
Han Zhu and the others soon came to "Kuixing Island" again. The two war spirit ships were still quietly parked in the air, as if they had never moved at all.

Ling Yuling looked at Han Zhu with longing eyes, tears almost flowed out, and quickly used her mana to dry her eyes.

He managed to squeeze out a smile and said, "Brother Han is up to five years. If you don't come to Tianxing City after five years, I will come to you."

Han Zhu looked at Ling Yuling who was full of grievances, smiled at her and said, "Don't worry, silly girl! I will definitely go in five or six years at most."

Han Zhu stood on the Shenfeng boat, staring at the distant light, speechless for a long time. Han Li couldn't help curling his lips beside him, "A couple of dogs, they know how to sprinkle dog food every day."

He only dared to think about this kind of thing in his heart, if he dared to say it, he would be severely beaten by his second brother.

Han Zhu, who was standing in front, suddenly said, "Go in and get the elixir yourself! I'll wait for you outside."

Han Li was stunned for a moment, but after realizing it, he nodded quickly. Quickly drove a ray of light, and flew towards "Kuixing City" quickly.

Han Zhu stood there quietly, and after a while, he let out a long sigh. "Sure enough, the most difficult thing to repay is the debt of favor, he thought of the beautiful figure who was far away.

Heaven! The battle here is already getting fiercer. Zhengmo and Dao are completely red-eyed, and now there are battles in the Nascent Soul Stage in the entire Yue Kingdom.

Whether it is a monk or a mortal, there are countless casualties. In a remote mountain village, a mother and daughter walked quietly in this desolate mountain village, with dead bones everywhere.

Looking at the dead bones all over the ground, Fairy Hongfu couldn't help but sighed: "Xuan'er, let's go! Leave Tiannan, this place is no longer suitable for cultivation."

Dong Xuan'er looked at her mother suspiciously, "Mother! Then where are we going?" Fairy Hongfu looked at her daughter and said, "Can't you forget that kid Han Zhu?".

Dong Xuan'er said firmly: "I believe Brother Han will definitely come back to find me." Hong Fu looked at her persistent daughter and smiled.

Dong Xuan'er felt that her mother was very strange today, Hong Fu looked at her doubtful daughter and said, "Actually, that kid Han Zhu came to me more than 20 years ago."

Dong Xuan'er showed a look of surprise, and asked in an unbelievable tone: "Mother! Don't be joking, if Brother Han comes out, he will definitely come to me."

Hong Fu briefly explained the situation at that time, and Dong Xuan'er's eyes showed excitement. Urging anxiously: "Mother! Let's go quickly!".

Looking at her impatient daughter, Fairy Hongfu smiled and shook her head, setting up a ray of light. Fly quickly in one direction. When she stopped to escape the light again, they came to the sky above a cave with a broken head.

Dong Xuan'er looked around the cave below suspiciously, but unfortunately, she didn't find anything. Fairy Hongfu also used her spiritual sense to scan several times, but unfortunately the result was the same as Dong Xuan'er.

Dong Xuan'er looked at her mother suspiciously, but Fairy Hongfu could only smile helplessly, and took out a jade tablet from the storage ring.

She punched a few spells into it, and suddenly there was a wave of fluctuations in the space, and soon a portal appeared above the cave.

The two of them looked at the portal that suddenly appeared, with surprised eyes. Fairy Hongfu sighed and said: "Boy Han's formation skills are getting better and better, and even I can't see the slightest flaw."

Dong Xuan'er's eyes showed joy, "I don't know if Big Brother Han is doing well there, has he thought about himself. A master like him, maybe he has found another Taoist partner!"

"Hmph... Anyway, I'm the biggest," Dong Xuan'er smiled happily when she thought of this. Fairy Hongfu looked at her daughter who was giggling there, shook her head helplessly, and took out a medium-grade spirit stone from the storage ring.

The ancient teleportation formation was activated very quickly, Fairy Hongfu quickly took out the large teleportation order, pulled Dong Xuan'er and disappeared in the formation in an instant.

At the moment when they disappeared, the original outer formation became hidden again, as if nothing had happened.

Han Li swaggered to the Liulian Hall and Baishui Building. He had just received the big shopkeeper Feng Sanniang, and when he saw Han Li walking in from the door, his eyes almost popped out.

She asked in an unbelievable tone: "You were not beaten to death, Fellow Daoist Han." After realizing it, she quickly smiled awkwardly.

Although she was very surprised in her heart, she said with a smile on the surface: "Han Daoyou is really a lucky star."

Then she asked cautiously: "Fellow Daoist Han, after we leave...".

With a cold face, Han Li interrupted her and said, "I just came here to get something that belongs to me. Do you Liuliandian want to renege on your debt?".

Looking at Han Li's cold eyes, Feng Sanniang quickly smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Han misunderstood, we still have a bit of integrity in Liuliandian."

