Restoring all repairs

Feng Tiannan suddenly felt a familiar smell, and said with a smile: "Xian'er, are you back?".

A chuckle suddenly sounded on his left, and then a bright figure slowly appeared on his left.

On his left, suddenly appeared a beautiful girl in a fiery red fairy dress. Her whole body seemed to be wrapped in flames, and a phoenix could be vaguely seen spinning around her.

There was also excitement in Feng Tiannan's eyes, and he said in an excited tone: "Xian'er, you are finally back, this time you went out but you haven't been back for twenty years."

Feng Xian'er smiled lightly and said, "Second Uncle! I haven't seen you for twenty years, but you still look the same."

Feng Tiannan looked at this niece up and down, more than twenty years had passed, her appearance was the same as when she left, without any change, if there was a change, she would become even more beautiful.

Moreover, the aura on her body has become even more terrifying, even if he has reached the realm of a martial god, he is like an ant in front of her.

Feng Tiannan also knew that this was the suppression of the life level, and his niece also told him very clearly that a martial artist like him, in her eyes, was actually no different from crushing an ant to death.

Although Feng Tiannan knew that immortal cultivators were very powerful, when he actually got the answer, he still couldn't believe it. After all, only he knew how powerful the Martial God was when he became the Martial God.

Feng Tiannan stopped just as he stretched out his hand, because Feng Xian'er had already disappeared to his left. He still wanted to touch her head like he did when he was a child, but it's a pity that their identities are completely different now.

Feng Xian'er just smiled lightly, now her head is not something that anyone can touch, since her parents have grown old and left each other, only the master can touch her head.

Feng Xian'er thought of her master, and the smile on her face became even more intense. "Second Uncle! I'll go back first if I have something to do, and I'll come to see you when I have time."

After all, apart from her master and junior sister, this second uncle is the closest person she has in this world. Feng Xian'er's figure began to blur slowly, she hadn't seen her master for twenty years, she missed her very much now, and wanted to return to her side as soon as possible.

Feng Tiannan hurriedly asked: "How long is Xian'er planning to stay in Tiandi Peak this time?".

Feng Xian'er's figure had completely disappeared in the hall, but a faint voice came: "The task assigned to me by the master has been completed, I will not leave for the time being."

When Feng Tiannan heard this answer, a smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth. After all, as the lord of Shenlong City, he was under a lot of pressure. His niece disappeared for twenty years as soon as he disappeared. Many people wondered if she was gone.

Feng Xian'er doesn't care what his second uncle thinks, she wants to return to her master as soon as possible. After all, she hadn't seen her master for twenty years, if it wasn't for completing her mission, she would have come back long ago.

Feng Xian'er didn't hide her tracks, she stepped on a fiery red phoenix more than ten meters high at her feet. This kind of magic was also explored by her from her own magical powers. The power of this phoenix alone has reached the strength of the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Countless warriors and innate warriors in the four cities all looked at the fiery red phoenix, with fanatic expressions in their eyes, and they kept shouting: "Fairy Fengming, Fairy Fengming...".

As a descendant of the Phoenix bloodline, she has a very proud personality. This is not something she can decide on her own, it is the influence of her blood.

She didn't even look at those mortals, and flew directly to Tiandi Peak. She didn't dare to use too powerful spells outside, after all, it would consume too much, and the aura outside was too thin to replenish.

After returning to the range of Tiandi Peak, she no longer has any worries in this regard. She was about to get close to Tiandi Peak, but suddenly stopped flying.

Suddenly a cold voice spread throughout the Tiandi Peak. "All the garrison troops of Tiandi Peak obey the order and seal off the 50-mile range of Tiandi Peak. No one is allowed to enter, and all warriors who practice in Tiandi Peak will withdraw from the 50-mile range of Tiandi Peak. Anyone who violates the order will be killed without mercy."

No matter it was at or outside the Tiandi Peak, they suddenly calmed down. Soon the troops reacted and blocked the entire Tiandi Peak at an extremely fast speed.

Hearing his niece's indifferent voice, Feng Tiannan quickly removed countless warriors from the four cities to maintain order. As an old driver, he knew instantly that something big was going to happen to Tiandi Peak.

Those masters who were practicing under Tiandi Peak originally didn't want to leave, but a fiery red figure flew across the sky, and a powerful death pressure pressed on them.

Everyone felt the cold death intent, even a few people who had silently broken through to the realm of the Valkyrie showed a look of fear. Under the oppression of death, he had no choice but to retreat from the inside.

