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Xiaoguan, the black phoenix demon king, looked at the three of them in surprise. Originally, when the little guy in front just appeared, she wanted to kill him directly, but the two figures that came out next had a strong attraction. caught her attention.

She sensed the strong phoenix bloodline from the girl in fiery red. It could actually cause the Phoenix blood in her body to fluctuate.

This is also the reason why she didn't act immediately, Han Zhugang wanted to remind the two apprentices not to make any noise, after all, this is the world of the Black Phoenix Clan.

Feng Xian'er felt that the Phoenix blood in her body was pulsating rapidly. Following the direction leading her to look to the left, she suddenly showed a surprised expression.

I saw a beautiful young woman of twenty-five or six years old standing there, and she looked at herself with fiery eyes at this moment.

Han Zhu also sensed that something was wrong with Feng Xian'er, he looked to the left suspiciously, when he just arrived, he had already scanned it with his divine sense, and there was no one within dozens of miles nearby.

Looking at the young woman in black standing quietly on the left, Han Zhu showed a look of surprise. Unbelievable, he quickly wiped his eyes.

Indeed, there was a living person standing there, and he scanned it with his divine sense, but unfortunately he didn't find anything. As an old driver, he immediately understood that this must be a super expert who surpassed him by several levels.

There was an ugly smile on Han Zhu's face, and he quickly saluted and said, "Senior! We are just passing by, do you believe it?".

Xiaoguan, the black phoenix demon king, didn't pay attention to the little guy at the Jindan stage, and still stared at Feng Xian'er with dead eyes.

Han Zhu suddenly felt embarrassed. Sure enough, in the eyes of this super boss, he was just a small shrimp. He glanced at Feng Xian'er behind him, then looked at the black flame in the young woman's hand, but didn't see that the space was burned and distorted.

Han Zhu suddenly felt cold sweat, and at the same time he breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't block the Phoenix blood on Feng Xian'er at that time.

Otherwise, the three of them must have turned into charcoal now. In front of such a super master, Han Zhu didn't dare to push around there, and stood there obediently.

The black phoenix demon Wang Xiaoguan slowly closed the glare in her eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Only then did he have time to glance at Han Zhu and Wu Qingshui, especially because Feng Xianer instinctively grabbed Han Zhu's arm just now because of fear.

Her gaze stayed on Feng Xian'er grabbing his arm for a while. Then he looked at Han Zhu and asked, "Where did the three of you come from? Why did you break into the core area of ​​our Heifeng clan?"

Han Zhu looked at the two apprentices behind him, but he could only force himself to laugh and said, "This senior of the Black Phoenix clan, we have nothing to do."

Han Zhu's heart was ruthless, and he told what happened in the mortal world, and then what happened in the Shenwu Continent. Of course, he didn't talk about the battle with that afterimage, he just said that he accidentally fell into Fengming Continent.

The black phoenix demon Wang Xiaoguan looked at the little guy in front of him with surprised eyes, never expecting that he would have such a legendary story.

Then the big guy's eyes flickered with an inexplicable light again, and Han Zhu's whole body was shocked, feeling like he was being stared at by some prehistoric beast.

The power of the stars in his body automatically protected the lord, and a faint starlight appeared on his surface. Xiaoguan, the black phoenix demon king, showed doubts again, unexpectedly his eyes could only see the boy's surface.

Looking at the faint starlight, he showed a look of surprise, and couldn't help shouting: "The ancient body training method "Star Body Training Jue".

Immediately, a more interested look appeared in her eyes, and the divine light in her eyes became more intense. Han Zhu suddenly felt uncomfortable all over his body, and even the mana in his body stopped functioning.

Han Zhu couldn't help but say a word in his heart. Originally, he thought it was just the void return period, but now he is 100% sure, it must be the master of the fusion period.

Han Zhu has now guessed the identity of this beautiful young woman, she must be the black phoenix demon king Xiaoguan, and she is the only one in the whole black phoenix map.

He quickly guessed the reason, it must be that when he opened the channel, the spatial fluctuations that came out were sensed by the boss. Only such a boss can sense such a weak space wave.

Han Zhu felt like he had suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck, yet he was able to meet this boss. The corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, fearing that the boss would see the existence of the system, he hurriedly worked the "Star Body Training Art" in his body with difficulty.

The power of the stars that started to scatter in the body began to gather slowly again. The black phoenix demon Wang Xiaoguan slowly withdrew his supernatural powers, and looked at the kid opposite with suspicious eyes.

To be able to resist my own inspection, it is worthy of being called the "Star Body Training Jue" of ancient times. One must know that even in the spiritual world, no one can cultivate this skill to his level.

