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Three days later, Han Zhu and the others packed up everything, and the three of them stood quietly outside the "Tiandi Peak".

Han Xingyue asked a little confused: "Second brother, when can we find a stable place to live forever."

Han Zhu touched her head with a smile and said: "Xingyue, you have to remember that when we walk towards the path of monks, there is no fixed place, even if we become the strongest in the future, there will be even bigger ones." The strong will emerge."

Han Zhu turned his head, looked at the blazing sun and said: "I still give this sentence to you. When we step on this road, we will fight with the sky, the earth, and the people. The day our lives stand still, that's our haven."

"I believe that you will not let this day come. We will fight forever, even if this world is destroyed, we will fight in other worlds."

Han Li's blood was boiling with excitement, and he nodded his head desperately. Although the second brother's usual education class is very headache, but every word he said seems so reasonable, it seems to have been thought through for thousands of years.

Han Zhuxie glanced at the two of them, and saw that they all showed excited expressions. Only then nodded in satisfaction, there is no white pot for this meal of chicken soup for the soul.

Han Zhu continued to play a formation against the "Tiandi Peak", and this space began to fluctuate, and as the fluctuation stopped.

The entire "Heaven and Earth Peak" suddenly disappeared between heaven and earth. Han Zhu glanced at the surprised two people and said, "I have already hidden it in the space crack, and no one can enter except for the jade cards in your hands. Unless it is in the transformation stage That kind of great magician."

Han Li and the two hurriedly took out their jade tokens and sensed them, and sure enough they could sense the "Tiandi Peak". Both of them looked at the second brother with adoring eyes.

Han Zhu only showed a faint smile, and the three of them quickly came to the sky over "Little Huan Island". Under the simplest defensive formation.

Han Zhu glanced at the small town below, and flew away with the two of them without looking back. Han Zhu now kept his cultivation base at the initial stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and Han Li also learned his second brother's dog, suppressing his cultivation to the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

The three of them had just flown out of Xiaohuan Island for less than five hundred miles, when Han Li's face suddenly darkened, and he stopped the Shenfengzhou. He glanced at Han Zhu next to him, and sure enough, his second brother found out earlier than him.

Han Li said calmly, "Don't hide, come out!" Han Li looked in the same direction as Han Zhu.

"Hey!" Someone in the void let out a surprised sound. Then all kinds of brilliance flashed, and eight foundation-building stage monks showed their figures not far ahead.

"Han Li handed over Jiangchen Pill, otherwise we will blame us for being rude. Looking at the clothes they were wearing, Han Li felt very familiar.

He soon remembered that this was a law enforcement cultivator from "Kuixing Island". Han Li asked suspiciously: "We didn't violate the rules here. you".

An old monk snorted coldly and said, "Han Li, the fact that you killed Junior Brother Mao and other monks under the master of Weixing Island has been exposed, and now we, the law enforcement monks, have ordered you to be restrained and handed over to Zhantai by the order of Master Mu. The owner of the island has fallen, you better hurry up and catch him!".

The two of them have been in the world of cultivating immortals for nearly a hundred years, so they don't even need to think about it, there must be someone playing tricks here. The only thing that Han Zhu and Han Li thought of was Liuliandian.

Han Li's face darkened in an instant, and he said in a cold voice: "If I say that I didn't kill them, you will definitely not believe me. Now you get out of here, and I will pretend nothing happened."

Several people showed surprised expressions. You must know that there are eight foundation-building stage monks here. Han Liguo dared to threaten them like this. Could it be that he has already broken through to the golden core stage?

"Impossible! If Han Li breaks through to the golden core stage, there will definitely be a heaven and earth consciousness." If you let them know that next to him is the formation master they have been looking for, maybe they will not think so.

Several monks in the late stage of Foundation Establishment used their spiritual consciousness to scan Han Li several times carefully, and even used some secret techniques. Unfortunately, the results they got were the same, just a fake alchemy stage.

Several people looked at each other, showing hesitation. The main thing is that Han Li was able to discover their whereabouts in advance, which led to the failure of the ambush.

You must know that they have used advanced formations, even if they are fake pills, they may not be able to find them. Han Xingyue was unconvinced and said beside him: "You are monks from Kuixing Island? Do you have any evidence to say that my fourth brother killed other monks?".

Hearing this, the old man who spoke was startled. He glanced at Han Xingyue with cold eyes, but then sneered.

He said in a sinister voice: "Why, with Elder Miao of Liulian Temple testifying, you still can't argue? Don't take chances! Master Mu has already passed on the message that the three of you brothers and sisters are very cunning. Once you find out Immediately abolish the cultivation base first."

Han Xingyue's face was flushed with anger, and Han Zhu touched her little head and said, "Okay! Leave these matters to your fourth brother!".

