The Baby Carp Beast

Standing in mid-air, Han Zhu suddenly looked into the distance, and said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, "They have already lured monsters over."

Ling Yuling looked in the direction he was looking in doubt, but unfortunately she didn't find anything. Just when she was wondering, a few rays of light finally came from afar.

Ling Yuling glanced at Han Zhu in surprise. As the young master of Tianxing Palace, her spiritual sense is not weak. "Wouldn't you think that Big Brother Han is stronger than her spiritual sense?".

Regarding this kind of secret matter, she is too embarrassed to ask, even if it is a real Taoist companion. Han Zhu looked back at the girl, just smiled, without any explanation.

Below, Han Li and the others had already taken their positions in front of the formation they presided over, and everyone had an extra blue flag in their hands.

This flag is about two feet long, and the whole body is shining with blue light, which is extremely dazzling. As for the six monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, everyone looked solemn, and each of them was separated by a distance of more than a hundred feet. They were floating on the sea surface with their feet on the magic weapon, forming a semicircular pocket.

Han Li couldn't help but looked around, and now he felt a little flustered. After all, the atmosphere at this time was very tense, and it was his first time facing such a big scene.

Suddenly, the second brother's voice came from his ear again: "Can you calm down a little, you can't hold on to such a small scene, how can you become a fairy and a ancestor in the future."

Han Li couldn't help curling his lips, a reassuring smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth. Looking at his expression, Han Zhu could only sigh helplessly.

Ling Yuling hurriedly comforted by the side: "Brother Han, I think Brother Han is already pretty good. After all, the baby carp is also a monster in the middle stage of Jindan, so it's normal to be a little worried."

Han Zhu's face softened after listening to the beautiful girl's comfort. That was a fierce stare at Han Li, giving him a warning look.

The jade slip on Feng Sanniang's waist suddenly flashed a white light. Feng Sanniang showed a dignified look, and said to several people: "Everyone, be careful, the baby carp beast is coming soon! As soon as this monster enters the formation, immediately block the entrance of the formation."

The expressions of several people were all concentrated, and they all showed a serious look. The mana in the body began to pour into the banner in his hand frantically.

Han Lina glanced at everyone, and everyone showed a dignified look. Han Li raised his head abruptly, and looked in the direction where the golden lights were flying away without blinking.

Several other people also tensed up their faces, faintly revealing a hint of the wind and rain. After an unknown amount of time, there was a faint rumbling sound of thunder in the distance, and the sound became louder and louder.

Finally, I saw two startled rainbows, one golden and one yellow, flying from a distance like lightning, followed by a large area of ​​white flowers, as if something was chasing after it.

Han Zhu kept looking at the cloud of mist, and said to Ling Yuling next to him, "Is this the baby carp?".

Ling Yuling looked at the cloud of mist and nodded solemnly, with a serious look on his face. Han Zhu activated the "Sky Eye Technique" and carefully looked at the cloud of mist. Unfortunately, the "Sky Eye Technique" was too low-level. When checking the power above the Golden Core Stage, he could only see a blur.

"Han Zhu shook his head helplessly. It's really time for him to update his spells. Otherwise, when he goes out to fight in the future, he doesn't even know the basic situation of the opponent, so what a fart!".

But this matter can't be solved all at once, and he is too embarrassed not to pay any price, so let's ask a woman for a spell! He couldn't get rid of this old face himself.

While he was thinking wildly, the atmosphere below became more and more tense. Feng Sanniang suddenly shouted: "Start the formation with all your strength, and use the formation to the maximum power."

No one dared to hold back at this time, and quickly began to fully control the formation. Even Han Li is no exception, he is not here for vacation, he is here for experience.

If the performance is not good, there will definitely be no good fruit to eat when you go back. As everyone frantically input mana, the blue ripples of the blue flag circle rippled from above.

In an instant, the blue brilliance enveloped everyone in it, and after a few flashes, everyone disappeared without a trace, completely hiding their traces.

Looking at this place from a distance, there is nothing but the empty sea. After a while, two rainbows flew over here, and flew over them without stopping, as if they were going to continue running for their lives.

The white mist behind it plunged into here without any doubt. But as soon as the white mist flew into the range of the formation, the surrounding blue brilliance rose, and a huge blue mask appeared out of thin air, trapping it inside.

At this time, Han Li, Feng Sanniang and others appeared in the surroundings. They held up the blue flags in their hands and pointed at the mask at the same time, shooting out six beams of blue light that were as thick as bowls, which continuously melted onto the huge mask, making it more dazzling and dark blue.

Seeing this scene, the yellow and gold rainbows in front turned around without hesitation, and immediately fled to the top of the mask. After Guanghua retracted, the elder Miao and a burly man with disheveled hair and shoulders were revealed.

