Elder Han

The IQ old man looked at the ten-meter-high space portal, and even the old monster who had lived for tens of thousands of years couldn't help but swallow his saliva. After all, this was a teleportation of millions of kilometers.

He asked Han Zhu worriedly: "Boy Han! There should be no problem!".

Han Zhu smiled confidently and said: "As long as the space positioning you give is correct, there is absolutely no problem. As for the stability of the space, you don't have to worry about it. With this space stone, there is no problem at all, even if It will not be affected even at the Jindan stage."

Xiaoguan, the black phoenix demon king, suddenly said, "I'll go and see for myself!".

Everyone was taken aback, and just wanted to stop it, but unfortunately, when the black light flashed, the slender figure disappeared into the space door.

There was also a look of anxiety on the face of the IQ old man. After all, this is the strongest combat power of their clan. If she is lost in the space, they will become the sinners of the entire Heifeng clan.

Han Zhu suddenly felt countless cold eyes staring at him, he could only shrug his shoulders helplessly, and said to the IQ old man next to him: "Senior Zhi, don't worry, I believe your patriarch will be back soon."

The IQ old man nodded seriously, and waved his hands to the back, and those gazes disappeared, but the strong malice still enveloped him.

The time passed by like this, one minute and one second, which is about the time of a stick of incense. Everyone became impatient, and the vicious eyes fell on Han Zhu again.

If it wasn't for the IQ old man next to him, maybe he wouldn't even have any bones left. The big Han elder came up and said: "Old Zhi! Let me go in and have a look first!".

The IQ old man thought about it, and finally nodded. Just when the big man was about to act, a black shadow flashed and appeared in front of the portal in an instant.

Everyone showed surprise expressions, and even Han Zhu heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart. If something really happened to this boss, then the three of them, the master and the apprentice, would definitely not be left behind. up.

However, he still maintained a calm expression on the surface, after all, he couldn't be stage fright at this time. The elders looked their patriarch up and down, and there was no harm, so they breathed a long sigh of relief, and looked at Han Zhu with awe.

Han Zhu could clearly feel the joy on the face of the Wannian old monster opposite. Although his face was covered by a veil, the smile in his eyes couldn't be concealed, no matter how he looked at it, he was still very beautiful.

Even if it was tens of thousands of years of state of mind, Xiaoguan's face was full of joy at this time, and he couldn't hide the excitement in his heart. She said in a trembling voice: "I checked it just now, and it is indeed the nest of the Zerg on the opposite side, and they didn't notice anything about the space door."

All the elders immediately showed excitement when they heard their patriarch's explanation. Even the several elders in front who disliked Han Zhu looked at the young man with a smile on their faces.

The IQ old man came over and patted Han Zhu on the shoulder and said, "Thank you, Han boy. You have made great contributions to our team. From today on, you are the real guest elder of our clan. If anyone dares to be disrespectful to you, come Disposal according to the family rules of time".

Han Zhu still put on that flat look, faced a smile, and said with a smile: "Senior Zhi, you are too flattering, I just did what I should do."

Suddenly the entire Black Phoenix army cheered, shouting continuously: "Elder Han, Elder Han...".

The IQ old man couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, okay, okay...not arrogant or impetuous, there are very few young people like you now, look at the young master of the Xuanying clan, who thinks he is a bit talented, After thousands of years of cultivation, he has reached the peak of the Void Refining Stage, and he is arrogant and domineering all day long, just like him, he will not be able to break through the Fusion Stage."

Han Zhu also just smiled modestly, the more the IQ old man looked at Han Zhu, the more pleasing he felt. An idea suddenly appeared in his mind, he has a great-great-granddaughter, if he can become a Taoist couple with Han Zhu, then he will be tied to the Black Phoenix Clan forever.

Han Zhu suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the way the old man looked at him, which he was very familiar with. The last time that Fairy Hongfu wanted to make her own daughter as a pair of monks, she had the same look in her eyes.

Han Zhu smiled wryly in his heart, how many debts he still has in Mortal Realm! Do you want to give this to yourself again? If the old man really proposed such a condition, he would agree to it! Or agree?

While Han Zhu was a little tangled in his heart, he was also a little happy, after all, he was still very attractive.

Soon, three elders of the Heifeng clan led a vanguard force of 100,000 people and killed them directly. Xiaoguan, the black phoenix demon king, was also worried about his clansmen, so he went in with him.

After all, there is a teleportation array now, and the communication is very fast, so there is no need to worry. Otherwise, she, the number one master of the Phoenix clan, dared not leave the Black Phoenix clan. Before she left, she took a deep look at Han Zhu.

