Skystar City

Every hundred years in the "Tianxing City" to select the master of the outer islands, most monks want to jump over the dragon gate, which is called the "Star Reaching Conference".

When it is held, almost all the high-ranking monks in Chaos Star Sea will gather here. Some of these monks came straight to the island lord position, while others just wanted to broaden their horizons and communicate with other fellow monks.

Others wanted to take this opportunity to exchange materials, pills, or even exercises, which was called a meeting of the wind and clouds, and almost overcrowded the Skystar City at that time.

But even if it wasn't the day when the Star Reaching Fair was held, Skystar City was still bustling and bustling, with dragons and snakes intermingling extremely.

Because this city is extremely free, monks of all ranks are allowed to come and go at will, except that those who are not allowed to fight in the city and those who live in the city have to pay a certain amount of spirit stones every month.

People from "Star Palace" will not interfere with anything in this city. Tou Xixiu, as long as he does not cause trouble in this city, people from "Star Palace" will not take the initiative to arrest him.

Those big merchants were extremely satisfied with this free environment, and they set up shop in the city all the year round, and also set up their own auction and purchase houses and other businesses that could earn a lot of spirit stones.

In this way, there are countless rare things that flow from all over the Chaotic Star Sea to Tianxing City every year! In addition, there is another place in Tianxing City that attracts many monks.

In the city, there is actually a teleportation array directly leading to the alien sea in the Tianxing Palace. As long as someone is willing to pay a large sum of spirit stones, they can be sent to dozens of "monster islands" of different sizes in the alien sea through the teleportation array.

After arriving at these islands, the monks can kill all kinds of monsters in the nearby sea, capture the monster pills, and then take them back to Tianxing City to sell the spirit stones.

With the value of the demon pill, almost one fifth-level demon pill can be sold for nearly a thousand spirit stones, and a sixth-level demon pill can almost allow a monk who has established a foundation to cultivate for a lifetime without worry.

Therefore, most of the monks who come to Tianxing City every year come for these teleportation formations. After all, it would take too long to fly to the open sea without taking the teleportation array, and it would be extremely dangerous to run around like headless chickens in the open sea.

You must know that these transmissions are all left over from ancient times. When I saw this, even if I knew Han Zhu a little bit earlier, I was frightened by the power of my little Taoist companion.

Han Zhu couldn't help but sighed when he saw this, "It really is a super power! In this mortal world, it should also belong to the top power!".

Han Li had just finished understanding these things, and was even more stunned. He raised his head and looked at his second brother with difficulty. There was excitement in his eyes.

The thought in his heart is: "They only need to wrap this thigh tightly, it will be enough for the three brothers and sisters to eat for a lifetime. I dare not say that it is a god, and there is absolutely no problem in the Nascent Soul Stage."

Han Zhu could clearly feel Han Li's fiery gaze, and he looked back with a flat gaze. Han Li's whole body was full of wit, and only then did he recover from the ecstasy.

"There is a bitter smile on his face. No one knows Han Zhu better than him. The second brother will never allow such a thing to happen. After all, the second brother has already arranged their path."

Seeing that Han Li had come to his senses, Han Zhu said lightly, "Don't think about those unrealistic things, I've told you many times, our destiny must be determined by ourselves, especially you Xiaoli, you have You have to go your own way."

"Han Li felt very confused. The second brother kept emphasizing this question, but every time I asked him, he didn't answer. He just told himself in a serious tone that he was not an ordinary person, and he had to walk a path that he should walk. road".

"Han Li also feels very helpless! He feels that he is an ordinary person, no different from others. The only difference is that he has mastered the "Heaven Palm Bottle".

"But didn't the second brother say that this is just a more powerful magic weapon?". Looking at Han Li with a confused face, he reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "Xiao Li! There are many things that the second brother can't tell you now, but when you become stronger, you will know."

"Han Li could only nod in confusion. He believed that the second brother would never lie to him. There must be a big thing that he didn't tell him. Is it because he is too weak?".

The three of them fixed on a direction and flew towards "Tianxing City". Han Zhu continued to sit on the Shenfengzhou, looking at the materials they bought, and soon he understood that apart from the superpower "Star Palace", there are other big and small forces in Luan Xinghai, such as "Yelong Island" ""Four Great Business Alliances", "Succubus Sect", "Three Immortals Gate" and so on.

Of course, "Extreme Yin Island" and "Liulian Temple" can be regarded as two big forces. Han Zhu silently sorted out the information he got, and then took out the sea area map of the Chaotic Star Sea from his body, and looked at it carefully for a while.

