Ling Yuling

Niu Tian snorted coldly, and said to the hundreds of Golden Core Stages and thousands of Foundation Establishment Stages behind him, "Block "Kuixing Island" with a radius of 50,000 miles, and no forces are allowed to enter."

He considered for a while and then said: "Except for monks above the golden core stage, no one else will be allowed in. Anyone who resists will be killed."

No way! Big forces are so domineering, if you have the ability, you can disobey his orders and see, whether your power will survive the next day is a question, this is the cruelty of the world of cultivating immortals.

"Yes! Elder Niu".

The elder surnamed Wang on the opposite side also gave the same order. Suddenly, thousands of rays of light flashed across the two spirit ships, flying in all directions.

The two Nascent Soul stage elders glanced at each other. They each returned to their respective spirit ships. Master Mu Long looked at the thousands of lights, and at the two elders who had returned to their own spirit ships, and could only sigh helplessly.

In the spirit ship of the Heavenly Star Palace, the old man was sitting opposite the handsome young man. It seems that the identities of the two are almost the same.

At this time, the old man was showing a kind smile and said: "Girl Yuling, why do you want to follow me this time! You must know that the chaotic Xinghai is very chaotic now! The two palace masters don't know what they are thinking , would actually agree with you to come out."

Ling Yuling quickly showed a flattering smile, "Uncle Wang just wants to come out to see the world!" Then she asked excitedly: "Is Uncle Wang really not a hundred years old?" .

The old man looked at the girl with an interested face, and didn't intend to expose the little girl, "After all, young heroes! There are a few girls who don't like it, especially this kind of person who can change the entire chaotic star sea."

"If we can really form a dual cultivation couple with that formation master, then it's only a matter of time before their Heavenly Star Palace rules the entire Chaos Star Sea again.

Even if he was in the middle of the Nascent Soul Stage, he couldn't help being a little excited when he thought of this. "A formation master! That's a character that only exists in legends. He has read many ancient books and seen it. A formation master can exert power, and he can believe that it will change the world."

"From what he knew about the battle situation, it can be seen that a monk in the middle stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage randomly arranged a formation, and unexpectedly suppressed a late Golden Core Stage monk. What a terrifying power this must be. Only in this way can a person in the late Golden Core Stage be unable to even move."

"There is also the ancient teleportation array that the master last used, and his heart is even hotter. If this formation master joins in, maybe ruling the entire world of cultivating immortals will no longer be a dream."

"After all, in this vast world of cultivating immortals, many big forces are not strong enough, or they are too far away. Otherwise, the territory they occupy will only be wider."

Ling Yuling quickly understood what happened, and her heart became even hotter. He hurriedly said to the old man next to him: "Uncle Wang, I want to go out for a stroll."

The old man glanced at the little girl, just smiled and said: "I know you have a protective treasure given to you by the Palace Master, but don't leave the "Kuixing Island" too far to avoid any accidents."

Ling Yuling quickly smiled sweetly and said: "I know Uncle Wang, I'm just strolling around."

The old man looked at the back of the little girl who ran out quickly, and smiled helplessly. His face was full of love, after all, he was the one who watched him grow up, and he didn't have any children, so he was always like a little girl like his own daughter.

He thought about it, but in the end he didn't send anyone to follow him. After all, that girl has many life-saving treasures on her body, as long as she is within a radius of 50,000 miles of "Kuixing Island", she can quickly rush there at the speed of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Han Zhu walked boredly on the street without many people. Since yesterday's incident happened, Tiandu Street, which was originally crowded with people, has become deserted.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't believe it, all of this was caused by him. "Hey..." He let out a long sigh of pain, and he, who was looking depressed, suddenly collided with a figure.

He was in an irritable mood, and without looking at the other person, he couldn't help but burst out: "Can you walk well! Didn't you see a big living person standing here, is the quality of people so low now?" .

Ling Yuling looked blankly at the low-ranking monk opposite who was still chattering. Could it be that her cultivation at the peak of the foundation-building period was fake? She couldn't help but glance at herself, "That's right! It's the peak of the foundation-building period"! .

Han Zhu complained several times in a row, and suddenly felt that the depression in his heart was almost vented. Without even looking at it, he waved his hand at the person opposite and said, "Forget it! Forget it! I've been unlucky recently, so go away!".

Then he turned around and prepared to go to the inn. Originally, he just wanted to come out to relax, but now that his goal has been achieved, he is going to go back and think about how to go next.

The road is difficult! Ling Yuling stared blankly at the low-ranking monk, then walked back shaking her head. Even with a good temper, she only rushed into her brain from the soles of her feet, and stared at Han Zhu angrily.