At the same time, the person who had some thoughts in his heart disappeared without a trace. You must know that Fairy Fengming is just his apprentice. It has already brought them the pressure of death, so how strong should her master be?

Feng Xian'er anxiously scanned the entire Heaven and Earth Peak several times with her divine sense, and finally stopped at ease, but she still flew quietly in the air, with a huge phoenix hovering above her head.

All the warriors looked at the phoenix with a size of more than ten feet, showing fear. You must know that there were warriors in the past who wanted to overthrow Tiandi Peak, but unfortunately, they all died in the hands of this phoenix, and they didn't even survive a single move, even if it was a warrior god.

Feng Xian'er didn't pay attention to those warriors, in her eyes, those people were just a little stronger than ants. Her gaze was fixed on the top of Tiandi Peak.

There was a powerful aura slowly gathering, and she was too familiar with that aura. Suddenly, thunderclouds billowed over the entire Tiandi Peak.

One after another thick lightning bolts continuously appeared on Tiandi Peak. The warriors below all showed a look of horror, the power of the destructive thunder is too scary.

Feng Xian'er also felt the power of the destructive thunder, and there was a hint of worry in her eyes. Suddenly, a loud roar sounded from Tiandi Peak, and the sound spread directly for hundreds of miles.

"Get out, believe it or not, I will make another hole in this day." An extremely powerful force emanated from Tiandi Peak, which was actually comparable to the force in the sky.

Suddenly, the whole world suddenly stopped, and the original violent thunder power also slowly disappeared. Then a powerful coercion swept across the four directions, and those ordinary warriors spit out their mouths directly, and the blood withered away.

Even the qi and blood in the bodies of those innate masters were surging, and they spit out blood one after another. Even those martial gods showed a look of fear, and began to quickly circulate the divine power in their bodies, but it was not of much use, and then they began to spurt blood wildly.

A few who resisted directly suffered serious internal injuries. As warriors, they knew that this was a warning from the master here.

Several martial arts masters lowered their proud heads, showing a respectful attitude. That powerful force was slowly withdrawn.

Han Zhu stepped out and came directly to the sky above Tiandi Peak. Looking at the fiery red figure rushing towards him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Feng Xian'er looked at the master standing quietly in mid-air, showing a look of joy, hurriedly drove the Phoenix under her feet, brushed it, and came to Han Zhu's side, hugged an arm and said coquettishly: "Master! Xian'er misses you so much!".

Han Zhu looked at himself with a kind smile. This great disciple of Kaishan still acted like a baby to himself as a child.

He looked up and down and said: "I haven't seen you for twenty years, Xian'er has grown taller again. Her cultivation base has also broken through to the middle stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and she is worthy of the Phoenix bloodline! Even with such a low aura outside, she can still reach the general level."

Feng Xian'er smiled triumphantly and said: "Of course, I'm your great disciple of Kaishan, how can I lose face, Master!".

Then she asked excitedly: "Master, did you recover all your cultivation just now? Can we leave this world and go to the real world of cultivating immortals?".

Han Zhu nodded with a smile and said: "It is true that the master's cultivation has been fully restored, but there is one thing to do before he can leave."

"That's right! Xian'er, have you found what I asked you to look for?" Feng Xian'er nodded excitedly.

Then he took out a map from his body and said: "Master, according to the space positioning disk you gave me, I searched the entire Shenwu Continent, and found seven space positioning points in total. I don't know if there is anything you are looking for, Master." ".

Han Zhu picked up the map and glanced at it. In an instant, the map of the entire Shenwu Continent appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he quickly identified the seven shining space nodes.

There was a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, and it was just as he guessed, there are several space nodes in the Martial God Continent, so there must be other continents as well.

With these space nodes, even if you can't find a way to the spirit world, you can go to another world, at least the aura is not so weak.

Han Zhu touched her head with a smile and said, "Xian'er did a good job."

Feng Xian'er's eyes narrowed immediately, she enjoyed the feeling of Master touching her very much. Feng Xian'er then asked suspiciously: "Master, what happened to that Thunder just now?".

Han Zhu smiled calmly and said: "That's the instinctive consciousness of this world, because I recovered all the power, so the power is too strong, the instinctive reaction of this world."

"Ah..." Feng Xian'er looked at Han Zhu blankly, although she had also read a lot of classics on cultivating immortals. But there was never any record of this in it. Han Zhu looked at her confused face, and couldn't help pinching her little face.