Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner

Han Zhu suddenly asked the IQ elder next to him: "Senior Zhi! I don't know if your city has any top-level natural materials and earthly treasures for refining the magic weapon of the formation flag."

His IQ was taken aback by the little guy's question, and he glanced at the two girls following him suspiciously. "It shouldn't be so fast to reach the golden core stage! It's too early to prepare the materials for the magic weapon."

Han Zhu saw the confusion of IQ, and suddenly felt his old face blushed, and said with some embarrassment: "Senior Zhi actually prepared this for me."

The old eyes of IQ were really the boss all of a sudden, he looked at Han Zhu with incredible eyes. He still didn't believe it and asked: "Boy Han, you won't tell me that you have reached the Nascent Soul stage now, and you haven't even refined your natal magic weapon yet!".

Han Zhu suddenly felt a burst of embarrassment, and he himself felt very ashamed. After all, when he broke through to the Golden Core Stage, he just fell to the Shenwu Continent to deal with the afterimage.

In that kind of place where birds don't shit, there will definitely not be any treasures of heaven and earth for him to refine his natal method. With the addition of two epiphanies, he directly broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, and he didn't even have a magic weapon yet.

It took a while for the IQ old man to react, and suddenly he burst out laughing. The Heifeng people who passed by showed a lot of surprised expressions, after all, this elder is notoriously serious.

As for the two little girls next to her, they all looked confused, after all, they knew too little about cultivating immortals. I have only heard of magic tools and magic weapons in classics.

It took a while for IQ to stop smiling and said: "Boy Han! You are the most unreliable Nascent Soul cultivator I have ever seen. Fortunately, you are a magician and don't need to fight. Otherwise, even if you practice Ancient techniques can also be smashed to death by magic weapons."

Han Zhu rolled his eyes at the speechless words of the IQ old man, and he really wanted to yell: "Even if I don't use magic weapons, I can easily solve the ordinary stage of transformation."

After all, he is an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, so he quickly shifted to the main topic and asked, "What kind of magic weapon are you going to refine, boy Han? If it's not too troublesome, I can still help. After all, I have tens of thousands Over the years, there are still a lot of top-notch treasures of heaven and earth."

As for why his IQ is so generous, one is because of his status as a formation master. The second is that Han Zhu is not bad, and he likes him very much. Although they spent a short time together, judging from Han Zhu's attitude towards his apprentice, this man is not an ungrateful person.

One must know how much risk he would take to cross from the mortal world to the spiritual world with two oil bottles? From this, it can be seen that he is a good person, at least trustworthy.

A strong golden light suddenly appeared in Han Zhu's eyes, and he soon calmed down. After all, he didn't intend to refine ordinary magic weapons. Although the old man lived tens of thousands of yuan and hid a lot of treasures, he probably didn't need them.

However, he still had a glimmer of hope and told the magic weapon he wanted to refine. When he finished speaking, the old man with IQ on the opposite side was stunned.

The IQ old man asked in an incredible tone: "Are you sure that such a magic weapon can be cultivated in this world? According to you, even the Tongtian Lingbao is not as good as your magic weapon."

Han Zhu also showed a wry smile, "Of course, with my current ability, I definitely can't refine such a magic weapon, but with one percent of its power, there should be no problem.

The IQ old man still looked at him with disbelief. You must know that such a magic weapon involves the power of law.

Are you sure that you, a little guy who has just broken through to the Nascent Soul stage, dare to have such an idea? Then how do you let people live during those Mahayana periods?

Han Zhu didn't have such a bold idea at the beginning. Originally, he was planning to refine a set of array flags as his talisman.

But the last time he had an epiphany in Shenwu Continent, he realized a little bit of the five elements, and he had this bold idea.

He plans to refine the innate five-element spiritual flags in the prehistoric world, which are: Central ~ Wuji Xinghuang Banner: Ten thousand golden lotuses, nothing can be broken, all evils will retreat, and ten thousand dharmas will not invade.

Dongfang~Qinglian Baose Banner: Shining relics, calming the mind, avoiding all evils, and preventing all dharmas from invading.

South ~ Lidi Flame Banner: Confusion of yin and yang, reversal of five elements, avoiding all evils, and invincibility of all dharmas.

West ~Plain Cloud Boundary Flag: Misty phenomena, heaven and earth are bright, all evils retreat, and ten thousand dharmas do not invade.

North ~Zhenwu Zao Diao Banner: Obscure the universe, cover the sky and block out the sun, avoid all evils, and prevent all dharmas from invading.

If the refinement is really successful, then he uses the five-element flag, no matter what formation he arranges, the power will be infinitely stronger.

Han Zhu was still a little excited when he thought of this. If he really made this set of innate five-element spirit flags, he would not dare to say that he was invincible. Even Han Li's "Heaven Palm Bottle" would be his younger brother in front of it.