A few months later, a white light streaked across a certain area of ​​the sea. Han Li, who was standing on it with a tired face from the long journey day after day, and Han Li, who was beside him with a relaxed expression. Cast and Han Xingyue.

Speaking of which, such a long trek was a rare experience even for Han Li at the Jindan stage.

As for the two salted fishes, Han Zhu and Han Xingyue, they were living in style, requiring Han Li to stop from time to time to have a picnic or something.

But today Han Zhu and Han Li stood quietly in front of Shenfengzhou together, looking forward non-stop. Judging from the deserted island they passed by half a month ago.

It should have arrived near the giant island where "Skystar City" is located! So I felt a little excited. After flying forward for a while, Han Li's expression changed slightly.

Hastily excitedly said to Han Zhu: "Second brother should be here soon, my spiritual sense has already sensed it."

There was also a smile on Han Zhu's face. After all, he had been drifting at sea for several months and was already tired of this kind of life.

The little girl who was cultivating hard also ran over quickly and kept looking forward, it seemed that she was also very suppressed.

Because of his strong spiritual sense, Han Li had already discovered the giant island in front of him. Soon, Han Zhu also saw a huge black spot vaguely in front of him.

Without hesitation, Han Li pushed the divine wind boat under his feet, and the speed increased in vain, and he galloped away. A moment later, the black dot gradually grew larger from far to near, gradually showing an extremely large black shadow.

Although it is not yet clear, the huge silhouette like Optimus Prime has made Han Zhu and the others feel an extremely majestic and amazing momentum.

When Shenfengzhou flew closer, he finally got a clear overview of the black shadow. It is indeed a city, and it is a super city that occupies the entire island.

Even Han Zhu, who had seen high-rise buildings in his previous life, showed a surprised expression. Not to mention Han Li and Han Xingyue, the two country bumpkins, their eyes almost popped out of their eyes.

The most shocking thing is that the main body of this city is completely different from the cities we have seen before. It is not built on flat land, but is based on a towering mountain in the center of the island. Its surface is built in circles in a spiral shape.

At the bottom of the giant mountain, there are various buildings one after another, extending all the way to the edge of the island, with almost no gaps.

There is no doubt that this must be the largest city in the Chaotic Star Sea, "Tianxing City". Looking at the densely packed houses stretching into the sky, Han Zhu was surprised for a long time.

It took a while before he reacted slowly. The Shenfengzhou stopped because no one was manipulating it, and Han Li, who was a Jindan cultivator, quickly reacted.

Glancing at the second brother who had already recovered his calm, he only felt a little bit ashamed. After all, he is a monk at the Golden Core stage, and his concentration is not as strong as that of his second brother. Han Li regained control of the Shenfengzhou and slowly flew forward.

When Shenfengzhou approached the island for twenty miles, the little girl came back to her senses, looked at the two elder brothers, her little face turned red immediately.

As they continued to approach, there were more and more shield lights around them. Han Zhu glanced at it casually, and there were at least thousands of them, worthy of being the oldest force in Chaotic Star Sea.

This is just one direction of the island, isn't there tens of thousands in the four directions. Han Zhu quickly regained his composure. As the second brother, he had to remain calm.

Han Li looked at more and more shield lights, and sighed inwardly, "It really deserves to be called Skystar City! To be so far away, I saw so many other cultivators."

Flying forward for another 10 or 20 miles, the sky became more colorful, and even some huge sea ships appeared below, also riding the wind and waves.

What made Han Zhu and the others speechless was that there were still some monks flying in the sky without imperial weapons, but riding a flat boat or riding low-level monsters at the same speed across the sea.

Looking at the appearance of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, Han Zhu couldn't help sighing: "The world is really big, and there are all kinds of wonders."

After a while, Han Zhu and the others arrived at the edge of Skystar City. Only then did I discover the city in front of me. It was unexpectedly surrounded by a towering stone wall tens of feet high along the coast, covered with various powerful formation restrictions.

And under the endless high wall, only Han Zhu and the others could see. There are more than a dozen various portals, large and small.

There are not only docks for mortal ships, but also bays where all kinds of monsters live. Of course, the most common ones are the small city gates that monks can pass through alone. Han Li followed a blue light and flew towards one of the short the city gate.

Say it's short! But when Han Zhu flew over and landed, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. It's no problem to walk a ten-meter giant.

Han Zhu looked at the scene in front of him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. Still need tickets. In front of Han Zhu was a dignified woman in Tsing Yi, whose cultivation was in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

She said a few gentle words to the two white-clothed monks standing under the city gate, then handed out a few spirit stones, took a blue ring from the opponent's hand, casually put it on her hand, and moved lightly with lotus steps. walked in.