in hundreds of years.

Han Zhu saw the shopkeeper Cao looking at him with excited and awe-inspiring eyes. I nodded with a hint in my heart, it seems that my goal has been achieved.

In order to make the effect more prominent, and to get more things later, he took another two steps in an instant. Because of these two simple steps, something went wrong.

The entire space seemed to have come to another place, and shopkeeper Cao's eyes showed a look of horror, because he saw that the master of formation was actually integrated with the space that day.

"No" can no longer be called a formation master, this situation is recorded in ancient books, only those who have reached the formation master can do it. He also saw this by accident.

Han Zhu suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Shopkeeper Cao's eyes, because he no longer looked at him with excitement and awe, but with deep fear.

"What's the situation? Could it be that I've acted too much! I won't scare the treasurer Cao into a fool!" What Han Zhu didn't know was that the formation outside had been touched, and a golden core elder was heading over here Come here.

When Han Li was puzzled, the door of the room was suddenly knocked open, and an old man with a golden light all over his body rushed in.

Seeing Shopkeeper Cao with a frightened expression on his face, his face sank, and he shouted loudly: "How courageous! The little guy dares to come to our Liulian Hall "Baishuilou" to make trouble."

He just pointed at Han Zhu, and a golden light broke through the speed of sound and shot directly at Han Zhu. Shopkeeper Cao finally woke up from his bewilderment, and yelled frantically, "Elder Miao doesn't want it."

Unfortunately, he was still a step too late. Jin Guang arrived in front of Han Zhu in an instant, just when shopkeeper Cao showed despair and the old man looked puzzled.

The golden light seemed to hit something, and it disappeared immediately after swiping. Both of them showed astonished expressions, Elder Miao was just about to make another move.

Suddenly a cold voice came over, "The old man on the other side, it's not like I haven't killed Jin Danqi before, if you dare to do it again. It's hard to say whether you can walk out of this room alive today."

Then he turned his eyes to Shopkeeper Cao, "Is this how you treat guests in Liulian Hall? I, Long, have learned a lot today."

After saying this, he ignored the angry Golden Core cultivator next to him, as if he was an air, and strode out.