Now there is a foundation for refining the Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner, and that is the power of the five laws. With the power of the Five Elements Law as the foundation, it is using the world's top genius and treasure as the carrier.

It is still possible to refine the Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner. For others, there may be no chance, but for him, who has mastered countless formations, this is not a problem.

Even if it has only one percent of the function of the Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner, it is extremely powerful. Looking at Han Zhu's firm eyes, the IQ old man could only sigh helplessly. It seemed that he was really old, and the young man's thoughts could no longer keep up.

"Boy Han! You must refine a set of magic weapons like this. If you don't have the power of law as a foundation, your magic weapons will not be very effective. If you want to exert its true power, you must at least reach the fusion stage Only after comprehending a little law can it exert its power."

Han Zhu showed a sincere look and said: "I have already decided, even if I can't become a monk in the integration stage in the future, I will not regret it."

Han Zhu asked in a firm tone: "Senior Zhi! Can you tell me what top-notch natural materials and earthly treasures in the spiritual world can be used as its carrier."

Looking at his firm eyes, the IQ old man suddenly showed a thoughtful expression. Although he has lived for tens of thousands of years and has seen countless treasures, there are few that are suitable for Han Zhu to talk about.

First of all, the flagpole must have the power of the five elements. Ordinary spirit wood will definitely not work, nor will those spirit wood with only a single attribute. And it must be strong, and it can be popularized later.

In this case, the level of spirit wood used must be high. The three masters and apprentices just looked at the old man with IQ quietly, frowning and thinking.

The IQ old man suddenly patted himself on the forehead and said: "Kid Han really has a kind of spiritual wood, which is especially suitable as your talisman."

A gleam of light suddenly appeared in Han Zhu's eyes, and he hurriedly asked: "What kind of spirit tree is Senior Zhi? Is it difficult to get it? Is it possible to get it?".

What Han Zhu is most worried about now is that the materials and treasures of that day are too precious, and he has to pay a huge price to get them.

You have to know that he has nothing but his formation skills, not even a spirit stone.

The IQ old man touched the beard on his chin and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Han boy, that top-notch treasure is not difficult to get. As long as you can successfully arrange the formation this time, I will personally discuss with the patriarch Go ahead and say it, and I'll get it for you in ten years."

Han Zhu suddenly showed a puzzled expression. Since it is a top-notch treasure, it is so easy to get it.

From what the IQ old man said, it seems that it is no different from the cabbage on the side of the road, as long as you pick it up.

Looking at Han Zhu's puzzled expression, the IQ old man smiled and explained: "If I didn't think of the power of the five elements, I would have really forgotten this kind of spiritual wood."

"There is a holy island between our monster race and your human race, and it is specially used to train genius children of our monster race and your human race."

Seeing that he didn't show any surprised expression, the old man with IQ looked at him suspiciously and continued to explain: "This holy island already existed before your human race came to the spirit world. The Holy Land of the Monster Race".

"In that era, our spirit world and the fairy world were still connected, and we don't know what happened later. The countless interfaces in our entire Xiuxian domain directly lost contact with the fairy world."

"It was also from that time that it was even more difficult for those of us who wanted to ascend to the immortal world. We had to have a strong physical body and powerful supernatural powers to survive the immortal calamity."

"It has been hundreds of thousands of years in the entire spiritual world that no one has successfully ascended." Han Zhu just nodded flatly beside him, he still understands this.

As for the two little girls next to her, they all showed envious expressions. The IQ old man looked at Han Zhu suspiciously again, "He felt that this boy Han was not surprised when he heard these ancient secrets, as if he knew it all the time."

The IQ old man didn't hide the slightest bit, and said directly: "I remember that it seems to be 30,000 years ago, that time I was also selected as a genius child, and went to the holy island to practice."

"When I just came to the Holy Island, I saw a spiritual tree that reaches the sky. The whole spiritual tree exudes a very strong power of the five elements. At first I thought it was a sacred tree, but then I checked the information on the Holy Island. Just known".

"The five-element spirit tree was planted when our spirit world and the fairy world were connected. After countless years of growth, it has already become the top spirit tree. It's a pity that it has the five-element attribute and is very Few monks can use it."

If you want to know whether refining a magic weapon or any other spiritual weapon, it must be suitable for you. It is true that this kind of spirit wood with all five elements is rarely used.

Han Zhu's eyes suddenly shone with excitement. Calculated in this way, the five-element spirit tree must have grown for countless thousands of years.

It can be used as the flagpole of his innate Five Elements spirit flag, and it is so easy to get, which can only show his good luck.

Han Zhu heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart, and finally solved a problem with the magic weapon. As for Qifan, he had to ask the old man again.