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Han Zhu shrugged his shoulders at the speechless Xiao Guan next to him, stepped out, and quickly chased after him, the speed was not slower than the teleportation speed.

He is now fully familiar with the power of this star combat body, and can exert 100% of its power. Looking at the two figures that quickly disappeared, Xiaoguan's eyes flickered.

The astonishment in his eyes became more intense, the power of that combat body had at least reached the Nascent Soul stage. As for whether he can exert more powerful power, we have to wait and see.

You must know that it is only controlled by an existence at the peak of the foundation period, which has crossed two great realms. Even if she uses some secret methods, she can't do this, and at most she can only cross a big realm.

She wanted to see how much power that body could exert, so she stepped out and disappeared here. Han Zhu manipulated this body to catch up quickly, and soon the two came to the sea.

Han Zhu looked at the endless sea and nodded with satisfaction. The battle here is just right and will not harm mortals. He accelerated his speed sharply, swiped once, and came to the front of the evil god.

Han Zhu smiled at the evil god, and the opposite evil god showed a look of horror in his eyes, and began to cast spells one by one crazily.

He was still yelling frantically: "You devil, get away from me, go to death! Go to death...".

It's a pity that all the spells hit Han Zhu's body were bounced off, and some were absorbed directly. The horror in the evil god's eyes became more and more intense, and he just wanted to use it again, teleporting away.

Han Zhu didn't want to play hide-and-seek with him anymore, he quickly pinched a formation in his hand and punched it into the air, and the formation formed instantly, sealing the entire space.

The evil god was running fast, and the mana in his body was constantly using the teleportation technique. Unfortunately, no matter how he used it, it had no effect at all.

The look of horror in his eyes became more and more intense, and Xiao Guan also suddenly appeared in the sky above them. The evil god also knew that he must have met two big bosses today, so he knelt down in front of Han Zhu and said, "Great God, please spare my life, I have many ancient secrets to tell you."

The smile on Han Zhu's mouth was even more intense, if he didn't want to try the power of the current star battle body. With his attainments in the formation, he can still make this evil god run away, there is nothing that a formation cannot solve.

Han Zhu didn't pay attention to the evil god's begging for mercy. He would not have the slightest sympathy for this kind of guy who has done countless harm to the world. If you don't want to use it to test and test, just slap him to death.

Although the body of the star combat body is extremely large, his speed and reaction ability are very fast. It can even catch up with the speed of the evil god's teleportation that has just broken through to the Nascent Soul Stage.

Han Zhu threw out a punch without mercy, and the evil god's expression changed drastically. If he was hit by this fist that was several meters long, he would definitely be smashed to pieces, even if he had the defense of the Nascent Soul stage.

Although he can't use teleportation, his body's agility is still very fast. Although he was already running very fast, he still brushed against the edge of the huge fist, and was thrown flying violently, spitting out several mouthfuls of blood.

Feeling the boiling blood and mana in his body, the evil god's face became even uglier. Sure enough, as he guessed, if he was hit with a punch, he would be blown up immediately.

His eyes also became crazy and he shouted loudly: "Since you want to die, let's die together!".

When Han Zhu heard his words, he knew that he had to use a big move, and immediately stopped attacking. He just wanted to see how strong his body's defense was.

Seeing that the opposite giant stopped attacking and was waiting for his big move, the evil god's expression became even crazier. This is blatant contempt for him.

He raised his head to the sky and roared wildly, and a huge blood-colored figure appeared behind him. Han Zhu glanced at it and felt a glare. It was completely composed of blood. I don't know how many people's blood essence he had absorbed.

This should be the essence of the evil god! Although a powerful force pressed over, he still looked indifferent as before, looking at the evil god who was making a big move.

Standing in Xiaoguan in the sky, looking at the blood-colored giant evil shadow. The pretty phoenix eyebrows couldn't help but frown. At this time, she actually felt a little bit of danger. Although it was very weak, it showed that this move must still be very powerful.

She just wanted to remind the little guy on the opposite side not to get too complacent, but when she thought that Han Zhu was still a formation master, she slowly retracted what she was about to say.

The evil god was crazily performing spells one by one, and then began to dance wildly in mid-air. It should be performing a ritual of some evil god.

Fortunately, Han Zhu had the patience to wait for him here. If it was someone else, he might have been slapped to death directly. With your slow speed, what a fart!

Han Zhu stared at him so boredly that he was overweight for more than ten seconds. This speed is already very fast for ordinary people. But for these masters above the Nascent Soul stage, this is pitifully slow. You must know that they may be able to tell the winner in a second or two.

The evil god on the opposite side looked at the giant and didn't attack, as if waiting for him, the anger on his face became more intense, and he, who was planning to make a move like this, gathered his strength again.

He wanted to make this kid regret it, because he had lived for countless thousands of years after all. Moreover, after being a student god for so many years, he has already mastered an extremely powerful forbidden technique.

It's just that it takes a long time to perform this forbidden technique, and the idiot opposite him gave him this time, so don't blame him, he also wants Han Zhu to pay the price for his arrogance.

Han Zhu looked there with a face of indifference. He felt that the power of the blood shadow was getting stronger and stronger, and it had already begun to slowly break through the transformation.

However, his face was still the same as before, and there was no expression of fear. After all, if he practiced this ancient technique, if he was really in danger, it would warn him in his heart.

After waiting for about two or three minutes, the college student stopped his movements, and said with a crazy expression on the corner of his mouth, "Do you think you are so strong? Since you gave me this opportunity, you will fall here today." ! "Blood without bounds".

A huge blood-colored light enveloped him, instantly merging with that huge evil shadow. Then a 40 to 50 feet tall giant, completely condensed by blood, appeared in front of Han Zhu.

The fluctuating power of his body has actually surpassed the Nascent Soul Stage and reached the Spirit Formation Stage, and it is still in the middle stage of the Spirit Formation Stage.

Standing in Xiaoguan above the sky, she couldn't help frowning. She slowly stretched out a hand behind her back, and a black fireball appeared in the palm of his hand. With the appearance of the black fireball, the entire space was engulfed. It was burned and distorted, and one could imagine how high the temperature of this black flame was.