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One day passed, three days passed, and one month passed. Three months passed in the blink of an eye. During these three months, several spiritual senses came here. Seeing that Han Zhu was still standing there quietly, they retreated.

As time went by, Han Zhu's body seemed to be integrated with this space. Finally, on the fifth day of the third month, Han Zhu, who was standing there quietly, had a smile on his expressionless face.

Han Zhu slowly opened his eyes, and at the same time, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

Ding... Discovered the innate formation method covering the sky, yes/no to hang up and practice?

Han Zhu finally heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart. After working hard for more than three months, he finally read this formation and understood one ten thousandth of it.

Even as a top formation master, he has to sigh, how powerful and incomprehensible this innate formation is. If he didn't know a lot about space, he would definitely not be able to comprehend this innate formation, let alone hang up.

Han Zhu chose "Yes" without hesitation.

Ding...Because the level of the innate formation is too high, you have to occupy two hang-up slots before you can hang up. Yes/no to hang up? .

Han Zhu suddenly showed a surprised expression, unexpectedly there is such a showy operation. If this is the case, if he uses those innate skills and innate supernatural powers in the future, wouldn't he occupy two more.

Thinking of the powerful power of the innate formation, Han Zhu clicked "Yes" again without hesitation.

Ding... hang up successfully. Connecting energy energy connection, successful current energy concentration 4, hang up speed multiplied by 4 times.

Han Zhu hurriedly opened his attribute panel excitedly, he had to see how long it would take to complete this innate formation.

Name: Han Zhu

Realm: Nascent Soul Stage [Early Stage]

Spiritual root: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth [The cultivation speed of the "Great Five Elements Spiritual Root" can be accelerated by five times]

Cultivation method: "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Yuangong" "Fourth floor back stage 2% [upper part has five floors in total] "Star body training formula" The number of star points is six [Each 1 star increases body strengthening speed +1]" The fourth floor of "Da Yanjue" is 100% [Fourth floor of the original] "Three-turn Chongyuan Kungfu" completed

Spells: "Elementary and middle-level spells are hidden" [High-level spells: "Advanced Overturning Clouds and Rain 100%", "Advanced Thousand Swords 100%", "Advanced Earth Shield 100%", "Dancing Sky 100%", "Advanced God Control 100% "]

Innate supernatural powers: "Instant Teleportation" [can instantly move to any place within the range of your consciousness] "Star Battle Body" [In the state of the Star Battle Body, whether it is strength, physical body, mana, or spiritual consciousness, increase by 60 times, Each additional astrology increases tenfold]

Supernatural powers: "Phantom of the Wonderful Sky" 100% [Space supernatural powers, can seal small pieces of space] "Eye of Ten Thousand Laws" 100% [Dharma Eyes, can see through all the laws of the world]

Sub-occupation: Hidden Branch 1: "Qiankun Eight Diagrams Formation 100%", "Wuyuan Continuing Life Formation 100%", "Ancient Teleportation Formation 100%", "Small Teleportation Formation 100%", "Wanfa Great Formation" [residual 55%]" Space Jumping Formation 100%" "Space Blocking Formation 100%" Low, middle and high level formations are hidden

Innate formation: Innate sky-covering formation 0% [This formation is an innate formation, which can cover a world and hide in space. Once it is successfully deployed, it cannot be broken by anyone without great ability. ]

The first hang-up position: "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Yuan Gong" 2% [increase 1% for each practice one hundred times]

The second hang-up position: 6/2% of the astrology point of "Star Body Training Jue" [increase 1% for each big cycle]

The third hanging position and the fourth hanging position: "Innate Shrouding Array" 0% [Increased by 1% every 10 years under doubled aura]

Hang-up position: 1 [you can hang up any skills and spells all day long, without any bottleneck]

Han Zhu looked at the increase of only 1% in those ten years, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching. Calculated in this way, wouldn't it take a thousand years to successfully hang up? .

But thinking of the strength of that formation, the originally lost mood became excited again. You must know that once the arrangement is successful, it can cover a whole world, which is too exaggerated, and it can also be hidden in the space, so those with great abilities cannot break it.

This powerful person must be at least at the Golden Immortal level! After successfully hanging up this formation, it will be their future guardian formation! In this way, there is no need to worry about being attacked by others in the spiritual world. As long as they stay in the formation, they are invincible.

When Han Zhu thought of this, he immediately thought of the so-called holy island, which was floating in the air. If he also built such an island, he would be able to take the whole sect with him when he went to the fairy world. .

Han Zhu looked at the innate formation in his hand, and his heart trembled a little. Since even the Black Phoenix Clan has innate formations, what about other races! If he hangs up a few more innate formations, wouldn't he break through to the grand master of formations in an instant?

You must know that after successfully hanging up this innate formation, his formation attainment has been improved several times again.

