Returning to Yellow Maple Valley

Han's father and Han's mother sat on the Shenfeng boat with a dazed expression on their faces. They looked at the mountains, rivers and rivers passing by quickly below, and the occasional sounds of monsters and beasts, and only then did they understand that this is the real world of cultivating immortals.

Up to now, I still don't dare to be confident. I am being picked up by a high-level immortal cultivator. They looked at the middle-aged man standing at the bow, who was talking to his second son. There was a hint of fear in their eyes, after all, they also followed Han Zhu and the others in the world of cultivating immortals for a while.

I also know the level of the cultivation world, and the one in front of me is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years. Now he actually thinks that his son is standing there, talking and laughing happily, and he is also very respectful to them.

Just now the youngest son told them that if the person in front is willing, it is very simple to destroy a city at will, which is a powerful spell.

The crowd quickly came to the sky above Huangfeng Valley. Li Huayuan smiled at Han Zhu who was next to him and asked, "Junior Brother Han! What do you think of our mountain guard formation in Huangfeng Valley?".

Han Zhu just glanced at it casually, after all, he had already studied this formation thoroughly in his previous life. Han Zhu smiled and didn't answer, the meaning was already very obvious.

Li Huayuan suddenly felt his face turn red, he forgot that this is a real formation master. In order to save face, he forced a smile and explained: "Our formation is certainly nothing to Master Han, but it's not bad, it can withstand the full blow of the Nascent Soul Stage peak."

There was a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, and he said lightly: "If I modify it, it can withstand the full blow of the transformation stage."

Li Huayuan was immediately taken aback by this sentence, and when he realized it, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face. He asked in an excited tone: "Junior Brother Han! Are you sure you can block the full blow of the God Transformation Stage?"

Han Zhu just nodded indifferently, and Li Huayuan was ecstatic in his heart, after all, he grew up in the sect since he was a child. The feelings for the sect are still very deep. If they can really have such a powerful defensive formation, then what are they afraid of in Huang Fenggu? Not to mention anything else, already in an invincible position.

With excitement, Li Huayuan took Han Zhu and the others directly to the elders' house. After passing through that formation, the whole world changed into countless lights that shuttled in the sky.

It was the first time for the other four members of the Han family to see such a glorious scene, and they were immediately overwhelmed. Han Li and the little girl are not bad, they are both cultivators after all, as long as they work hard, they will soon be like them.

Father Han! Han Mu! Looking at the flying figure, envy appeared in his eyes, and even a thought like them was born in his heart.

After all, they have been educated by farmers since they were young, and they quickly extinguished this idea. Han Zhu has been observing the changes in the expressions of his parents, seeing that the little flame of hope in their eyes has gone out again, he can only sigh silently in his heart.

Although he can arrange the spiritual roots obtained from the formation, he can only cultivate to the golden core stage at most now, but there are still hundreds of years to live. If his parents are willing, he is still very happy, after all, he can accompany him for hundreds of years.

Looking at the slowly calming eyes of Han's father and Han's mother, he could only sigh helplessly. If his parents didn't have this idea, even if they forced them to practice, they wouldn't be able to go far.

He secretly thought in his heart: "In that case, let's spend the rest of my life with them in peace of mind! After all, staying in Huangfeng Valley is safe until the demon gate invades."

Soon, Shenfengzhou came to the sky above the elders' house. Fairy Hongfu and another cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Stage had already been waiting here for a long time.

Han Zhu smiled and nodded to Fairy Hongfu, and Fairy Hongfu also nodded to him with a smile, and even nodded to Father Han and Mother Han behind him.

Father Han! Han Mu! There was also a stiff smile on his face. Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Li Huayuan quickly said to the Foundation Establishment monk next to him, "Spirit! You take your family of Uncle Han's family and live in the cave assigned to Uncle Han."

The young man in the foundation building period quickly saluted respectfully, smiled at Han Zhu's family and said, "Fellow Taoists, please come with me! Uncle Han still needs to discuss some matters with the elders below. Take you to his cave."

Han Zhu saw that several people in the family looked at him, smiled and nodded at them, and gave them a reassuring look by the way.

