Awakening Phoenix Bloodline

Both Feng Xian'er and Wu Qingshui fell silent, and after a while Wu Qingshui came to Han Zhu with firm eyes.

Kneeling down abruptly, he said, "Senior Han, please accept me as an apprentice. Even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I am willing to follow you."

She knocked her head hard three times, and even a trace of blood flowed from her forehead. Han Zhu nodded with satisfaction in his heart, this little girl's heart to be on the road is really strong.

Moreover, her spiritual root is indeed good. If she were in the mortal world, she would be a disciple that countless big sects would rush to accept.

And judging by her appearance, she shouldn't deceive her master and destroy her ancestors. Practice with him, the speed should be very fast. The most important thing is that he will go to the spirit world in the future, and he will not be able to do without help.

Han Zhu nodded lightly and said: "Since you have thought it over clearly, then I will accept you! After all, meeting you in this world is also a kind of fate, I only hope that you will not regret it in the future."

A hint of excitement appeared on Wu Qingshui's face, and he nodded firmly. Han Zhu turned his eyes to himself, the great disciple of Kaishan.

Seeing the master's gaze looking at her, Feng Xian'er couldn't help shrinking her neck and said in a low voice: "Master, I'm leaving, what should parents do?".

Han Zhu chuckled lightly and said, "Don't worry! It will take at least a few decades for us to leave this world, maybe even a hundred years. By then your parents should have already left, and there is absolutely no problem in giving them retirement. ".

As soon as Feng Xian'er heard that her pension was dying, her complexion turned sour. She looked at Han Zhu with longing eyes and asked, "Master, is there any way to make parents live longer."

Han Zhu glanced at his apprentice, shook his head ruthlessly and said, "They don't have spiritual roots and cannot cultivate immortality, and their lifespan is limited. Even if they are forcibly promoted to innate, they can only live for a maximum of one hundred and five years."

Han Zhu glanced at it, and the great disciple of Kaishan said, "Are you sure you want to do this? In fact, birth, old age, sickness and death are the normal state of human beings, and living longer is not necessarily a good thing."

Han Zhu glanced at his two apprentices, and said slowly: "Do you know how old my parents lived?".

Feng Xian'er asked suspiciously: "Should have lived at least one hundred and fifty years old!".

Han Zhu shook his head with a smile and said, "My parents, like ordinary people, lived to be sixty or seventy years old. Originally, I prepared longevity pills for them. Even if they lived for hundreds of years, it would not be a problem."

"It's a pity that they refused. They told me that they can't live forever. Living for a long time is not necessarily a good thing, but it is also a kind of pain. It is even more painful to see relatives and friends next to them leave one by one. ".

Han Zhu pretended to let out a long sigh, turned his back to everyone, and said in a sad tone: "You two are still young now, when you live hundreds of years like me, you will understand these great principles."

Everyone looked at that figure and felt a deep sadness exuding from him. At first glance, it has experienced countless years and slowly accumulated precipitation.

Han Zhu did think of those girls at this time, and thought of his brother Han Li. "I don't know if they are doing well there. Has that boy Han Li left the Chaotic Star Sea and walked the path that belonged to him?"

Soon, Wu Qingshui officially worshiped Han Zhu as his teacher and became Han Zhu's second disciple. Han Zhu also entrusted the old men of the Wu family to find out for him where the headquarters of the Holy Blood Cult is.

By the way, he asked them to give him all the energy to collect those low-level materials, and gave them a promise to allow them to practice at the foot of the mountain when he arranged a super compound formation.

Even if he leaves this world in the future, this blessed land will be handed over to their Wu family. Several old men patted their chests excitedly and said, this is not a problem, and they will collect the materials as soon as possible.

At this time, there are only three masters and apprentices on the entire Tiandi Peak, and within a hundred miles of Tiandi Peak, the strongest army of 100,000 in the empire is stationed. They are specially used to guard the entire Tiandi Peak, so as not to disturb other people.

However, under the Tiandi Peak, there are countless soldiers digging pits and channels. At this time, there is also a steady stream of low-grade materials, transported from all directions of the empire.

If this trend continues, it will take at most one or two years to successfully deploy this super compound formation. The only pity is that the entire Shenwu Empire has been searched, and there is no trace of the Holy Blood Cult.

It seems that the clone of the evil god that was killed last time aroused the vigilance of that evil god. It is even more difficult to find him, but I can occasionally hear about the Holy Blood Church in other places, but the distance is too far away, and it is impossible to determine the authenticity, so Han Zhu did not go to see it himself.

There are still a few old men running around for him. After all, he also made it very clear that if he can kill the evil god of the Holy Blood Cult, he may leave this world immediately.

If that's the case, isn't that Paradise Paradise belonged to their Wu Family? Maybe they still have a chance to become Foundation Establishment monks, so those old men are much more diligent than him.