The little girl was still angry and gave the old man a hard look. As soon as these words came out, Han Li's expression changed slightly, and a layer of chill covered his face and he said: "Elder Miao! Are you sure it's him?".

"You still want to abolish our cultivation base? Doesn't Master Mu plan to tell the three of us to tell each other? It really is overbearing!".

The white-haired old man stared. Impatiently, he turned his head and ordered to the others: "Hey! You have been hiding in guilt for several years, and the evidence is already solid. What else do you need to distinguish? Let's do it, take these three people and go back to receive the reward!".

Han Zhu hurriedly pulled the little girl back, "Let's leave this kind of fighting to our Xiaoqiang! After all, that kid has just broken through to the Golden Core stage, and his hands are itchy!".

Han Li glanced at the indifferent second brother and understood what he meant. There was also a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he hadn't killed anyone for a long time, did he really think that Old Devil Han's knife was not fast? .

Immediately, these monks started their hands without saying a word, and sacrificed many kinds of magic weapons together, and all kinds of rays of light flew towards Han Li aggressively.

Han Li's eyelids didn't even twitch! I became even more angry in my heart, looking at the posture, I couldn't restrain myself from only abolishing my cultivation base. Seeing the fierce light in their eyes, it was clear that they were planning to kill them in one fell swoop.

Although I don't know if there are other tricks in it. But the killing intent in Han Li's heart was even stronger. Han Li said coldly: "Don't even think about leaving today."

Han Li took a step forward, and an astonishing blue light appeared from his body. The whole person instantly turned into a dazzling light cluster. After a low whistle, a blue light flashed under Han Li's feet. The whole person greeted the group of instruments. After a few flashes.

It actually disappeared in the light of various magic tools, but then the cyan light flourished, and many magic tools were suddenly covered by a blue light with a diameter of twenty or thirty feet, and their movements became sluggish.

Only then did Han Li's figure appear in the center of the blue light. He made a handprint with his hands expressionlessly, and uttered the word "forbidden".

Immediately, as if being pushed by something, all the dharma weapons obediently shot towards Han Li's side. With a wave of his sleeve, everything disappeared out of thin air, as if he had been taken away.

Then, Han Li looked at the group of law enforcement monks with a cold face. They were already stunned by the scene in front of them.

Han Li's aura had changed drastically at this time. Someone finally discovered that Han Lifa's true cultivation was at full strength. Monk!".

The other monks were equally panicked when they heard the words. Two clever monks immediately turned around and ran wildly.

As for the old man in the lead, his arrogance was gone, only his face full of disbelief remained. Han Li glanced at them coldly, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips.

How can these people escape. The blue light on his body became more and more intense, and after he glanced emotionlessly at the two people who were fleeing, he raised his hand without saying a word and turned into two blue flying swords, which disappeared in front of him with a swipe. It was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, it arrived behind the two monks who ran tens of feet away.

Of these two monks, one was wearing a gleaming earth-yellow armor, the other was wrapped around a blue light chain that looked unordinary at first sight, but just blocking the cyan flying sword for a while, they were immediately criticized even with the magic weapon. It became two sections.

The other law enforcement monks who also wanted to flee turned pale. The old man hurriedly shouted in panic: "Senior Han, I misunderstood! This is all a misunderstanding...".

Han Li didn't listen to the other party's evasion at all, and then tapped the sky a few times, and one after another, blue flying swords flew out of him.

The old man and the other monks looked desperate, and unwillingly sacrificed defensive magic weapons one after another and begged for mercy. But under Han Li's icy gaze, they only persisted for less than a moment, and even the magic weapon with them was chopped into several sections.

Han Litian grabbed the storage bags at their waists, and most of their bodies fell into the sea. Looking at the bloody scene, Han Xingyue showed a hint of resentment in his eyes.

However, she still forcibly endured and watched it, after all, the incident last time almost turned into a big deal, and a thousand lives were almost destroyed in her hands.

Han Zhu nodded in satisfaction with the little girl's performance. When Han Li flew over from the side, Han Zhu just said lightly: "Let's go! If there are monks at the alchemy stage coming, it will be troublesome."

After looking around, Han Li murmured, "As long as the owner of "Kuixing Island" doesn't come, I can deal with it."

Han Li closed his mouth in an instant, and quickly took out the Shenfengzhou. He saw that his second brother's face was getting more and more wrong. He smiled awkwardly at Han Zhu, and quickly controlled the Shenfengzhou to fly into the distance.

It was not as decisive and ruthless as the killing just now. This is like a child who is about to get angry when he sees his parents, "I can't help it! Who said that the second brother is stronger than himself, and not just a little bit."

Han Li immediately activated the Divine Wind Boat, which turned into a white light and fled away. A quarter of an hour later, two long rainbows, one basket and one red, came flying from the direction of Kuixing Island, and arrived at the place where Han Li killed several law enforcement monks in a blink of an eye.