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Han Zhu slowly stopped what he was doing, and he sighed helplessly. It seemed that this time he really couldn't escape.

He looked at the space formation under his feet, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. As the power of the old Yin forcing time on the opposite side is getting stronger and stronger, he can no longer get through the cross-border passage at all.

Han Zhu looked at the afterimage on the opposite side, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth. Slowly said: "It seems that you really want to die together! Have you considered a question? If you and I are no longer here, can Han Li go his own way?"

The afterimage on the opposite side showed a hint of sarcasm, the meaning is very obvious, for a weak chicken like you, it is already good to be able to protect yourself, and you want to die with me in a dream!

"Okay... You forced me to do this. Since you are so terrific, then I have nothing to show mercy. I want Han Li to go his own way in the future! Don't blame me for being cruel and merciless as the second brother. I'm also here to live."

Han Zhu began to absorb the innate spiritual energy in the formation, and his eyes showed a firm look. He waved lightly at the innate five-element spirit flag, and the five formation flags flew to his hand in an instant.

Han Zhu caressed the five array flags and said calmly, "I'm sorry! It's useless to be the master. You have just been born, and you have not yet shown your hands and feet, so you have to be buried with me."

The five array flags trembled slightly in his hand, as if it was their honor to die with their master, after all, they were born and died by their master.

There was a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, no longer the look of despair on his face. Lightly tossing the Xiantian Five Elements Spiritual Flag in his hand, the five array flags flew out violently, surrounded him, and began to spin crazily.

At the beginning, the afterimage showed disdain, but as the five formation flags spun faster and faster, the power of the Five Elements Law unexpectedly fluctuated violently.

A solemn look slowly appeared on his face, and then became more and more serious. The movements of his hands also became faster and faster, and soon a disc appeared above his head.

The four people on the periphery suddenly felt a more terrifying power emanating from the afterimage.

Han Zhu looked at the disc above the afterimage's head, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth. "Are you going to work hard again? Just like last time, you have to use the power of time origin."

Han Zhu suddenly laughed wildly, "Hahaha..." After laughing for a long time, he looked at the afterimage with cold eyes and said: "It's useless, I'm no longer the weak chicken I used to be. This time You have to pay with your life for your stupid actions."

After Han Zhu finished speaking, five huge pillars of light in red, yellow, blue, green, and purple rose into the sky. Soon they enveloped this piece of world, and the five beams of light were connected together in the blink of an eye.

Before the afterimage could react, the world was surrounded in an instant. The mana on Han Zhu's body was drained in an instant. Although the innate aura in the formation was constantly making up for it, it was a pity that it couldn't keep up with the consumption. Then his body also began to dry up quickly, and his thousands of years of vitality were being exhausted. Quick consumption.

Then his young face began to slowly become middle-aged, and finally became old, until finally it became too old to be old. His whole body is like a skeleton supporting a skin.

With these changes in his body, the colorful light became more intense. In this formation, countless divine beasts are flying, and there is also the immortal who stands up to the sky and holds a long sword in his hand, destroying the world with a wave of his hand.

The afterimage also stopped attacking, and at this moment his eyes showed an extremely dignified expression. Even if he doesn't have his own wisdom, he still feels the danger.

Han Zhu slowly walked out of the formation, and there was an ugly smile on his old face. An extremely hoarse and old voice came from his mouth.

"Hehe... Now I know I'm afraid, it's useless, you and I will slowly disappear in the long river of time like this!".

Han Zhu walked in front of the phantom step by step with difficulty, and sat down beside him without any fear.

He looked at the colorful light with his eyes, and said lightly: "You should know! I am not from this world, and this is also the biggest secret of my life."

Han Zhu took a look and his face became ugly, and the afterimage standing there smiled and continued: "But in my world! There are no so-called immortal cultivators, and you extraordinary ones. Our place is just an ordinary world".

"Of course we have novels there. In the novels, it is written that extraordinary people like you have powerful power. Those powerful people can destroy a world with just a single palm."

"And the most powerful weapon in my world is that it can destroy half a city. It is probably equivalent to the Golden Core stage monks here, and I live in such a world. In that world, I am a An authentic nerd, that is what you call a nerd, is basically the kind who stays at home and never goes out."

