Innate Supernatural Ability

Han Zhu couldn't help but opened his attribute panel, took a look, and looked at the progress of the star body training formula, and couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Name: Han Zhu

Boundary: Foundation Building Stage [Peak]

Spiritual root: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth [the spiritual root of the five elements can speed up the cultivation speed by five times]

Cultivation method: "Xiao Wuzang Yuan Yuan Kungfu" second level 99% [the upper part has five levels in total] "Star Body Training Art" 6 [every 1 star is added * body strengthening speed +1]

Innate supernatural power: "Star Battle Body" [In the state of Star Battle Body, whether it is strength, physical body, mana, or consciousness, it will increase by 60 times, and each additional star point will increase by ten times]

Spells: [Elementary elementary spells: "Fire Bomb 100%", "Water Polo 100%", "Wind Control 100%", "Sky Eye 100%", "Concealment 100%", "Wind Wall 100%", "Intermediate Ground stabbing technique 100%"] [medium-level spells: "primary fire snake technique 1%", "primary stealth technique 1%", "intermediate Yujianjue 1%", "advanced Guiyuan spirit armor 1%"]

Sub-professional array mage: low-level has been hidden... "Spirit Gathering Array 100%", "Five Elements Upside-Down Array 100%", "Stone Falling Array 100%", "Four Elephant Array 100%", "Heavenly Wind Fierce Array 100%", "Phantom Sky Array" Luo Formation 100%", "Beidou Liangyi Formation 80%", Qiankun Eight Diagrams Formation 100%", "Wuyuan Renewing Life Formation 100%"

The first hang-up position: "Star Body Training Art" astrology point 6/58% [1% increase for each cycle]

Available slots: 2 [You can hang up any skills and spells throughout the day without any bottleneck]

Looking at the newly born supernatural power, the corner of his mouth smiled even more intensely. Sure enough, just like in his previous life, when he reached six stars, he would have supernatural power.

With this data, he has a better understanding of the star battle body. Han Zhu quickly reacted from the surprise, and felt a gaze that was sizing him up.

He quickly put away his excited expression, smiled at Xiaoguan next to him and said, "Daoist Xiaoguan! I'm done with my work here, let's go back!".

Xiaoguan just took a deep look at him, then nodded calmly. In the next two months or so, Han Zhu and the others went to several other continents.

Sure enough, as he guessed, there is only this evil god in the whole world, and his face is full of disappointment. If he can kill two more evil gods like this, then he will break through to the nine star holes faster.

Xiao Guan looked at the little guy with a disappointed face, and understood what he was thinking. It's just that she can't help anything in this matter, and can only accompany Han Zhu helplessly.

Han Zhu forced a smile and said: "Let's go! It seems that there are no other evil gods in this world. Go and ask my apprentice if he is willing to follow me. Let's go back to the spirit world. We can't be here either." Too much time wasted."

Xiao Guan just nodded indifferently, and Han Zhu stroked lightly towards the air a few times, and when he reached the crack in the space, he immediately appeared there, and the two of them stepped out and disappeared into the vast sea.

When the two appeared again, they came to the sky above Shenwu City again. At this time, it had been a full three months since he left last time. With the appearance of the two, the people below seemed to be waiting.

Then there were countless shouts from below: "Immortal... please bless my mother's health and safety. Immortal... please bless me to make you rich."

Countless shouts resounded throughout the sky, and Han Zhu just plainly glanced at the mortals below before he set his sights on Fengfu.

Sure enough, just as he guessed, the entire Feng family was in the courtyard, kneeling on the ground and looking at them respectfully.

Feng Xian'er and Wu Qingshui stood there quietly, but they couldn't hide the joy on their faces.

Feng Xian'er's little face was full of excitement, and Han Zhu knew that they had already made a decision when he saw her expression.

There was a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, and with a wave of his hand, the two of them were immediately lifted up by a cloud. Feng Xian'er hurriedly knelt down, kowtowed three times fiercely and said: "Disciple Feng Xian'er! Greetings to Master".

Han Zhu nodded with a smile and asked, "Have you decided?".

Feng Xian'er replied earnestly with a small face: "Return to master! I have already made up my mind, and I will follow master to cultivate immortality."

Han Zhu just nodded and didn't ask her parents what to do. After all, it's hard for anyone to answer such a question.

Han Zhu glanced at the father and mother of Feng who looked down with reluctance. Looking at their reluctance and worried eyes, he also thought of his Han father and Han mother.

Han Zhu drew two strokes on the Feng family below, and marked a few formations. Soon, a faint ray of light enveloped the entire Feng family, and slowly disappeared into the air.

Han Zhu said: "There is a girl in the Feng family, "Feng Xian'er", who worships me as a teacher today, and I will protect the Feng family for thousands of years."

As his words fell, it seemed like a decree. The formation of the entire Feng family appeared again, crowding out all the people who did not have any blood of the Feng family.

Everyone, including the six immortal cultivators, showed a look of surprise, "Is this the power of an immortal? What you say is what you say."

Feng Xian'er, who was kneeling there, looked at Han Zhu with gratitude on her face. Although she was young, she was sensible very early because of her blood.

She turned her head again and kowtowed three times to her parents. Wu Qingshui also made the same movement, kowtowing to those six old men.

There was a look of relief in Han Zhu's eyes, and the two of them floated to his side with a wave of his hand. Han Zhu once again drew towards the sky, and a huge space crack appeared.

A space barrier instantly covered the four of them. Han Zhu led a few people into the space crack quickly, and at the same time a faint message came out: "One day in the mountains, a thousand years in the world".

The meaning of this sentence was already very obvious, Fengmu couldn't bear it anymore, she knelt down on the ground and cried bitterly.

Feng Youqian walked up to his wife and hugged his wife, and comforted him softly: "Ma'am! Xian'er went to cultivate immortals and asked, it is a good thing that she can live forever in the future."

Han Zhu didn't pay attention to the joys and sorrows behind him. After all, he has been in the world of cultivating immortals for hundreds of years. His heart is as rock-solid, and he is used to life and death.

When the four of them appeared again, they had already arrived in the desert. Both Feng Xian'er and Wu Qingshui looked at it with puzzled expressions. They looked at the desert beyond the horizon, and they both looked at the master next to them.

Han Zhu smiled lightly at them and said, "We're going to cross the border from here to another world."

The two little girls nodded blankly, after all, these were too profound for them. Han Zhu glanced at the two of them, and finally set his eyes on Feng Xian'er.

Because Wu Qingshui practiced with those six old men since he was a child, and because of his good talent, he has now reached the sixth level of the Qi refining stage, while Feng Xian'er is still an ordinary mortal.