The Beautiful Girl

Han Zhu set his eyes on the sissy next to him, his face began to change again and again, and finally became cold, and said in a cold tone: "What message did you send out just now?"

Ling Yuling was afraid that the formation master would misunderstand, this is not a joke, if he is disgusted by the formation master, the consequences would be disastrous.

He hurriedly explained: "I have a senior who made a mark on me. I was afraid that I would disappear in an instant, and that senior would come looking for me. I specially sent him a message, saying that I removed it myself."

Then a gleam of white light radiated from her body, and the faint breath was instantly wiped out. The two brothers breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

Han Zhu looked at the face of the shemale, and his complexion became ugly again. Ling Yuling also understood that this formation master hated sissies very much, so he quickly pulled the hairpin on his head, and a beautiful head of black hair suddenly appeared in front of Han Zhu and the others.

Ling Yuling bowed to Han Zhu and said, "Little girl Ling Ling has met fellow Taoist."

The two brothers stared dumbfounded at the old man who suddenly changed his clothes. Han Zhu could only feel 10,000 grass-mud horses flying from his heart.

Even if it is as stable as an old dog, there is a slight tremor in the words. After all, I was disgusted by this sissy just now, so this reversal is too big!

"You... are women". Ling Yuling nodded with a smile, showing a beautiful smile. The two brothers were immediately stunned. Han Li was the first to react. After all, he had eaten meat, unlike Han Zhu, an old virgin.

His Taoist heart is very firm, and he has already identified the only two Taoist companions in his life. And one of them is gone.

Han Zhu looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, and suddenly felt his head was a little big. He just made up his mind to get rid of this ladyboy. Now how do you want him to do it, "Could it be that my brother wants to push flowers with his hands today".

When Ling Yuling saw this formation master, there was no longer disgust in his eyes, but there was also a hint of appreciation. Only then did he heave a long sigh of relief, "It seems that Miss Ben's charm is still very strong!".

As soon as Han Li saw his second brother in this situation, he knew that it was definitely impossible to do anything again. The body that was originally collapsed immediately relaxed.

In the end, Han Zhu could only sigh helplessly, and he would not admit that even if he was beaten to death, it was because the other party was too beautiful that he didn't do anything.

The main reason is, "This girl is his second fan after he has been in the world of cultivating immortals for so long."

"The first one is Dong Xuan'er, his quasi-dao mate." The one in front of me is the second one. You said how could he do it.

Han Zhu glanced at the relaxed Han Li next to him, and made up his mind to let this girl go. Even if he was killed, he would not admit it. He had other thoughts in his mind.

Maybe it was also stimulated by Han Zhu! After all, beautiful female cultivators are always sent to him.

There are only two fans of mine, and they were all attracted by their talent in formations, so it's better not to rush them. It doesn't matter if there is someone next to him, if he goes out for a stroll casually, there will be a beautiful woman posting him.

Han Zhu pondered for a while and said, "In order not to reveal my identity, you have been kidnapped now. Before we fully trust you, you must follow me."

"Can it be done? If it can..." Before he could finish speaking, Ling Yuling who was next to him interrupted: "Of course it's no problem, I have to be by your side."

Soon she came to her senses and quickly explained: ""No! I don't mean it, I mean it's all up to you."

The two brothers looked at the beautiful girl opposite who was still trying to explain. As old drivers, both of them knew clearly that this beautiful girl must have a purpose in following Han Zhu.

Looking into the eyes of the two, Ling Yuling couldn't explain anymore. Xiao Bang's temper also came up, and he said directly: "I just want to stay by your side. The purpose of our visit this time is to invite you to join our Tianxing Palace."

After Ling Yuling finished speaking, she stared at the master of the formation with dead eyes. Han Zhu nodded indifferently, "So it's from Tianxing Palace!".

Then there was no more text, Ling Yuling asked anxiously: "Do you agree or not?".

Han Zhu shook his head with a light smile and said, "With my formation skills, why don't I find the biggest force to join me?"

"Is it because my skills are not enough? No! It's because I don't want to be restricted in my freedom. I practice immortality to pursue that freedom. If I am tied to a big force, it will violate my Dao heart. I It will be difficult to improve your cultivation."

Han Zhu made up a bunch of reasons in a mess, no matter whether others believed it or not, he himself believed it. Looking at Han Zhu's sincere eyes, Ling Yuling fell silent.

This is related to a person's Dao heart, especially a formation master. Such things have not happened before.

There are many people with a firm heart who will encounter such a situation. Looking at those sincere eyes, Ling Yuling thought to himself: "This may also be the reason why he became a formation master at such a young age!".

