Space Stone

The black phoenix demon king Xiaoguan suddenly said: "What do you think of our black phoenix army?".

Han Zhu glanced at her, then at the neatly standing Black Phoenix Army. He said with a sigh: "The aura on them is very strong and full of murderous aura. They should be a master of all battles! I have never seen a real army of monks, so I will not comment for the time being."

Xiaoguan glanced at Han Zhu in surprise, she didn't expect this little guy to be a serious person, she thought that this little guy would definitely praise them for their strength of the Black Phoenix Army.

The IQ old man glanced at the two of them and didn't say anything. He just walked slowly to the front and said to everyone, "Today is a special day for our Heifeng clan."

"Because we haven't fought abroad for three thousand years, the resources in the clan can only be maintained at an average level. If this continues, our Heifeng clan will gradually decline, and eventually become a small race, until it is finally eaten away by others. clean".

"I want everyone here to know that our demon clan used to claim to have thousands of races. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, many races have disappeared in the long river of history. Now our entire demon clan relies on our six major monster clans. supporting".

"Although there are countless small and medium ethnic groups below, they are not very useful to the entire ethnic group. According to historical records, there has never been a small and medium ethnic group that has successfully become a large ethnic group."

"Only one big race has fallen into a small and medium race. This is the shame of our Yaozu! I think back when we connected with the fairy world, our Yaozu belonged to one of the top ten races, but now! We In the entire spirit world, they can only be regarded as a small clan, and they must form an alliance with the human race to survive."

Even an old man with an IQ who has lived for tens of thousands of years is still in tears when he says this. As for the other members of the Heifeng clan, their faces were already ashen, and there was a look of sadness on their faces.

Even the three master and apprentice Han Zhu were infected by this atmosphere, and a kind of sadness lingered in their hearts. The two little girls had already burst into tears.

Only Han Zhu still had a calm face on the surface, and he was still greatly touched in his heart. After all, it is a person who has enlightened twice, and his state of mind is so strong.

Listening to the old man with IQ still talking about the cruelty of this spiritual world, he also had to sigh, this world of cultivating immortals is indeed cruel, and he couldn't feel anything in the world of mortals before, after all, most of them are It is the territory of the human race.

But when you really come to the spirit world, you will know what it means to fight for the front of all races. That is the real and direct extermination of a race, which is at least tens of millions, or even billions and tens of billions.

For the living space of the race, countless corpses were piled up. Han Zhu looked at the soaring aura of the black phoenix army in front of him, and had to sigh that he was still too weak.

You must know that he has set a new plan for himself, and he also wants to create a force in the spiritual world. After all, it takes at least thousands or tens of thousands of years to live in the spirit world. It seems that this first step is very difficult! .

It seems that the plan needs to be re-planned. After all, he is a formation master, and he may soon step into the realm of the formation master. At that time, what he will lack the most is aura.

As long as he breaks through to the realm of the grand master of formations, he can arrange formations and directly extract chaotic energy from outside the universe. Create a paradise that is more abundant than the aura of the spiritual world.

At that time, he will be able to train a peerless master to conquer the world. To make the so-called ten thousand races surrender under his feet, he still has a dream, to catch two dragons as his pets.

Suddenly, a loud roar resounded through the heaven and earth, instantly waking him up from his dream. Han Zhu raised his eyes to look at the Black Wind Army below, and saw that their eyes were red and they were shouting "Zhan, Zhan, Zhan...".

The IQ old man stretched out his palm and pressed down on the bottom, and the voice below stopped immediately, as expected, the order was strictly prohibited.

Han Zhu looked into those pair of resolute eyes. The only advantage of these monster races is that they are not as careless as the human race. Most of the monster races are relatively simple, and of course there are some cunning and cunning.

If he wants to build a legion in the future, the key point is to choose the Yaozu. After all, he is really loyal and has a very straightforward personality. If you tell him to rush eastward, he seldom rushes westward, unless you have done something wrong to him.

As for the human race, to be honest, it is indeed a bit too much, and the favorite is fighting in the nest. If the human race had less intrigue, they wouldn't be nesting in this corner now.

After all, the human race is an innate body, suitable for cultivation. Since now, the entire human race has only one master of Dachengcheng.

You must know that there are countless geniuses in the human race. Could it be that after millions of years, there are only a few Mahayana masters? Most of them were killed in internal fighting.

