The True Immortal Cultivator

In the Imperial Palace of Shenwu City, Wu Longji, the emperor of Shenwu Empire, hasn't slept well these days. It has been three days since he sent his fourth son to preach the decree, and no news has come back.

At this time, he was sitting on his emperor's throne with a sad face, and he had never been so anxious before. Even if the rebels took down a province, he was never in such a hurry.

He took out a pen from the pen case next to him, and just wanted to write a few words to ease his mood. A blurry figure suddenly appeared in front of him, he was immediately refreshed, and quickly dropped the pen.

After a swipe, he came to the black shadow, and grabbed the note in his hand with one hand. After reading all the words at a glance, I felt a burst of pain all over my body.

His eyes were fixed on the word "Golden Core", as the supreme ruler of the empire. No one understands the horror of these two words better than him.

He hastily ordered to the outside: "Come on, prepare your horses and chariots and go to the 'Xianshan Mountain' immediately.

A pure black carriage quickly left Shenwu City. He galloped directly to a high mountain next to him, at the foot of which the empire's one million royal army was stationed.

Their camp surrounded the entire mountain, and the black carriage was not obstructed by any official card, and came directly to the foot of the mountain.

A few generals had been waiting here for a long time. When they saw the chariot god coming, they quickly stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, you are here. We have notified all the immortals. They are waiting for you at the Dengxian Tower on the top of the mountain." .

Wu Longji quickly got down from the carriage, just nodded to a few people and then performed lightness kung fu, rushing to the top of the mountain quickly.

"Several generals showed surprised expressions. This majesty rarely makes such a gaffe. It seems that something very important has happened."

As an innate warrior, Wu Longji ran to the top of the 5,000-meter mountain in one breath. There is only one attic on the top of the mountain, standing there quietly, with "Dengxianlou" written on the door row.

Wu Longji strode to the door, took a few breaths, straightened his dragon robe, bowed respectfully to the inside and said: "Ancestor Longji has something important to report."

An old voice came from inside: "Longji! Come in! We old men are waiting for you here."

Wu Longji saluted respectfully again, then opened the door and walked in. There were six old men and a young girl sitting in the room. They were all wearing the same Taoist robes as Han Zhu, except that they were golden.

The fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl hurried over when she saw the emperor of the empire, saluted and said, "Qingshui has seen the emperor."

Wu Longji smiled kindly at his daughter, after all, she is the only person in their Wu family generation who has a spiritual root, and she is also a heavenly spiritual root.

You must know that when these ancestors detected the spiritual root of this little girl, they were very happy for several months. The phoenix son of their martial family did not disappoint their hopes, but reached the sixth level of the Qi refining period in just seven years.

Wu Qingshui's face was full of icy coldness, even when he saw his father, he only showed a faint smile, and he looked like an ice beauty.

Wu Longji quickly bowed to the six old men and said, "Ancestors, the mysterious cultivator sent a message saying that he wants to see you."

"Oh." It is confirmed that he is indeed a cultivator." Wu Longji nodded affirmatively and said: "And he wants you to bring all the historical materials and all the materials of the Holy Blood Sect."

An old man with a rather fiery temper suddenly stared at him and said, "Who does he think he is, is he ordering us?".

Several other people also showed the same look, but they were not as violent as this one. The oldest old man sitting in the upper hand waved his hand and asked, "Did Longji find out what realm his cultivation base is, and has he reached the realm of heaven and man?".

Everyone fell silent when they heard this. You must know that there is only the realm of heaven and man, the clan elder who sits at the top. But he is twenty to forty-five hundred years old this year, and his lifespan is numbered.

When Wu Longji had a look of panic in his eyes, he glanced at the ancestors of the clan and said, "He only passed one sentence to us."

Looking at his frightened expression, several people couldn't help frowning. The most experienced old man asked in a steady voice: "What did he say?"

"When Jindan gets angry, the world changes color." Several people looked at Wu Longji blankly at first, but the old man at the top of the list trembled slightly when he heard Jin Dan twice.

He looked at Wu Longji in disbelief and asked, "Are you sure the two sentences he sent are these two sentences?".

Wu Longji nodded with an affirmative expression, and the old man suddenly fell silent. However, his body was still trembling slightly, and several people could see something.

One of the old men couldn't help but ask: "What does Tai Shugong mean? Why are you so afraid."