Han Zhu stood in front of the gate of the elders' courtyard and looked at the disappearing Shenfengzhou, and asked Fairy Hongfu next to him, "Is it Feiliu Valley?".

Fairy Hongfu smiled and nodded, and Han Zhu also had a smile on his lips, and followed the two towards the elders' house in big strides.

Li Huayuan glanced at the two of them suspiciously, he always felt that there was something about the two of them hiding from him. He thought that Han Zhu seemed to be interested in Hongfu's apprentice, and he soon felt relieved.

As soon as Han Zhu walked into the hall, several eyes fell on him immediately, and on the first place there was a more shining eyes, which fell on him.

At the same time, a pressure fell on him. After all, he was once a monk at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage. When the pressure first fell on him, he knew that this was a Nascent Soul stage monk. He didn't even need to think about it. Thinking, it must be the old antique Linghu Patriarch in Huangfeng Valley.

There was a trace of doubt in Han Zhu's eyes. Could it be that what happened to him had alarmed the ancestor? He glanced at Fairy Hongfu next to him.

Fairy Hongfu shook her head at him, meaning it was very obvious that it had nothing to do with her, this old ancestor wanted to come by herself.

After all, this is just the pressure of momentum, and it is not directly suppressed by cultivation base or spiritual consciousness. So Han Zhu only slightly operated the "Star Body Refining Art" in his body, and the pressure disappeared immediately.

He still maintained that calm look on his face, bowed to the ancestor Linghu and said, "Han Zhu! I have met senior."

Patriarch Linghu withdrew his Dharma Eyesight, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. He had already checked with Dharma Eyes, and it was indeed at the fourth level of Qi Refining, and he hadn't taken anything away.

Ancestor Linghu also had a smile on his face, and nodded slightly to Han Zhu. Just cast your eyes on Hongfu Xiangu and Li Huayuan, the meaning is very obvious, you are sure that he is a formation master.

The two also looked at the ancestor Linghu of Huangfeng Valley with very sure eyes. Looking at the firm eyes of the two, Patriarch Linghu. I can only believe it for the time being, a person on the fourth floor of the Qi refining period is actually a formation master, and he is still so young.

After all, this world of cultivating immortals is really too big, and there have been countless geniuses. Although it is said that the fourth floor of the Qi refining period became a formation master, I have never heard of it, so what if!

If this is true, it would be a great opportunity for Huang Fenggu. You must know that he is only at the fourth level of refining Qi, and he has already become a formation master. If he breaks through to the foundation building stage, he will become a formation master as he said, and he will become the only formation master in tens of thousands of years. guru.

If this is the case, it would not be a dream for their Yellow Maple Valley to dominate the entire Tiannan in a few hundred years. Even he can imagine that the legendary realm of heaven and man is the transformation of gods.

Patriarch Linghu's heart became hot when he thought of this, and the smile on his face became even more intense. He smiled at Han Zhu and said, "Mr. Nephew Han! You don't need to be so polite. It is our Huangfeng Valley's honor that you can join our Huangfeng Valley. From now on, we will treat this place as our own home."

The eyes of the other Golden Core Stages all showed surprise. You must know that their ancestor has a very weird temper, and he has never spoken so politely to a person, even if they are in the same realm.

They had one more guess in their minds, could it be that Master Han was really going to break through to the Grand Master of Formation as he himself said, or else the ancestors wouldn't be so enthusiastic.

You must know that their ancestors are considered to be prominent figures in the border of Nanyue Kingdom. Everyone looked at Han Zhu with respect when they thought of this.

Although they have never seen what a formation master looks like, they have also read a lot of classics. A formation master can use the power of a piece of heaven and earth, and the formations he arranges are even more powerful.

Han Zhu looked at the ancestor Linghu who suddenly became enthusiastic, and he could guess his thoughts in his heart. Han Zhu just smiled faintly and said: "Don't worry, Patriarch, since I joined Huangfeng Valley, I am a member of Huangfeng Valley. If there is anything that needs me to do in the future, just ask, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

The smile in Ancestor Linghu's eyes grew stronger, it seems that this one is also a talkative master. He smiled and said: "I heard girl Hongfu said that you like her apprentice very much. Today I make the decision for you, and I will only assign her to you as your companion for cultivating immortals."

