Feedback from Heaven and Earth

There was no change in Han Zhu's eyes. He would not show mercy to this kind of evil god who had killed countless people. He just grasped the space again, and the whole Nascent Soul instantly turned into countless light spots.

Then he arranged a transformation formation, and all the light spots slowly condensed to one point, and soon turned into a transparent crystal.

Han Zhu stretched out his hand to hold the soul crystal, which was only the size of a thumb, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. This evil god has disappeared from this world forever, and will never appear again.

After all, all his soul essence has been condensed into this soul crystal. You must know that this soul crystal is the condensed soul of a Nascent Soul Stage. Although it is consumed in the middle, at least half of the soul power is left.

Even for him now, after absorbing this soul crystal, he can increase his consciousness by 10%, and the side effects are not too great.

But he won't do such a thing, after all, his goal is the critical "spirit refining technique".

Although it is said that there will not be too many side effects, if you absorb too much, there will still be side effects, such as schizophrenia and the like.

As a person with a super hang-up system, as long as he has exercises, there is no problem with his spiritual growth. Only those he has practiced are the best.

As for this, he also learned the soul transformation formation in this world. There are many high-level formations left by that formation sect, and there are several other formations like this.

After Han Zhu finished all this, he looked at the sky quietly. Sure enough, in less than a moment, there was a trace of special power in the air.

The smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth became more and more intense. It was just as he guessed. Is this the world's reward for him?

Soon a more powerful original force than last time entered his body. This time his body was not injured and did not need repairing.

The original power was running crazily in his meridian dantian, and at the same time, a systematic voice came from his mind.

Ding... Discovering the origin of the world, the speed of the practice that is hanging up is multiplied by 100,000 times.

Han Zhu smiled, quietly feeling the changes in his body. It's a pity that the time didn't last too long, about half an hour or so.

That source of power was exhausted, and Han Zhu woke up from that comfortable state, with a hint of disappointment on his face, just a little bit, maybe he could still break through to the Nascent Soul stage boss.

Unexpectedly, after killing an evil god in the Nascent Soul stage, there would be so many sources of feedback. It is a pity that there should be no other evil gods in this world, otherwise he would have wanted to do another vote.

Han Zhu hastily and excitedly opened his attribute panel. You must know that in this short half hour, he jumped directly from the early Golden Core stage to the post Golden Core stage.

Name: Han Zhu

Realm: Golden Core Stage [later stage]

Spiritual root: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth [The cultivation speed of the "Great Five Elements Spiritual Root" can be accelerated by five times]

Cultivation method: "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Yuan Gong" "3rd layer back stage 92% [the upper part has 5 layers in total] "Star body training formula" star point number 5 [every 1 star added body strengthening speed +1]" The fourth floor of "Da Yanjue" is 100% [Fourth floor of the original] "Three-turn Chongyuan Kung Fu" is completed

Spells: "Elementary spells are hidden" [medium-level spells: "Elementary Fire Snake Art 100%", "Elementary Stealth Art 100%", "Intermediate Sword Art 100%", "Advanced Returning Spirit Armor 100%"] [High High-level spells: "Advanced Overturning Clouds and Rain 100%", "Advanced Ten Thousand Swords 100%", "Advanced Earth Shield 100%", "Dancing Sky 100%", "Advanced God Control 100%"]

Supernatural powers: "Phantom of the Wonderful Sky" 100% [Space supernatural powers, can seal small pieces of space] "Eye of ten thousand magics" 100% [Dharma eyes, can see through all the world's magic]

Sub-occupation: Hidden Branch 1: Array Master "Spirit Gathering Array 100%", "Five Elements Upside Down Array 100%", "Stone Falling Array 100%", "Four Elephant Array 100%", "Heavenly Wind Fierce Array 100%", "Phantom Walking Sky" Luo Formation 100%", "Beidou Liangyi Formation 100%", Qiankun Eight Diagrams Formation 100%", "Wu Yuan Life Renewal Formation 100%", "Ancient Teleportation Formation 100%", "Small Teleportation Formation 100%", "Wanfa Great Formation" [remnant 53%] "Space Leap Formation 100%" "Space Blockade Formation 100%" low-level formations have been hidden

The first hang-up position: "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Yuan Gong" 92% [increase 1% for each practice one hundred times]

The second hang-up slot: 5/71% of the astrology points of "Star Body Training Jue" [increase 1% for each cycle]

Available slots: 2 [You can hang up any skills and spells throughout the day without any bottleneck]

Even he, who is as stable as an old dog, couldn't help laughing three times when he saw the earth-shaking changes in his attributes.

Not only has his cultivation been promoted to the late Golden Core stage, but even the "Star Body Refining Art" has also been improved. Dozens of percentage points.

He said secretly in his heart: "No wonder those people in the previous novels always slay demons for the way. There is also a reason. Killing an evil god has raised so many levels. Can I make a living by this in the future!".