The old man stood up slowly and walked back and forth in the hall. It took a while before he said: "I usually ask you to read more classics, so that you can learn spells every day."

Several people lowered their heads in shame, and the old man looked at the cold girl and asked, "Qingshui, do you know what Jindan means?".

The cold girl hesitated for a moment and said: "Old ancestor! Is it the golden elixir recorded in the classics?".

The old man nodded slowly and said: "There should be nothing wrong, but now that the aura of heaven and earth is weak, it is impossible for even Master Establishment to appear, so how could there be a Jindan Daoist!".

The old man's face suddenly changed, he thought of a possibility, and quickly asked Wu Longji next to him: "I seem to have heard you say that the immortal cultivator fell from the sky!".

Wu Longji was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "According to the news from the secret guard, it is indeed the case. At that time, the little girl from the Feng family was making a wish to the moon god, when suddenly a person fell from the sky and brought her to the moon. Their family smashed a big deep hole, but the immortal cultivator was fine."

A look of excitement suddenly appeared in the eyes of the old man, and he was still muttering: "Then there is nothing wrong, it must be like this."

Everyone looked at this old ancestor suspiciously. If it wasn't for him being the oldest, most cultivated, and most knowledgeable here, they would have thought him crazy.

The old man stopped suddenly, with an excited look on his face. He quickly ordered to several people: "Hurry up and take all the books and records of our Sutra Pavilion, and all those things, and we will go to see the Jindan Daoist right away."

Everyone looked at this old ancestor with surprised eyes. Could it be that he is really crazy? Seeing that everyone was using it a lot, the old man looked at himself suspiciously and gave everyone a hard look.

He said in a stern tone: "This is an opportunity to change our destiny. If we can grasp it, maybe we can go to a higher realm to see it."

Then he looked at the cold girl with a loving look on his face. "Even if we can't do the Tao, there is definitely hope for Qingshui to go further."

Several old men showed surprised expressions, and one of them asked: "Old Ancestor, do you mean that Qingshui may break through to the Foundation Establishment Stage?".

Bu Dao nodded with certainty, "Do you know what is above Foundation Establishment?".

Several old men shook their heads, only the cold girl showed a thoughtful look.

Looking at his juniors, the old man could only helplessly shook his head and explained: "In fact, in the ancient world of cultivating immortals, our cultivation realms were divided into Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, Golden Elixir, Nascent Soul, and Transforming God. It is said that as long as you break through to the stage of transforming gods, you can ascend to the upper realm, and there is a higher realm above, and there is also a fairyland above it."

Everyone showed surprised eyes, even the cold girl showed a hint of optimism.

The old man glanced at the crowd, and then slowly said: "I now suspect that the senior immortal cultivator is a Jindan real person."

"What..." Everyone showed unbelievable expressions, and one of the old men said: "Impossible, the ancestor! Our Shenwu Continent has not appeared in the foundation building period for eight thousand years. Where did the Jindan Daoist come from?" ".

The old man didn't hide anything, after all, here are his relatives, so he directly expressed his guess.

"If I'm not wrong, this Jindan real person should come from another world."

Everyone showed surprise again, and one of them asked: "Does the ancestor have other worlds besides us?".

The old man nodded slowly and said: "I read it in a very ancient book. In ancient times, our world was connected with other worlds. There are hundreds of them."

"However, the Great War of the Ancients took place in it, and all the passages were destroyed. Since then, the aura of our world has begun to decline rapidly, and it has remained in the current state until countless years ago."

It was the first time for these people to hear about the things of the ancient times, and they showed a look of surprise and longing.

Not to mention anything else, just life. Those in the stage of transforming spirits should be able to live for a long time, the old man nodded slowly and said: "In the real ancient times, the life span of the stage of refining qi was actually not as long as ours now."

Everyone once again showed puzzled eyes, and the old man smiled wryly and continued to explain: "Actually, the exercises we are practicing now are all wrong. Don't you find a problem? You can only cast spells dozens of times, and your spiritual power will be exhausted."

Several people showed blank expressions, isn't this a normal thing? The old man showed a wry smile and said: "Actually, in ancient times, even a monk on the fifth or sixth floor of the Qi refining period could cast hundreds of spells."

Several people fell silent when they heard this, it turned out that they were so far from the ancient times.