Furious Han Zhu

Only then did the crowd react, one after another escaped light, and flew out of the city frantically. The "Kuixing City" moat formation suddenly sounded a strong siren. It's a pity that everyone didn't pay attention to this point, and rushed out of the city frantically.

Han Li, who was studying the alchemy formula in the inn, was woken up even through the formation, so he casually glanced outside. Even he, who was as steady as an old dog, was shocked by this scene.

After all, those tens of thousands of escaping lights are no joke, the scene is still very majestic. It was also the first time Han Li saw such a scene.

"The first thought in my heart was that something must have happened." Then another thought popped up, it wouldn't have anything to do with the second brother! Thinking of this, he froze for a moment.

Hastily put away the pill formula in his hand, and rushed out of the window. When Han Li stood in the midair of "Kuixing City", he once again showed a look of surprise. The strange thing is that there is no sign of attack.

Han Li glanced at the entire "Kuixing City", and in every corner of "Kuixing City", there were continuous lights rising into the sky, flying towards the west of the city. , but no one stopped.

From time to time, a light flew by Han Li's side, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense. If it's fleeing for their lives, it's impossible for everyone to fly in one direction, they must be flying in all directions.

Another ray of light was about to pass by him, Han Li grabbed it casually, and immediately grabbed the ray of light. A big man looked at Han Li angrily. Seeing Han Li's undisguised fake alchemy, he quickly suppressed the anger on his face.

He hurriedly bowed and said, "Senior, what's the matter with stopping this junior?" The big man looked at Han Li's gloomy face. He was really worried about this senior, so he slapped him to death with a single slap.

Han Li didn't care whether he frightened the kid or not. With a gloomy face, he asked in a cold voice, "What's the situation outside? Why are everyone flying out of the city?"

When the big man heard that the fake Danqi senior was asking about this matter, he was relieved. Quickly told what happened.

As soon as Han Li heard the word formation master, he swiped it and disappeared. Han Li is already very anxious now, you must know that he is the boss of the late Jindan stage.

Although the second brother has also killed the magic cultivator of the golden core stage, but relying on the power of the formation. In the hands of a late Jindan period, will he be given a chance to use the formation? The answer is no.

"The second brother also told him not to cause trouble outside every day. He felt that every time the second brother caused trouble, it was a big deal."

The last time in Tiannan, it was because of the second brother that Momen accelerated the pace of attack and escalated the intensity of the battle. In the end, even Decent joined that war, and all of this has something to do with the second brother.

He felt the same thing, and it would happen again. If Han Zhu were here, he would definitely cry out for being wronged. "Brother! I really just went to buy some high-level spells and high-level formations, and in the end it became like this, and he couldn't control it himself.

When Han Li thought of this, his speed increased by three points. "Kuixing City" became tense in an instant. Pairs of law enforcement monks rose into the sky, but they all stopped hesitantly when they saw the tens of thousands of lights.

The city lord of "Kuixing City" stood at the front of the law enforcement team, watching the monks flying out of the city in doubt. "Looking at their appearance, it doesn't look like they are going to make trouble!".

When he was about to find someone to ask about the situation, a member of the law enforcement team came to him in an instant with a magic weapon, and quickly explained what happened. Are you sure this news is true?"

The law enforcement team hurriedly said loudly: "It was said by Cao the shopkeeper of Baishuilou himself."

The city lord was also a little excited, and quickly said: "Okay, okay...Everyone obeys orders, follow me to the outside of the city immediately."

He didn't forget to hit several sound transmission symbols in the air, and then he took hundreds of law enforcement officers and flew out of the city with great momentum.

In less than thirty breaths, Han Zhu arrived outside the "Kuixing City". The moment he stopped, a red light also came to the opposite side of him.

Old man Hong was looking at Han Zhu with interest. "Who is your master, little guy? Or a disciple of a certain sect. If you can give us an explanation to Liuliandian today, I can let you go."

Old man Hong also felt that something was wrong. After all, this kid not only has such a strong defense, but also has such a strong formation skill. It doesn't seem like Xiaomen and Xiaopai can cultivate it.

He is a little worried now, afraid of offending some big sect or some old monster's disciple. Looking at the old man's puzzled eyes, Han Zhu knew that the old man must be thinking wrong.

He still said with the same expressionless face: "Don't worry, I'm just a casual cultivator, and I don't have any masters from great sects or old monsters."

"Oh! If this is the case, then you are even more talented. Do you want to consider joining our Liulian Temple? I can guarantee that you will form a golden core."

Han Zhu showed a hint of sarcasm, "If you can beat me, I can consider it."

"Hahaha... You are too arrogant, little guy! Don't think that you are a fool because you have a few abilities. I have seen a lot of geniuses like you, and there are not many who can really reach the golden core stage. indivual".