He quickly abandoned this unrealistic idea, which may also be because of this low-level world. You must know that evil gods occasionally appear in the mortal world, and I have never heard of anyone who eliminated the evil gods and rose several levels.

Han Zhu took a look at his luck, without any nostalgia. He stepped lightly on the air, and a space crack appeared in front of him. He could vaguely see a girl in red waiting anxiously on the opposite side. .

With a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, he stepped in with one foot. It's still so fast! You must know that he relied on flying in front of him.

While waiting anxiously for Feng Xian'er, she suddenly felt a wave of fluctuations coming from in front of her, causing her to back away quickly in fright.

She had already started pinching in her hand, and soon a black crack appeared there, and a familiar figure stepped out from it.

Feng Xian'er quickly withdrew the magical power "Phoenix True Fire" she was about to strike, stepped on the phoenix under her feet, and rushed towards the figure quickly.

Feng Xian'er looked at Han Zhu excitedly and said, "Master, you are finally back, you are so worried about me."

Han Zhu looked at the little girl who was embracing his arm, reached out and touched her small head and said, "What is there to worry about, isn't it just a little Nascent Soul? If you see your master before me When you fight with that real fairy, you know what it means to be awesome."

Feng Xian'er couldn't help but rolled her eyes at her master, "I'm bragging again", if she had just cultivated immortality, she might still believe her master's nonsense, but now she doesn't believe it at all.

Han Zhu looked at Feng Xian'er like you continue to blow, and I listened, and he could only shake helplessly. It seems that he can only take her Yuanyingqi to see the real big scene in the future.

Han Zhu pinched her little nose with a smile and said, "Let's go back quickly and beg your junior sister, this time I killed the evil god for my master, and got a treasure, which can quickly restore your junior sister's spirit."

Han Zhu took out the soul crystal from his arms, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, thinking back when he had a storage ring back then, it would come out with a wave of his hand, how chic that posture was. Now I still have to take it out of my arms, I feel very ashamed.

It seems that I have to leave this world early, it's too barren! Not even a storage bag. Originally, he could directly open up the space with his formation skills, but there is no genius or treasure here that can withstand the space.

After all, his realm has not yet reached the point where he can carry a piece of space with him, at least he must be above the fusion stage! .

Feng Xian'er had only heard of storage bags and storage rings, but had never seen them before, so she didn't feel ashamed of Master, and felt that this was a normal thing.

Feng Xian'er looked at the soul crystal in her hand excitedly, girl! I can't resist the temptation for shiny things.

Feng Xian'er withdrew her longing gaze, holding this soul crystal in her hand, she felt that her spiritual consciousness was slowly growing.

Han Zhu looked at his apprentice's puzzled eyes, smiled and explained: "This soul crystal is refined with the reason of that evil god, so it is very pure, if you absorb it all, your spiritual consciousness may It will reach the peak level of consciousness in the Foundation Establishment Period."

Feng Xian'er smiled and handed the soul crystal to Han Zhu and said, "Let's use it for Junior Sister! Otherwise, she will have to wait for a few months to wake up."

Han Zhu looked at his first disciple, without the slightest nostalgia. There was a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, "It seems that he, Mr. Han, is quite good at teaching apprentices, at least he should pass the test in terms of morality.

Feng Xian'er couldn't help urging Han Zhu to say: "Master! Let's go back quickly, wake up the junior sister earlier, and you can go to arrange the formation earlier, I really want to see what the legendary upper realm is Is it true, as you said, master, that there are countless auras, and geniuses and treasures can be seen everywhere."

Han Zhu also nodded with a smile. Now that his cultivation base has improved, he has even comprehended a little bit of the power of the Five Elements Law. Originally, it took ten years to arrange, but now it may take two or three years at most. Even the one hundred thousand he cultivated The innate army is useless.

After all, he can directly open the space channel now, and he doesn't have to worry about mana. After all, now he can call a trace of the power of law, and can directly call up spiritual power from the void.

He could even go off-planet if he wanted to, and transform those chaotic energies into gentle auras.

He now has a strong feeling that if he breaks through to the Nascent Soul stage and reads more formations, he should not be far from the great master of formations.

You must know that it is an existence that can control a piece of heaven and earth. Although his ten thousand magic array can also control a piece of heaven and earth, it requires countless auras to accumulate.

You must know that at that time, it was time to spend most of the aura of the spirit vein in the Tianxing Palace. Even with the accumulation of tens of thousands of years in the Tianxing Palace, it is possible to control that small piece of world, and in the end they were beaten like dogs.

Feng Xian'er looked suspiciously at the master drawing a few strokes in the air, and just when she was about to ask something, a black crack appeared in front of her again.

The crack in the space that radiated the light of death scared her back quickly. She could see continuous vortices emerging from the black hole.

Han Zhu smiled and said, "Don't worry! Your master is also a formation master. Let's go! Let's go home."