Han Zhu's eyes suddenly showed a thoughtful look. After all, with his strength, he definitely can't get these innate formations, but the Black Phoenix Clan can, but what should be used to lure them?

The main reason for them to find it quickly is the innate formation. After all, the hang-up time is too long. If he waits another hundred years, then he will have to wait another hundred years.

Han Zhu walked up on the second floor of the hidden golden pavilion. You must know that the Black Phoenix Clan is a big clan, and they basically have no shortage of resources. Even if they set up a spirit-gathering array that is more than ten times larger, it will be of no use.

After all, they have the spiritual veins of heaven and earth, and the concentration of spiritual energy in the center of the spiritual veins is no less than ten times that of the outside. After all, setting up such a formation will have an impact on the aura of the entire Black Phoenix Clan, so it doesn't make much sense.

Han Zhu now has a strong feeling in his heart that if he can hang up five such innate formations, he will be able to break through to the grand master of formations.

As long as he breaks through to the grand master of the formation, he dare not say that he is invincible in the spiritual world, at least no one can kill him.

Only when he breaks through to the grand master of the formation can he proceed with his own plan. Although the aura in this world is very abundant, and there are many spiritual veins in the world and the world itself absorbing the chaotic energy outside and transforming it into aura, the speed is still too slow.

As long as he breaks through to the grand master of the formation, he can directly arrange the formation, extracting chaotic energy from outside the world and transforming it into pure heaven and earth aura.

If his attainments in formation techniques can be a little stronger, maybe he can transform the innate aura that only existed in ancient times. If this is really possible, ruling the entire spiritual world, or even the entire universe will not be a problem.

Han Zhu gritted his teeth fiercely in his heart, and made a decision, he was ready to fight. If he failed, he would offend the entire Black Phoenix Clan.

He quickly made a decision, and he searched again on the second floor of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. After all, there was still a hang-up slot that couldn't be vacant, so he chose a powerful supernatural power to hang up.

Sure enough, just as the IQ old man said, there are about seventy or eighty kinds of supernatural powers on it, including human races, monster races, and other races.

In the end, Han Zhu decided to choose the "Black Phoenix True Fire" from the Black Phoenix Clan, after all, he had seen Xiaoguan perform this supernatural power before. Especially when killing the Earth Insect King, that move was simply awesome.

Han Zhu poured his spiritual consciousness into the black jade slip, and suddenly a violent heat rushed to his face. Fortunately, his spiritual consciousness was firm and he was not harmed.

Soon a piece of practice formulas came in, and it was marked on the back that non-Heifeng people could not practice. A smile appeared on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, and he ignored the last sentence, and at the same time, there was a ding in his mind.

Ding...Is it true to discover the supernatural power "Black Phoenix True Fire" or not to hang up and practice?

Han Zhu clicked "Yes" without hesitation.

Ding... hang up successfully. Connecting energy energy connection, successful current energy concentration 4, hang up speed multiplied by 4 times.

There was no joy on Han Zhu's face. After all, this was already in his expectation. The inability of others to practice does not mean that he cannot practice with the system.

Han Zhu originally wanted to go to the first floor to look at the historical records, but after thinking about it, he had been out for three months, and the two apprentices were still a little worried at home, so he decided to go back first and come back to read it when the time comes.

Han Zhu stepped out and disappeared on the second floor in an instant. When he appeared again, he ignored the formation restriction and came directly to the old man.

The old man who was sitting there swaying suddenly felt that there was another person beside him, and he was startled. He thought it was some big boss coming over again, so he hurriedly looked at that person.

Then he got confused, you must know that he is also a great master in the late stage of Void Refining Stage. If it was a big boss at the fusion stage, he wouldn't say anything, but the one who suddenly appeared next to him was just a Nascent Soul stage.

Han Zhu smiled at the old man, nodded, stepped out, and disappeared in place again. The old man just watched in a daze, and the so-called Elder Han disappeared and appeared again, and when he appeared again, he was tens of meters away.

He couldn't help rubbing his eyes, but unfortunately Han Zhu had already disappeared from his sight. Han Zhu now enjoys the feeling of traveling through the space very much. Now he can travel through the space more easily than those masters in the fusion period.

This is a small benefit brought by the innate space formation, which instantly improved his understanding of space by a large margin. Now even in those top-notch fusion periods, the boss doesn't have as deep an understanding of space as he does.

As the Tiantian formation continued to hang up, his understanding of the space formation would only become stronger and stronger. Along the way, those members of the Black Phoenix Clan saw a figure that just kept disappearing indistinctly, reappearing and disappearing again.

Han Zhu soon arrived in front of his cave, which was still exactly the same as when he left three months ago, without any changes. With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he stepped out and disappeared in front of the cave.