Han Zhu didn't want to fight with him any more, and just wanted to test how far his strength had reached. I thought I would have to wait for a while, but now that I've encountered it, let's do it today! .

He felt that he didn't read the almanac when he came out today, so he would encounter such a troublesome thing. What he still doesn't know is that the fact that he became the master of the formation has already spread throughout the entire "Kuixing Island", and is slowly radiating to the entire Chaotic Star Sea.

If Han Zhu knew, he would definitely vomit three liters of blood. Didn't he just want to buy some high-level spells and high-level formations? It turned out to be like this.

Han Zhu also wanted to try his own spell first, to see how much damage it would do to Jin Danqi. He introduced the storage in his hand, and a fiery red flying sword appeared above his head.

With the operation of mana in the body, the time has reached more than forty feet. Old man Hong looked at the forty-foot flying sword and was surprised.

Then he showed a mocking smile, "Boy, don't say that the old man bullies the small, I can give you three tricks first."

Han Zhu said coldly: "No need! I'm afraid that you will lose and cry later."

Just as old man Hong was about to taunt, he saw Han Zhu suddenly casting a spell again, following the completion of the spell. The flying sword was more than forty feet above the head, and a fire snake appeared in an instant and attached to the flying sword.

Originally, the flying sword was only more than forty feet long, but it reached more than eighty feet in an instant. Even the well-informed him was stunned by this scene.

He asked in a surprised tone: "How the hell did you do it, little guy?".

Han Zhu didn't pay attention to him, and just tapped Feijian lightly. With a swipe of the flying sword, it came to Old Man Hong's side, hacking at the red shield on Old Man Hong's surface continuously.

It's a pity that although the shield has ripples in circles, it can't be broken no matter what. Those who had just rushed out of the city opened their mouths wide open when they saw this scene.

What did they see? A monk in the middle of the Foundation Establishment Stage was manipulating a Fire Snake Flying Sword more than eighty feet long, and he kept hacking at a late Golden Core cultivator. What made them unacceptable the most was that they could still shake his defense.

There is a difference of several levels between the middle stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage and the high stage of the Golden Core Stage! A thought popped up in everyone's mind, did the formation master hide his cultivation?

Han Zhu stopped this unnecessary attack, and the old man Hong opposite was very surprised. After all, he had activated all his defenses, and he was still able to barely shake him.

On the surface, he said very calmly: "The boy is not bad! I have already given you thirty tricks."

Suddenly he opened his mouth and spat out, and the same fiery red flying sword appeared in front of him, reaching hundreds of feet in length in an instant, "Today, this old man is here to teach you what is the unstoppable power of the golden core".

He also pointed at the flying sword, and in an instant the fiery red flying sword came to Han Zhu, and slashed down fiercely. With a "bang", the shield in front of Han Zhu's body was dented in an instant, and then his whole body was chopped off.

Han Zhu was smashed into the ground tens of meters. Everyone who was watching the battle looked at this scene in amazement. Everyone looked at old man Hong with disbelief. He actually killed a formation master.

Old man Hong suddenly felt tens of thousands of eyes staring at him angrily. Just as he wanted to know the situation, suddenly the mud flew up, a figure rushed out from the ground, and a huge fire snake roared and rushed towards him.

The monks watching the battle were once again surprised, "None of them were killed", and then everyone became excited, looking at the figure with fiery eyes.

Old man Hong didn't care about other issues anymore, "I knew that the sword hit just now wouldn't kill you kid, after all, I only used 60% of my strength."

Han Zhu looked at the fire snake being snuffed out by the old man in an instant, and shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he couldn't do it in the later stage of Jindan without using the star combat body.

He has also experimented with his current strength. He should be able to kill two at the beginning stage of the Jindan stage, and his strength is probably around the peak of the Jindan stage.

Old man Hong still wanted to persuade this genius again, when Han Zhu's cold voice came over: "I just wanted to live my life in a low-key way, why do you always like to provoke me, I'm not the protagonist of this world ".

Old man Hong glanced at the boy opposite him strangely, but he didn't quite understand what he said. Han Zhu looked at the puzzled old man with a smile on his lips.

Gently touch the storage ring, and eight golden streamers immediately fly out from the storage ring. Old man Hong glanced suspiciously at the eight flags quietly floating beside Han Zhu.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Little guy, do you want to arrange a formation? Okay... I will play with you today and see what kind of formation you can arrange."

Then he made a light move, and the fiery red flying sword came to the top of his head, and he looked at Han Zhu with playful eyes.

Han Zhu also looked at him with strange eyes, "Old man, are you sure you want me to finish setting up the formation, are you doing it?". Seeing that he was still arrogant, Han Zhu stopped being polite to him.

Facing the eight formation flags quietly floating beside him, tap lightly. In an instant, it turned into eight streamers flying, flying in all directions.