Han Li just stood there coldly and didn't speak. Feng Sanniang originally wanted to inquire about the situation at that time, but now it seems hopeless.

"Fellow Daoist Han, please wait here for a while, I'll go get you something." After a cup of tea, Feng Sanniang handed a storage bag to Han Li and said, "Friend Daoist Han has everything in it, you can see for yourself!".

Han Li took out a jade box from the storage bag, even though he was as steady as an old dog, he felt a little excited at this moment.

Jin Danqi was the realm he had been dreaming about in his dreams. Han Li gently picked up a pill with two fingers and put it in front of his eyes. A smile appeared on Bingci's face.

This time he tried his best and risked his life. It was not in vain. With this "Dust Falling Pill", his chances of forming a pill will increase by one point.

Han Li glanced at the thousands of middle-grade spirit stones in the storage bag with his spiritual sense, but he didn't show any expression. The three brothers and sisters never used spirit stones.

Han Li simply cupped his fists at Feng Sanniang before striding out. Feng Sanniang hurriedly said from behind: "I am here to wish Fellow Daoist Han the golden alchemy success in advance."

Feng Sanniang looked at the background where Han Li disappeared, with an inexplicable light in her eyes. In the end, he could only sigh helplessly and did nothing.

"After all, he was able to come back alive from a demon cultivator like Wu Chou. This fellow Daoist Han is not a simple person! One more thing is better than one less thing. In case he succeeds in forming an alchemy, he can be wooed."

Han Li excitedly came outside "Kuixing Island", and soon came to Han Zhu's side. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the sky, only to see a huge battle spirit ship.

Swipe and fly over their heads. Han Li recognized at a glance that it was the Heavenly Star Palace battle spirit ship, and he could vaguely see a familiar figure at the rear of the battle ship.

Han Li took a look, and was silently watching the second brother who was flying away. In the end, he didn't say anything, just stood there quietly with his second brother. After all, he felt the same way when he and Nangong Wan separated.

After waiting for a long time to fight the spirit ship in Tianxing Palace, Han Zhu said lightly: "Go back! You also have to prepare for the alchemy."

Then he threw a jade bottle to Han Li and said in a flat tone, "This is from Ling'er."

Han Li took the jade bottle suspiciously, and gently opened the lid. A golden light flashed directly from inside.

Han Li quickly put the lid back on and looked at his second brother with joy. Holding the bottle firmly in his arms, he kept saying, "Second brother, is this too expensive, or send it back!".

Han Zhu looked at his hypocritical words, "Sure! Give it to me! I'll give it back to her next time." The expression on Han Li's face was the same, he smiled awkwardly and said, "Hehe...just kidding, I'm just kidding."

Han Zhu looked at Han Li speechlessly, "Let's go! Go back and adjust your mentality, and prepare to hit the Golden Core stage."

Han Li nodded excitedly, and quickly steered the Shenfengzhou to "Little Huan Island". Because the Tianxing Palace and the Anti-Star Alliance withdrew, no one was checking on the way.

"However, occasionally I can see teams of monks at the foundation stage. You can even see a few golden core stage monks. There should still be some small and medium-sized forces who are unwilling to give up!".

"Their mentality is, what if they find it! But there are endless benefits. After dozens or hundreds of years, maybe they will become the biggest force in Chaotic Star Sea."

Han Zhu and the others ignored these people, and quickly flew back to "Little Huan Island". They didn't know how Han Xingyue was doing at home, although the island guard formation was very powerful. I'm afraid that others will play some tricks.

After a long time, the two finally came to the vicinity of "Little Huan Island". Han Zhu frowned quickly, and Han Li's expression turned ugly.

Just as he was about to rush out, he was stopped by his second brother. Han Li looked at his second brother suspiciously. Han Zhu had regained his composure, and said with a slight smile: "It's just a matter of time to see how the little girl copes, and see if she has grown up in the past ten years or not."

Han Zhu randomly arranged a formation around them, and their figures gradually merged with the sky until they disappeared completely.

Han Li looked at this scene in amazement, and looked at the second brother with envious eyes. Ever since the second brother knew that he had become the master of formations, he had already started to develop various formations.

Now Han Zhu uses formations, which are more convenient than spells. The most important thing is that these formations he uses can integrate the power of heaven and earth, so powerful that they have not changed sides.

He felt that the formations that the second brother was using now were similar to the supernatural powers of the Nascent Soul Stage. Take this invisibility formation as an example, even the ordinary Nascent Soul Stage can't see through it, unless they have cultivated special eyes.

Han Li piloted the Shenfengzhou, and soon came to the sky above "Little Huan Island". Han Zhu lowered his head and looked down, only to see eight foundation-building stage monks dressed in strange clothes, frantically attacking the island guard formation on Xiaohuan Island.


note: I hope you liked today's chapters, see you tomorrow