There are a few more who can grow up, and Han Zhu can only shake his head helplessly when he thinks of this. As for whether he can change the status quo of the human race, he can say with certainty that if he wants to, he still has a chance.

But he doesn't have such an idea now, and he is not a great saint. If he really cultivated the human race, and even ruled the entire spirit world, what would it be like after he left?

Don't even think about it, it will definitely fall apart. There will only be more casualties and more places will be affected. And I still have to worry about these, it is better to create a big force myself.

He was going to learn from the leader of the Tongtian sect in the prehistoric, and he would teach without discrimination. At that time, he can also have a wave of ten thousand immortals, and maybe he can become the ancestor of Taoism in this world.

Take people from the mortal world to see if there are other immortal cultivation universes out there. Is there really such a so-called multiverse? Judging from the circumstances of his travels, there should be one, and then they will be able to conquer multiverses one by one.

Han Zhu quickly determined his general direction. As for the implementation, he had to take his time. After all, he had just arrived in the spirit world, and he didn't know much about this world. It was only in Wang Yuda's novel , saw the tip of the iceberg.

The old IQ man pointed to Han Zhu and said, "This is the formation master we invited. He will arrange formations and directly transport us to the nest of the Zerg clan. From today on, he will become the leader of our Black Phoenix clan." Elder Ke Qing, in the future you will treat him with the same respect as you would treat our elders, if anyone disobeys this order, he will be dealt with according to the clan rules."

As the IQ old man had just finished speaking, everyone looked at this little Nascent Soul Stage with disbelief. One must know that with such a cultivation level, they are not even qualified to join their Black Phoenix Army.

Unexpectedly, someone told them now that this human race is actually a formation master. And he will also become the elder guest of their clan. If the person who said this sentence was not their most respected elder, they would not believe it even if they were killed.

Even so, the legion below fell silent. And look at Han Zhu with a kind of arrogant eyes, the meaning is already very obvious, this little rookie still wants to be our guest elder, what a dream! Any one of them could reach out and crush him to death.

The IQ old man glanced at Han Zhu with a calm face, and his face sank just as he wanted to teach these little guys a lesson.

Han Zhu hurriedly said beside him: "Senior Zhi, after all, they don't know my strength, so it's normal to disdain me. I believe I will conquer them with my personal charm, and let them call me honestly." Elder Han".

Heifeng Yaowang Xiaoguan didn't say a word during this period, but just stood there quietly watching all this. She also wanted to see how this kid would solve this problem.

Seeing that he himself had said that, the IQ old man could only nod helplessly. Han Zhu also stood at the front without any politeness, and he glanced at the audience.

It's a pity that his little pressure is useless to these old birds in the transformation stage. Han Zhu could only sigh helplessly in his heart, his cultivation base was still too low. Looking at the big guy next to him, he just quietly stood there and farted, and no one else dared to fart.

Han Zhu originally wanted to say a few more words to support himself, but now he has no thoughts at all.

The IQ old man and the black phoenix demon king Xiaoguan also saw his embarrassment. The black phoenix demon king Xiaoguan directly waved his hand, and a ring landed firmly on Han Zhu's hand.

Han Zhu picked it up and looked at it, and it turned out to be another Lingbao-level storage ring. Moreover, without being imprinted with the mark of the soul, Han Zhu extended his consciousness into it.

Even though he was prepared, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. In the entire storage ring, it was at least as big as a dozen basketball courts, and it was filled with all kinds of top-notch treasures in the mortal world.

Of course, these treasures of heaven, material and earth are only ordinary for him, a person from the countryside, and for people in the spirit world.

Han Zhu looked at the stone in the center that exudes violent space fluctuations. Without even thinking about it, it must be the space stone you recorded, and it is also the eye of the ultra-long-distance teleportation formation.

When he was in the mortal world, he had only heard of it. This is the first time he has seen a space stone. According to the ancient records, this kind of stone is usually only born in space cracks, and only those who have reached the fusion stage and travel through space at will can be collected.

With a move of Han Zhu's consciousness, a space stone the size of a human head quietly appeared in his hands, and the IQ old man and the black phoenix demon king Xiaoguan next to him were startled by his actions Big jump.

Just wanted to remind him to put it away quickly, but soon they were stunned. I saw the space stone the size of a human head lying quietly in the palm of Han Zhu, as if grasping an ordinary stone. The two looked at each other without saying anything.