Infinite Time Loop

Han Zhu's true spirit just floated there quietly, constantly revolving around five rays of light around his body. The five rays of light are constantly changing, as if countless formations are evolving, rising and falling.

With the protection of these five rays of light, Han Zhudao's true spirit can survive, otherwise it would have been obliterated by time.

With the continuous evolution of the five rays of light, an extremely complicated formation suddenly appeared in the darkness without any light.

The formation actually started, automatically absorbing the time and darkness, and using it to repair the true spirit.

Time just passed by so slowly. In this kind of space, a hundred years passed in the blink of an eye, and in the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years passed like this.

Time seems to keep passing by like money is not needed. I don't know how long it has been, anyway, it has been countless years. As time went by, that formation became bigger and bigger, absorbing time and darkness faster and faster.

The true spirit staying in the middle of the formation gradually became complete as time passed. Time passed so quickly, and I don't know how many thousands of years have passed.

Han Zhu slowly opened his eyes, eyes full of confusion, he looked around. Except for the light under his feet, there was darkness all around.

He just stood there blankly, ignorant, like a piece of wood. After an unknown amount of time, he finally took the first step.

With his step, the entire formation instantly collapsed. Five beams of light flew to his side suddenly, spun around him, and they all exuded excitement.

Han Zhu looked at the five rays of light surrounding him and felt a strong sense of familiarity. He slowly stretched out a hand, and the five rays of light flew to his hand in an instant.

Han Zhu looked at the five formation flags lying quietly in his hand, the blankness in his eyes slowly disappeared, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said slowly: "The five-element spiritual flag" is that you saved me ? ".

The five formation flags danced happily again, surrounding him all the time. The darkness and time that approached him were instantly dispelled.

Han Zhu suddenly laughed wildly, "Hahaha...I Han is not dead yet."

Han Zhu quickly woke up from the excitement. He felt his body, it was just an illusory soul, and it was very fragile.

Han Zhu quickly called the system in his mind, but unfortunately there was no movement. Soon, he calmed down again, and looked up and down the wireless dark space.

In the following time, he began to run tentatively in four directions, but unfortunately, no matter how he ran ahead, there was still infinite darkness.

With a wry smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, he murmured, "Is this an infinite time loop? Am I going to be trapped in this time and darkness forever?".

Han Zhu stood there so quietly, watching the "Innate Five Elements Spiritual Flag" constantly spinning around him. In this dark space, only they radiate light, resisting those darkness.

Han Zhu's mind was running crazily, but unfortunately his current cultivation had all disappeared. Even his spiritual consciousness has become the soul of an ordinary person, exactly the same as when he was not practicing.

The only thing that has changed is the "Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner" floating beside him telling him that he was also a powerful immortal cultivator before.

For the next countless years, Han Zhu walked here in such a daze. There is no aura in it, except for darkness and time, only space is left.

The "Congenital Five Elements Spirit Banner" has been surrounding him all the time, don't let those darkness and time hurt him. Han Zhu also thought of countless ways, but unfortunately he couldn't break this so-called time loop.

This kind of strong man that existed in ancient times is indeed not something he can fight against. If he hadn't guessed, then in order to deal with him, afterimage must have mobilized the strongest means, and even activated the core original time left by the "Tianzhang bottle".

Han Zhu did not give up like this, after all, there are still people waiting for him outside. He just stayed in this infinite time, constantly looking for a way out.

Time passed by so slowly, if it wasn't for the protection of the "Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner", his true spirit would have been obliterated long ago.

The "Congenital Five Elements Spirit Banner" Han Zhu reacted violently. He stared at the "Congenital Five Elements Spirit Banner" with excited eyes. He slapped himself twice, why didn't he think of it? .

Han Zhu quickly calmed down, stood there quietly and communicated with the "Congenital Five Elements Spiritual Flag" with his mind, expressing what he wanted to express.

After all, although this "Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner" has some wisdom, it is only its instinct. If Han Zhu didn't take the initiative to remind him, they would just silently follow him forever.