Ling Yuling could only take a step back and said: "Then can you create a few powerful formations for our Tianxing Palace?".

Han Zhu looked at his second fan, looking at himself eagerly. After a moment of silence, he said, "It's not a big problem, but you have to wait a few more decades."

Ling Yuling looked at him suspiciously, and Han Zhu had no choice but to continue to explain: "With my current strength, at most I can only arrange formations against the Nascent Soul stage. If I reach the Jindan stage, it shouldn't be difficult to defend against the attack of the Huashen stage." Disaster".

As soon as Ling Yuling heard that he could defend against the attack of the transformation stage, a strong light appeared in his eyes, and he quickly nodded his head there.

Then he said without hesitation: "Would you like me to help you prepare all the resources for the popularization of Golden Core Stage, including your brother's."

When Han Li heard that he was actually giving himself a free copy, a golden light appeared in his eyes. Looking at the second brother with longing eyes, it is a pity that his heart sank into the valley soon.

Han Zhu glanced at Han Li with an excited expression on his face. He said indifferently: "No". As for the reason, he didn't explain it either. Both of them seemed to understand something.

Han Li also recovered his calm expression. In his mind, it must be the second brother who wanted to train him. Ling Yuling had the same idea as him.

In fact, the real reason was that he didn't want to spoil the plot, and he didn't dare to spoil the plot, for fear of being wiped out by that power.

Now he can only accompany Han Li to walk step by step, until they have the strength to bear that force, can they really walk their own way.

Because as his strength became stronger and stronger, his attainments in formation techniques also became higher and higher. He can fly solo now, and he will definitely reach the stage of transformation into a god, or even become an immortal, faster than staying with Han Li.

It's a pity that their current bond is already very deep, and Han Zhu can't let go of this younger brother. Even if the two pigs have been together for decades, they already have a deep relationship.

What's more, they are still brothers whose blood is as thick as water. Han Li suddenly said beside him: "Second brother, you are right, we should go down step by step by ourselves."

Han Zhu looked at Han Li's firm eyes and was extremely speechless. "My brother! I didn't say anything! I was forced to do nothing."

On the surface, he made a gratified expression, pretended to sigh a long time, patted Han Zhu on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Li! There is no strong man in history who didn't grow up through wind and rain."

"We can go on with our own strength, and we have to go step by step, so as to lay a solid foundation for our future success."

Ling Yuling stood by, looking at Han Zhu's resolute face. She was dumbfounded, "There really is such a strange man in the world. If we can become a couple of monks with him, then we must be very happy!"

Thinking of this, Ling Yuling's face turned red instantly. Han Zhu glanced at her inexplicably, and Ling Yuling quickly dropped his little head.

Han Zhu didn't pay attention, the girl next to him was trying to trick him. If you let him know, he will definitely be happy for a long time. This is the treatment that the protagonist should have.

Han Zhu inquired carefully about the departure in three days. Han Li said helplessly: "The shopkeeper Cao was originally leading the team, but after your incident happened, he has been transferred back to the headquarters of Liuliandian, and I heard that he will be severely punished."

Han Zhu didn't want to ask about his life or death, but this time he was killed by Liuliandian. If he had known that things would happen to this point, he should have beaten the old man to death in the first place, and the dead old man made him even harder now.

Glancing at the beautiful girl next to him, this is also a big trouble, let her stay by his side for the time being!

Han Zhu then set a lot of rules for the girl, "Why can't you just send messages to outsiders! Even if you want to send messages, you have to get his consent, and you can't leave his sight."

Ling Yuling just kept nodding her head, and Han Zhu looked at her cute appearance. I could only sigh helplessly, and I was still very happy, I never thought that I would have such a super fan.

Especially her well-behaved appearance is really pitiful! The main thing is that the other party is a big beauty. It looks very eye-catching, if it is a man, he will be kicked away with one kick.

Han Zhu finally felt that he was treated a little bit like a time traveler. Could it be that his luck is coming, so he should hug him left and right.

He quickly threw this unrealistic thought out of his mind, even if a beautiful woman really came to his door, he would not dare to ask for so much. Only two or three at the most are good, too many are also cumbersome.

When Han Zhu was standing there masturbating, Han Li couldn't help but interrupted: "Second brother, can you withdraw your formation, I can't feel the slightest spiritual power, and I always feel insecure."

Han Zhu rolled his eyes at him, and drew in the air casually, and they returned to the original space immediately. This formation of isolating space was also mastered when he reopened the teleportation formation last time.