Han Zhu, who has keen five senses, suddenly felt that some prehistoric beast was staring at him, "What's the situation? Could it be that someone is going to provoke him again, could it be that he has been completely polluted by Han Li's aura of protagonist! All bad things have come to him ".

Han Zhu turned around slowly, looking at the person who locked himself. "Damn it! Han Zhu suddenly felt like a dog in his heart, isn't this the person he bumped into just now?".

"What's the status of his cultivation? Could it be that I bumped into a cultivator at the peak of the foundation period just now, why didn't I know it myself."

Then he took a closer look at him, and it might be his bad luck today, so he couldn't help blurting out: "Shemale".

When Ling Yuling heard this unfamiliar word, she was stunned for a long time before she understood the meaning from these two words. Immediately, his face flushed red, and the mana at the peak of the foundation building period began to run crazily.

An aura even stronger than Han Li directly overwhelmed him. Han Zhu couldn't help but gave himself two mouths, "What's the matter today! Why are your mouths so cheap."

It seemed that the incident had a great impact on his state of mind. Han Zhu quickly put on a smiling face, "Senior, I actually mean that you are very handsome and handsome."

"I stand in front of you like that bright moon and that star. Your light hurts my eyes so much that I can't open them."

Even Ling Yuling, who grew up under the flattery every day, was stimulated by these nasty words, and his whole body became alert.

She suddenly felt goosebumps all over her body, and seeing Han Zhu's intention to continue, she quickly interrupted him, "Shut up, believe it or not, I'll slap you to death right now."

Han Zhu saw that his face finally eased a little, but hearing his sissy voice, he couldn't help being smart all over his body again, he was really too sissy, it was completely physical instinct.

Ling Yuling, whose complexion had just recovered a bit, watched Han Zhu's body react. The anger in my heart ignited once again.

Han Zhu secretly cried out, he felt that his luck was really bad recently. Just casually out for a walk to relax, unexpectedly can also encounter such a thing.

You should know that he usually doesn't say such things. His current strength can beat Jindan, and he will continue to hang on. After all, there are Nascent Soul and Huashen on it, any one of them can easily kill him.

Today's mood should be affected again, Han Zhu looked at the angry ladyboy opposite. We can only change our strategy, but we can't be soft, we can only be hard.

Han Zhu brushed his face and became fierce. Can this fellow Taoist show some face to Han, I have a younger brother who is also a fake alchemy cultivator like you, and he is a brother protector.

Ling Yuling was taken aback by what the low-ranking monk who suddenly changed his face said. She reacted and looked at Han Zhu with incredible eyes. Is this monk who is a big difference from her threatening her?

Growing up so big, no one has ever said such a thing to her, so she suddenly felt interesting. Her heart moved, and she pretended to show a hesitant look.

Seeing this, Han Zhu was overjoyed. It seems that this dead shemale is also the master who eats hard but not soft, Han Zhu hurriedly ignited and said: "Forget it! Forget it! Seeing that you are not bad, I will let you go this time."

Han Zhu took advantage of the time when the other party was still fascinated, swiped it and disappeared in front of his eyes. Ling Yuling looked at Han Zhu who was running away quickly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

With unknown steps under his feet, he followed like a phantom. Without stopping, Han Zhu ran directly to the inn, glanced at the dead shemale who did not follow behind, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief.

Han Zhu couldn't help complaining in his mouth: "It's a good thing that the dead shemale didn't chase after her, or else I'd have to beat him up because of my bad temper. I didn't expect such a sissy to exist in the world of cultivating immortals."

When Han Zhu thought of this, his whole body shuddered, and before he breathed a sigh of relief, a sissy voice came from outside the window: "Is that sissy you're talking about me?".

Han Zhu's whole body froze, and he turned his head slowly. I saw that there was a big hole in my window, and the sissy was standing quietly in front of the window.

That angry look could instantly burn him to ashes. When Han Zhu was caught face to face, he immediately felt a trace of guilt. "Would you believe me if I said that the sissy I just mentioned wasn't you?"

Looking at the increasingly angry eyes, Han Zhu sighed, "I don't believe it myself."

He was just about to threaten this sissy with Han Li again, when a golden talisman suddenly appeared in the opponent's hand, and he said in a mocking tone: "Your brother-protecting madman can block this blow ?".

Han Zhu couldn't help swallowing more and more, he was so familiar with this breath. Because he also has such a talisman on his body, which is the "True Treasure Talisman" that seals the Nascent Soul Stage.