"People in our world are very envious of a world like yours. After all, you can live a long life, and our life is only seven or eighty years. For a mortal, such a life span is considered long But there is no point in living like that."

"After all, in a society like ours, most people don't have to worry about eating and drinking. So! Everyone thinks that it would be great if they could travel to a world like yours. It's not like every second of every day."

"It's a great honor for me to become a time traveler. As for whether there are other time travelers in my world, then I don't know. From the law of my time travel, there must be other time travelers, that is I don't know what world they crossed into."

"Ahem..." Han Zhu was a little agitated when he said this, and he coughed several times before he recovered. "Okay! Let's not talk about these useless things. Since we are all going to disappear in this world, then I will send my friend to the last show!".

Han Zhu didn't pay any attention to the afterimage. After all, he is now in his formation and he is the home court. As long as he stays in this formation, no one can hurt him.

This is also the reason why he dared to go to other people's side so unscrupulously, and even said a lot of things.

The main thing is to vent my unhappiness. After all, it is because of him that I was killed so alive. Even if it is a state of mind that has been hundreds of years, I can't accept it for a while.

Han Zhu no longer has the slightest mana in his body, and now the entire formation is supported by his spiritual consciousness. Now even his spiritual consciousness is being consumed, but it can last for a while.

He is a real old man now, and he has walked so hard step by step. In front of the IQ old man, the black phoenix demon king Xiaoguan, and his two apprentices.

Han Zhu first gave his two apprentices a comforting look, and then he looked at the old man with a hard smile.

He waved his hand at a few people, and the power of time that was blessed on them was instantly expelled. As soon as the two little girls resumed their action, they hurried over.

It's a pity that even if the power of action is restored, the magic power in their bodies can't work, and they can only run over like ordinary people, each holding an arm.

Both of them were full of tears. With a kind smile, Han Zhu stretched out two hands, one hand touched a small head, and said, "Xian'er, Qing Shui, please forgive Master for not being able to go with you to see the beautiful world of cultivating immortals." ".

Feng Xian'er suddenly shouted loudly: "No...Master! We want you to accompany us to see the higher world of cultivating immortals. You promised us this, so how can you go back on your word! If you don't keep your promise, we won't forgive you. your".

Han Zhu also showed reluctance in his eyes, touched the little heads of the two little girls, and said with difficulty: "I'm sorry! If there is a next life, the master must have taken you to see a higher world of cultivating immortals, and even do the eternal The presence".

Feng Xian'er and Wu Qingshui shook their heads desperately, their cheeks were already wet with tears.

Looking at the master's farewell words, Feng Xian'er suddenly asked: "If my junior sister and I reach the realm you mentioned in the future, can we save you?".

Han Zhu looked at her with firm eyes. If he said a wrong word now, he might ruin the lives of these two girls.

He smiled and said: "Of course it's okay. If you become the strongest in this world, you can come to me through space and time."

The eyes of the two little girls suddenly shone with hope, and their eyes became brighter and brighter.

Feng Xian'er looked at Han Zhu with firm eyes and said: "Master, wait for us, we will definitely become the strongest in this world, we will travel through space and time to come to this point to find you, and then we will go and see together Look at the splendid world of cultivating immortals, this is your promise to us."

Although Wu Qingshui didn't say anything, he just kept nodding his head. There was also that determined look in his eyes.

Han Zhu smiled and nodded, "Okay! The master is waiting for you at this point, waiting for you to come and save me. At that time, I will accompany you to see the world of cultivating immortals and see what the fairy world is like. Go and see what lies beyond fairyland."

Han Zhu felt that he couldn't hold on anymore, he took a deep look at his two apprentices one last time, and kicked them out of the formation instantly with a wave of his hand.

"Master is waiting for us, we will definitely come back to save you." Han Zhu just stood there quietly, two lines of tears flowed from his eyes, he looked at the place where the two apprentices disappeared, speechless for a long time.

The IQ old man walked to his side slowly, patted his shoulder and said: "Boy Han, you are lying again!".

Han Zhu also showed a wry smile on his face and said: "It's not a lie, if they really reach that level, they can indeed travel through space and time and come to the moment before the event happened."

Han Zhu was silent for a while and continued: "It's just that I was at that time, or am I now?".