Han Zhu was sitting in the lobby of Tiandi Pavilion at this time, and below him were his two apprentices, Feng Xian'er and Wu Qingshui.

He had already thought about Feng Xian'er's exercise. It was a copy of "Fengming Jue" that he saw in the Sutra Pavilion of Tianxing Palace. This exercise was passed down from the spirit world in ancient times, and it was specially For people with the blood of the Phoenix clan to practice.

Its effect is also very simple, that is, to continuously condense the blood of the phoenix. If it can be cultivated to the highest level, it can directly transform into the divine beast phoenix.

It's a pity that there is only the upper part, and the lower part should be in the spirit world. But it doesn't matter, even the upper part is enough for the little girl to cultivate to the stage of transformation.

At this time, Han Zhu was seriously explaining various cultivation problems of "Fengming Jue" to his big apprentice. Then he started to use his magic power to swim around in her body according to the path of the exercises.

It wasn't until the little girl was able to run a small cycle by herself that she took back her mana with confidence. Feng Xian'er was running her own power with all her strength.

Soon there was a trace of aura in her dantian, and the moment the aura was produced, it was absorbed by the Phoenix blood in her heart.

Han Zhu was stunned for a moment, but soon understood. It should be her phoenix bloodline, who has been staying at a low concentration of spiritual energy, and is very hungry. Now when he saw such a strong aura, he was instantly absorbed and replenished.

Han Zhu couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "In such an environment, even the blood has become so thirsty."

Han Zhu hurriedly brought the dozens of spirit stones from the side, and stuffed two into the little girl's hands. Feng Xian'er was stunned for a moment, then turned her gaze to the master.

Han Zhu could only roll his eyes helplessly, and didn't want to explain anything to this kind of immortal cultivator Xiaobai, so he said directly: "You just continue to practice, if the spirit stone in your hand is broken, just continue to take the rest."

Feng Xian'er nodded blankly, then started to practice again, and soon the spirit stone in her hand turned into powder. Such actions have been repeated, and Han Zhu has been paying attention to the changes in her body with his own consciousness.

In the end, he found helplessly that even if he absorbed all these dozens of spirit stones, it would not be able to make up for the shortfall in her blood.

"What a poor baby, it's hard to get enough to stay in such an environment." Fortunately, she met such a good master, otherwise, her phoenix blood would directly absorb the nutrition of her body, and once it started, it couldn't be stopped.

Feng Xian'er only felt that her body was extremely hot, and her face was covered with beads of sweat. Only when holding the spirit stone to practice, she felt a little cool. When she was about to reach out to grab two more spirit stones, she was stopped by a hand.

Feng Xian'er looked at the master with puzzled eyes, Han Zhu smiled helplessly and said, "Master only has this amount in stock in total, I will save some for your junior sister."

Feng Xian'er's face turned red in an instant. She was not angry, but was sucked by the Phoenix's blood. Han Zhu could only draw a few strokes in the air helplessly, and a simple transformation formation appeared under him and Feng Xian'er.

As a formation master, as long as he has enough spiritual power, he only needs to set up these ordinary formations in the void.

Soon the mana in his body was drawn out, transformed by the formation, and turned into pure spiritual power, wrapped around Feng Xian'er.

Feng Xian'er was stunned for a while, then quickly smiled at the master, and then began to absorb crazily. With the operation of her exercises, the blush on her face also began to dissipate, turning into a normal expression, and even a hint of enjoyment on her face.

Han Zhu looked at his first disciple, with an expression of enjoyment, and could only shrug his shoulders helplessly. It turned out that he was the apprentice he had accepted, and no matter how hard it was, he had to endure it.

The mana in his body was quickly drawn out, and soon fell from the ninth level of mana in the Qi training period to the eighth level in the Qi training period.

Now the spiritual power absorbed by the system on-hook can no longer keep up with what can go out. He can only force himself to start practicing, so that he can recover quickly.

This situation lasted for five hours, and Han Zhu felt that his body was a bit overwhelmed. He glanced at the mana in his dantian, and there was only the mana of the second level of Qi training period left.

Just when he was about to take two spirit stones to replenish. Suddenly a fiery red phoenix flew out of Feng Xian'er's body, and it began to hover above her head continuously.

Han Zhu glanced at it, and it was only the size of a palm, but the blood was much thicker than before. It cheerfully and continuously revolved around Feng Xian'er.

Feng Xian'er also opened her tired eyes, and looked at herself with curious eyes. The fiery red bird in front of her only felt that she had a blood connection with it.

Looking at his apprentice's puzzled eyes, Han Zhu could only helplessly explain: "Your ancestors should have the blood of the phoenix, and you are very lucky to have awakened this blood. In the future, you will be much more difficult than others on the road of cultivation. , and much easier."

Feng Xian'er didn't quite understand these things, so she just nodded ignorantly. Han Zhu didn't want to explain too much, she would understand when she grew up.