Seeing that the boss finally stopped checking him, Han Zhu heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

He quickly said with a smiling face: "Senior! We really just accidentally broke into your core area. I will take my two apprentices and get out immediately."

Just as Han Zhu was about to pull the two little girls back with a cold look, he locked on to himself immediately, and Han Zhu quickly stopped his pace.

Han Zhu kept thinking in his heart, it seems that he had to leave his apprentice here today, the old lady on the opposite side must have taken a fancy to the blood of his great disciple of Kaishan.

After all, Feng Xian'er's phoenix bloodline is indeed very pure, as long as it is well cultivated, she will be a Mahayana again after thousands or tens of thousands of years.

Han Zhu took a look at his own great disciple of Kaishan, and thought to himself: "Xian'er! When the master becomes stronger, he will definitely come to pick you up."

Just as Han Zhu wanted to get away with his strongest trump card, the Black Phoenix Demon Wang Xiaoguan said first, "You are the one who opened up this space channel, right!".

Han Zhu suddenly felt the words stuck in his throat, and swallowed hard. Only then did I feel much more comfortable, and said doubtfully: Yes! It was I who opened it up, I found a space node leading to the spirit world in that world, spent countless materials and time, and finally opened up this passage to the spirit world."

In Han Zhu's view, a formation master like him should be easily grasped in a high-level world like the spirit world. Therefore, he did not conceal his identity as the formation master.

A hint of cunning flashed across Xiaoguan's eyes, and she said in a flat tone: "In this way, we, the Black Phoenix Clan, are still your benefactors."

Han Zhu was stunned for a while, "What's the situation? Do you want to kidnap morally?" Han Zhu looked himself up and down. Although he was a little bit more handsome than Han Li, he wasn't good enough to be a good guy.

Han Zhu thought about it carefully, it was useless to say anything in front of this kind of boss, if someone wanted to kill him, it was just a matter of looking.

Han Zhu nodded very directly and said: "I really have to thank you, the Black Phoenix Clan. If there is no such space node, maybe I will be trapped in that world for the rest of my life."

This is of course bragging, he can go to other worlds at will. But let's flatter him first, maybe he'll feel comfortable patting this big guy, and just let himself go.

Xiaoguan then nodded with a smile and said: "If that's the case, you can stay in our Black Phoenix Clan! I feel that you are still a talent, although you are a human race. But I have always been very tolerant."

Han Zhu was taken aback by what the boss said, thinking crazily in his heart. "What's the situation? Could it be that this boss is really interested in me."

Han Zhu looked the black phoenix demon king Xiaoguan up and down. Although his face was covered with a black veil, he was still very enchanting in terms of figure.

"Why not! I first humiliated and obeyed her, and suddenly thought of waiting for his three daughters in the mortal world." Han Zhu gritted his teeth fiercely and said, "Senior, I am a Taoist companion."

Heifeng Yaowang Xiaoguan was stunned by what this little guy said, even if she had practiced for ten thousand years, she felt speechless for a while.

She glanced at Han Zhu with disdain, and said very directly: "You think too much, boy of the human race, I just fancy your formation skills. And the apprentice behind you, she should be our The blood of the Phoenix clan!"

Even Han Zhu, who has always been calm, felt his face turn red. "Sure enough! I don't even have the qualifications to be a little boy. Sad! This is the sorrow of the time traveler!".

Han Zhu thought for a while and asked suspiciously: "Senior! Don't you have a lot of formation masters in the spirit world? With such a high spiritual energy in your world, there should be many geniuses in principle."

Although he had seen the plot, that guy Han Laomo only went to those places, and he didn't go to many places, and he didn't write it very clearly, he just mentioned it briefly, so he didn't know much about it.

Heifeng Yao Wang Xiaoguan was amused by this little guy in an instant. Han Zhu looked at her smiling phoenix eyes, and his heart beat several times. ! I keep reminding myself in my heart that I am a person with a Taoist companion.

Han Zhu quickly suppressed the anger in his heart, and looked at the boss opposite with a puzzled face, "Did I say something wrong?".

Heifeng Yaowang Xiaoguan looked at Han Zhu and asked, "Are there many formation masters in your world?".

Han Zhu was also taken aback by the question, but still answered honestly: "That's not true, I'm the only one."

Black Phoenix Demon King Xiaoguan thought for a while and answered truthfully: "In our entire Black Phoenix Clan, among the hundreds of millions of people, there is not a single formation master. Even the entire monster clan has only three formation masters. But I heard that there are quite a lot of formation masters in the human race."

Then she glanced at Han Zhu with an inexplicable look, the meaning was already very obvious. The corners of Han Zhu's mouth couldn't help twitching, "I didn't expect him, Mr. Han, to come to such a high-level world, and he is also a shampoo."