Han Zhu's mouth couldn't help twitching when he heard the old Linghu's words. He glanced at Fairy Hongfu next to him, and the expression on his face was similar to his own.

If Han Zhu hadn't told her part of the matter, maybe she would directly stand up and object, after all, this temper is not very good.

A few others thought that Fairy Hongfu would stand up and say something to disagree, after all, their senior or junior sister had a bad temper.

They all looked at Fairy Hongfu, but unfortunately, her face is calm now. There was a hint of doubt in everyone's eyes, and they were relieved quickly. After all, even the ancestors favored this person so much, even a fool would not refuse it!

Han Zhu could only helplessly say "thank you" to Patriarch Linghu. Ancestor Linghu touched the white hair on his chin with a smile and said: "Just now I heard you say that we can upgrade our Huangfenggu mountain protection formation, which can withstand the blow of Huashen."

Except for Xiangu Hongfu, everyone showed a surprised expression when they heard this. After all, she knew part of it, but she also pretended to show a look of surprise on her face.

Han Zhu smiled at the corner of his mouth, glanced around with his eyes, and everyone said lightly: "The problem is not a problem, but my cultivation base is too low now. It is a bit difficult to arrange. Wait for me to practice ten more times." Improve your cultivation level in eight years, and then arrange it! I think you are not short of this time, ancestor!".

Ancestor Linghu nodded with a smile and said: "Of course it's not a problem. Just go to the warehouse of the Elder's House to get whatever you want. You can get it no matter what. I also have a few bottles of precious medicines there, and I will take them with you when the time comes." Send it to you, so that you can quickly improve your cultivation."

Han Zhu did not reject the kindness of the ancestor Linghu, and nodded with a smile. Although he did not take drugs, there were two drug addicts in their family.

In the following time, everyone got to know each other. There are probably only a few dozen Golden Core Stages in Huangfeng Valley, and those who can become elders can only reach the late Golden Core Stage, so there are only eight Golden Core Stages here. They have all gone out to guard, after all, they still have a lot of resources.

Han Zhu greeted them one by one, and he was familiar with them. After all, he had met some of them in his previous life, so he was quite familiar with them.

Everyone in the entire hall sat there looking at Xiangu Hongfu, leading Han Zhu out of the back, until the two of them completely disappeared at the door.

Ancestor Linghu said calmly: "You probably know more about the matter, just like what Han Xiaozi said, if it really spreads, our Huangfeng Valley may suffer a catastrophe."

Ancestor Linghu glanced around with icy eyes and said: "Although you all grew up under my watch and were also cultivated by the sect, I also trust you very much, but if there are really people who eat inside and outside, don't blame me. The sword in my hand is merciless."

Several monks in the late Jindan period had a trace of cold sweat on their faces, and quickly bowed respectfully and said: "Please rest assured, our ancestors, we will never spread a word about this matter."

Ancestor Linghu looked at the crowd and said calmly, "Then swear with your Dao heart!".

Everyone understood this meaning, and no one dared to object, and they all began to swear to Dao Xin one by one. Seeing that everyone had already sworn to this new Tao, Patriarch Linghu nodded in satisfaction.

After all, to become an elder of Huangfeng Valley, one has to go through repeated inspections. So he still believes in these real high-level people.

Even if the ancestor Linghu is an old monster who has lived for a thousand years, he couldn't help but said excitedly: "With boy Han joining, this is also an opportunity for our Huangfeng Valley. If that boy can really become the master of the formation, Then you all have a chance to break through to the Yuanying stage, so I hope you can understand the pros and cons of it."

The eyes of the few people here all showed a blazing light. After all, they can become the peak of the golden core stage, but no one dares to say that they can become the Nascent Soul stage.

Patriarch Linghu looked at the blazing light in everyone's eyes, and finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Although he believed them very much, what if a traitor appeared! Then their ten-thousand-year foundation of Huangfeng Valley will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

In this world of cultivating immortals, there is nothing more tempting than improving one's cultivation. He believed that under such temptation, even those who were originally traitors would change their minds and become a real member of Huangfeng Valley.