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The voice of these words has been lingering in the entire sky. Although the mortals below have never read any books, they can probably understand the meaning of these two sentences, and they all showed envious and longing eyes.

If he could really be favored by this immortal, wouldn't he really be able to live forever for nine lives? At this time, in the Feng family, a beautiful woman and a little girl were quietly looking at the two immortals in the sky in the courtyard.

The eyes of both of them also showed longing looks, especially the little girl next to her, who even knelt down on the ground and yelled crisply there: "Immortal! Please accept Xianer as a disciple."

She kept yelling there, and the beautiful woman next to her glanced at her and didn't stop her anymore. If this fairy really took a fancy to her, then their Feng family would really flourish.

In fact, Han Zhu has been locking here with his spiritual sense, after all, they stopped in the sky above Feng's house. Han Zhu looked at the yearning and longing look on the little girl's face, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Xiaoguan was also looking at this little girl with his spiritual sense, and it was just as the boy said, she has the fire element sky spirit root, and also has a very strong Phoenix bloodline, and it is a mutated kind.

If it wasn't for this little girl, she would have been his disciple a long time ago, and she would have taken this little girl as her disciple directly, and the little girl still has the blood of the Feng clan.

Han Zhu began to pinch formations one by one in his hands, and soon, the illusions behind him disappeared. Behind him appeared a giant figure as high as 10,000 zhang. He was wearing a white moon-white Taoist robe, with a fairy sword on his back, and he looked like a fairy.

That huge figure is exactly the same as the Taoist robe Han Zhu himself is wearing, even the face is exactly the same, but he is Han Zhu who has been enlarged countless times.

Those mortals all showed surprise and fanaticism when they looked at the giant who was at least ten feet tall. The giant first glanced at the entire Shenwu City with his eyes.

Then a loud voice spread throughout the whole world: "Pindao and his friends are wandering around the heavens and myriad worlds. Passing through this world, I feel that there are two little friends who are destined to be with me. We came here deliberately, and I plan to accept these two little friends as disciples." .

As soon as these words came out, the originally noisy place suddenly became quiet. Everyone panted heavily, and looked at the mighty giant with red eyes.

Xiao Guan glanced at Han Zhu next to him suspiciously. She didn't understand what Han Zhu was doing, wasn't he just taking two disciples? Just go and collect it.

Could it be that with their strength, the other party would not agree? If Han Zhu knew what was going on in her heart, he would just smile. After all, he had read so many novels in his previous life, it would not be earth-shattering for a big boss to accept his disciple.

At this time, outside the city, a group of people were rushing here. Among them, there were six old men with a young girl, and the eyes of those old men showed a look of fanaticism.

Especially looking at the giant who is as tall as ten thousand feet, and what he said about the heavens and the world. You must know that the appearance of such a boss will change their fate.

Everyone glanced at the girl in the middle while running, this is the hope of their Wu family. I hope that big boss can take a fancy to this junior in their family.

At this time, Feng Xian'er in Feng's house, her small eyes were full of fanaticism. Looking at the ten-thousand-foot-level giant, the voice there is so hoarse.

Maybe it was her true feelings that touched the immortal in the sky, and the immortal looked down at her, smiled at him, waved his hand lightly, and a cloud appeared under his feet, and it was still there. The colorful seed, she suddenly felt an invisible force dragging herself up.

The beautiful woman next to her suddenly covered her small mouth in surprise. She looked at her daughter in disbelief, and stepped on a cloud, slowly flying into the sky.

Feng Xian'er quickly floated in front of Han Zhu, and the little girl opened her eyes wide and looked at the two in front of her. Especially that man, who is exactly the same as that huge figure.

Although the little girl is only eight years old this year, she is already very precocious. She quickly knelt on the cloud and said in a hoarse voice: "Feng Xian'er begs the immortal to accept me as a disciple."

Han Zhu looked at the little girl in front of him with a smile on his lips. He slowly opened his mouth and said: "Little friend, I also feel that you and I are destined, so I came here to accept you as an apprentice. Are you really willing to worship me as a teacher? If you worship me as a teacher, you have to leave this world. Leave your parents and pursue the illusory avenue."

Feng Xian'er's cute little face crumpled up when she heard this. She thought for a while and said, "Master Immortal! Can I take my parents with me?".

Han Zhu shook his head ruthlessly and said: "As the saying goes, immortals are different, and I want to take you across the boundary. As mortals, they cannot bear the power of crossing the boundary."

In fact, what he said is also true, after all, they are mortals, without the slightest spiritual power, they cannot pass through the space channel.

It's not that their bodies will be torn apart by the space. With him, the formation master, it's impossible for this to happen. After all, once you enter the space channel, you can't make any movements, even eat. This simple action is not possible.

Without spiritual power, they cannot maintain the basic needs of the body. It seems that the crossover is only a moment, but in fact, after countless years, they will only be starved to death.

Feng Xian'er fell silent when she heard this, Han Zhu looked at the little girl with a tangled face and smiled and said: "Poverty Dao will take this world to stay for a while, you have three months to think. If you don't want to , it only shows that we don't have the relationship between master and apprentice."

Han Zhu was also giving them a choice. After all, he didn't know if he could survive this time. He didn't want to leave them behind like last time.

Wu Qingshui and his party who had just rushed to the city looked up at the small figure kneeling in front of the huge figure, all showing envious expressions.

And they also heard the conversation between that fairy and that little girl. In his eyes, he wished that it was him who was kneeling there, and would say without hesitation: "I am willing! I am willing...".

Han Zhu glanced at Wu Qingshui below, and beckoned to him. The same cloud supported her to fly upwards. The other six old men were stunned for a moment, then showed ecstatic expressions, and quickly knelt down. , knocking constantly.

Wu Qingshui couldn't calm down at this moment, she was already fifteen years old this year, and she practiced with her ancestors since she was a child. Knowing what an immortal is, her own cultivation has reached the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage.

Soon, she was also brought in front of Han Zhu, and Han Zhu also looked at her with gentle eyes for a while and said, "Little friend! I feel that you are also destined for me, and you are willing to worship me as a teacher."

Wu Qingshui glanced at the ancestors below, and saw that they were winking at her desperately. After all, she has been educated by these ancestors since she was a child, and she herself is very eager for immortals, so she kowtowed three times without hesitation and said, "Wu Qingshui! I am willing to worship immortals as teachers."


My people, I woke up sick today, I don't think I'll be able to upload today's chapters, sorry.

I also take this opportunity to tell you two things:

P1: this week I'll start uploading new FF translations since some of the fanfics I'm uploading are about to finish or reach their chapters.

P2: My people, in a few days I have an exam so I was studying these days, but every time I did it, I panicked because of everything I had to study and the worst thing is that I don't study because I'm in panic and I can't concentrate.