The "Congenital Five Elements Spirit Banner" seemed to have received some kind of instruction, and began to spin rapidly. As the five flags continued to intersperse, an extremely complicated formation slowly appeared in the darkness.

There was a hint of fanaticism in Han Zhu's eyes, and he just quietly watched the "Congenital Five Elements Spiritual Banner" continuously evolve an extremely complicated formation.

Because of lack of consciousness, he could only watch quietly. Although he has countless formation theories, it is a pity that it is useless without strong strength support.

Time passed by like this, the "Innate Five Elements Spirit Banner" did not stop evolving, and the formation became more and more complicated.

Han Zhu could understand it at first, but as time went by, he couldn't understand it anymore, so he could only watch it forcibly.

As the formation became more and more complex, there was actually a trace of different power in it. Han Zhu's eyes showed excitement, and with the emergence of this force, the dark time began to fluctuate.

With the first trace of power, soon there will be the first trace, the second trace, the third trace, and then there will be more and more.

With the continuous emergence of these forces, the entire dark space began to fluctuate violently, and the power of time suddenly accelerated again.

Han Zhu couldn't help frowning, he looked at the dark space that was fluctuating violently. There was a hint of worry in his eyes, and it seemed that someone from a higher dimension had interfered with him.

At the same time, in an unknown space filled with the original power of time, a figure stood quietly on top of the original power of time.

The eyes that were slightly closed suddenly opened a crack. There was also a hint of doubt in his mouth, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured: "Can't you be wiped out like this? If that's the case, let's kill you in reality!".

He just waved his hand lightly at Han Zhu's place, and the strong power of time origin under his feet flew out a large area and flew into that space suddenly.

Han Zhu, who was looking worried, suddenly felt a huge force attacking him. It's just that with his current strength, he can't do anything, he can only watch quietly.

The "Congenital Five Elements Spirit Banner" also felt this terrifying power, and the speed of evolution became faster, and the light became hotter, and suddenly five rays of light shot up into the sky.

Soon Han Zhu was wrapped tightly, and the powerful power of time origin slammed into the formation.

Soon, the two forces came to a stalemate. The figure who had already closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes this time, and his eyes also showed disbelief.

"Sure enough, it's the biggest variable." His eyes began to flicker violently, as if he had seen through countless times.

Soon there was a glimmer of hope on his face. He checked all the past and future, but he didn't see Han Zhu. He existed only at this point in time.

A trace of heartache flashed in his eyes, and finally revealed a determined expression. The existence of Han Zhu influenced him to go further, and he must be eliminated, no matter how much the price was.

"Since this is the case, let you do it again! Only in this way can you be completely eliminated, and what is the mysterious power in you? This time let me take a look at what it is."

This time he didn't hold back, and waved directly at the rich time source power under his feet, and this boundless time source force flew out fiercely, crashing into the space directly.

The formation formed by the "Congenital Five Elements Spirit Banner" began to flicker violently, as if it was about to lose its hold.

The "Congenital Five Elements Spirit Banner" seems to have also discovered this, and they quickly flew to the side of Han Zhu's true spirit, and a more complicated formation began to appear, and soon the outer formation shattered, and the force slammed into the ground On Han Zhu's true spirit.

Han Zhu's consciousness was instantly swallowed up, and the "Congenital Five Elements Spirit Banner" was also severely injured in an instant, flying directly into his true spirit.

Han Zhu's true spirit was instantly enveloped by the power of the time source, but unfortunately, no matter how the time source erodes, it can't hurt his root.

The "Congenital Five Elements Spirit Banner" continuously emits faint rays of light, resisting the power of the time source.

A sigh resounded through the space: "Is it really impossible to completely wipe you out? If so, let's do it again!".

The time in this space began to go backwards rapidly, and suddenly the time was frozen at a certain point. Han Zhu's true spirit was directly thrown out by a powerful force.

As the strong original power flew out, a trace of exhaustion appeared on the face of the figure. He couldn't help sighing: "It's time to enter the deep sleep again. I don't know how long I will have to sleep this time. I hope that when I wake up again, he will have been obliterated!".

That figure slowly closed his eyes, and this time and space also began to slowly disappear. It was as if he had never been there.