Even Elder Miao, who has always had a bad face, couldn't help but say when he saw this situation: "Okay, good job! Next, we must resist the counterattack of this beast, and let the two of us use the borrowed treasure to get Get down here!"

Then he and the ancient elder looked at each other, touched his bosom at the same time, and each took out something. It turned out to be a pair of bronze spears full of ancient ruins, the tops of which were dull and inconspicuous.

Two elders of Liulian Hall in the alchemy period. At the same time, with a serious face and muttering words, the long dagger in his hand actually floated up, and emitted a yellow fluorescent light, which became brighter and brighter.

At this time, the baby carp trapped in the mask seemed to understand its situation. After a scream of baby cries, the white mist of more than a hundred feet suddenly shrank towards the center, and in a blink of an eye it became only a dozen or so. It was about ten feet in size, forming a milky white mist cover, and at the same time, there was a thunderous sound in the mist.

Like ten thousand horses galloping, they gradually became one piece, shaking the monks who were all around, their ears were deafeningly buzzing, and everyone was secretly startled.

Suddenly the baby's crying stopped! Then countless blue fists of light shot out densely from the white mist, and hit the blue mask aggressively.

Its momentum is fierce. Let everyone's hearts tighten! At a distance of more than ten feet away from the mask, a large cyan glow emerges.

Part of the light cluster disappeared in a flash in the glow, and then appeared above the white mist out of thin air. After smashing down fiercely, this part of the attack was actually countered by the formation.

But there are too many light clusters. Most of them still hit the blue wall. Immediately, the blue mask and the white mist erupted with rumbling white light at the same time, but the white light in the white mist disappeared in a flash.

And the mask direction. Then the entire shield wall shook, blue and white rays of light intertwined and flickered, looking precarious.

Looking at the fierce battle below, Han Zhu couldn't help but nodded and said, "Is this like a battle between monks?".

What has he encountered before! Basically, they are instant kills, without any fighting at all. Ling Yuling looked at Big Brother Han with great interest.

She knew the reason without even thinking about it. After all, Brother Han is so stubborn, he must have never experienced any battles.

However, it is generally impossible for a formation master like him to take his hand. Han Zhu continued to be enthusiastic, looking at the wonderful battle below, which was much better than the movie.

"Fellow daoists, increase the output of mana! This is one of the baby carp beast's three ultimate moves, the water god thunder, and it won't last long. It can be dealt with as long as it lasts for a while."

Han Li and the others looked at each other for a while, and didn't listen to Feng Sanniang's words. They just increased their mana output a little bit and were not enough. It seemed that no one was a fool. If you run out of mana now, you won't be at the mercy of others.

Feng Sanniang also understood this truth at the same time, seeing that everyone increased the output of mana a little. He didn't force anything, everyone knew that monks were selfish.

Feng Sanniang then recited a few formulas, opened her mouth and sprayed a mouthful of blood onto the formation flag in her hand, the blue light shone brightly, and then the beam of light that was as thick as the mouth of the bowl became several times thicker, making the mask in front of her more stable immediately.

Even so, the formation was flickering violently, as if it was about to disperse at any moment. In the sky above the formation, the bronze daggers in front of the two alchemy monks began to change. Amidst the solemn and mysterious incantation, the two long daggers with yellow light grew bigger inch by inch, and the length of the long daggers The tip began to point down slowly, just right at the center of the white mist below.

The baby carp in the white mist seemed to have sensed the danger in the sky, and suddenly let out a piercing long cry in the mist. Then the white mist slowly spun, and the speed became faster and faster. After a while, it turned into a huge whirlwind, rolling up monstrous waves.

And in the whirlwind of the huge waves, there are still a little bit of blue glow, which is the extremely dangerous numerous water god thunders. Seeing the shocking change in front of them, Qing Suanzi and the others couldn't help but look nervously at Feng Sanniang, but she was also full of panic, as if she didn't know what amazing spell the baby carp was casting.

Seeing this scene, Han Li's face darkened, and he had no choice but to increase the output of mana like everyone else. Han Zhu looked at the battle below with indifferent eyes, and even Ling Yuling next to him watched nervously.

Several times I wanted to say something, but I held back in the end. She believed in Big Brother Han, it was impossible to watch her own brother die like this. Han Zhu didn't feel it at all. Whether Han Li would die or not, he never thought about it.

Even if he died, it was impossible for Han Li to die. He dared to be 100% sure of this. After all, the protagonist of a world cannot be killed easily, unless it is a world-class battle.

"Han Zhu looked at the battle below suspiciously. If he remembered correctly, there should be a magic cultivator. It must be because the time has not come yet!"