Han Zhu could only nod with a friendly smile, and soon the troops passed through the space gate one by one. Soon nearly 500,000 black phoenix legions all entered the space gate, and it seemed that they were preparing to directly exterminate the earth zerg on the opposite side.

How much benefit is there to mobilize so much power. Han Zhu didn't feel ashamed, after all, it was all for survival! Now that he has been cultivating immortals for more than two hundred years, if it is for his own living space, he will do such a great job.

After all, in this cruel world of cultivating immortals, there is no justice at all. In the world of mortals, there are so-called righteous demons, but in this high-level world, there is no such saying, and it is simply that the strong are respected.

Of course, the real demons don't count, they are real demons. Their demons are even more terrifying, and where they pass, not a single blade of grass grows.

This is also the reason why all the worlds will definitely unite to directly suppress the demons when they hear of the demons' invasion. Even if the two sides have a bloody feud, they will put it down first, drive out the demons first, and then continue their hatred.

Soon, all the troops on the square entered the space gate. Han Zhu looked at the two apprentices behind him, and said to the IQ old man next to him, "Senior Zhi! Let's go in and have a look too!".

The IQ old man glanced at him suspiciously, then looked at the two little girls behind him and said, "Are you sure to bring your two little apprentices there too, after all, it's very dangerous, even if I'm by your side, it may not be I can protect you."

Han Zhu looked at the two little girls again, and saw pleading expressions in their eyes. Han Zhu thought about his means, he should be able to protect himself! After all, there is a great master in the fusion stage beside him.

Han Zhu showed a serious look and said: "Senior Zhi, we have just come to the spirit world and we must experience the cruelty of this world, otherwise we will not know how to survive in the future. I believe that with your strength, you should be able to protect it well." Two girls! As for me, you don't have to worry about it, I am still very confident in self-protection."

The IQ old man thought about it for a while, and finally nodded. He flipped his hand, and suddenly two golden talismans appeared in his hands, and with a light throw, they flew directly in front of the two women, and turned into Two masks were used to cover the two of them.

Han Zhu sensed it with his spiritual sense. Although he didn't know what kind of talisman it was, it must be very advanced, and even his spiritual sense couldn't penetrate it. The defense is definitely not something he can break through.

Han Zhu also added an earth shield to himself. After all, as a Gou Dao monk, his own life is the most important thing.

If it weren't for the presence of a big brother in the fusion period, he wouldn't dare to visit other race lairs like this, and he also brought two oil bottles.

The most important thing for him is to experience the cruelty of this world, and by the way let his two apprentices also experience it. After all, he intends to train them to become peerless masters and fight for him in the world in the future.

Because of the space stone, the space is very stable, so there is no need to take any protective measures, and the four of them just walked through the space door.

When the four of them appeared again, they had already arrived at a world 100,000 meters underground. This is also known as the underground world, inhabited by countless underground races. It is very rich in mineral resources, many of which are necessary for the monks above, which is why the upper races like to fight the lower races.

It's just that the distance is too far, and these underground races have innate supernatural powers, so it's very difficult to deal with. Han Zhu looked at the vast underground world.

Next to the teleportation array, there is a black phoenix army of 100,000 people stationed there, and an elder is sitting in it. Seeing them teleporting over, they all nodded friendly to them. Han Zhu looked carefully, There is actually an underground river hundreds of meters wide.

Just when he entered here, the voice of the system came from his mind.

Ding... found rich energy, and is measuring the concentration of zero energy.

Ding... Reconnect the energy, the energy connection is successful, and all hang-up positions are multiplied by 4 times.

Han Zhu suddenly showed a surprised expression. The energy concentration here is actually higher than that above, and the two little girls next to him also showed a look of enjoyment.

When Han Zhu looked into the distance, he could still see the misty aura, which is a bit exaggerated. The IQ old man also saw his doubts, smiled and explained: "Although the aura of this underground world is comparable to that of the above, it's just that there is a top-grade spirit stone vein and some high-grade mines next to it, so the aura is relatively strong. Under normal circumstances, it is about 1~2 times, which is why we want to wipe out the Zerg, the resources here are too rich."

Han Zhu nodded clearly, he has never seen the best Lingshi yet! Feng Xian'er picked up a milky white stone from the ground nearby and asked, "Master, is this a spirit stone? Why is it so big?"

Han Zhu looked at the high-grade spirit stone in his apprentice's hand, which was bigger than her palm, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

At this moment, Han Zhu scanned the surrounding area with his spiritual sense, and immediately showed a surprised expression, the ground was full of high-grade spirit stones.