Two Demon Kings

Han Zhu scanned the crowd with his eyes. There are either his relatives, friends or partners here. These people are also the people he trusts most in his life.

Soon, the atmosphere in the living room of the cave mansion became serious. Han Zhu said slowly: "There are some of you who know about me, and none of you know about me. I will tell you today."

Han Li, Dong Xuan'er and the others immediately pricked up their ears. This was what they most wanted to know. Han Li began to slowly talk about his previous life, but of course he wouldn't say that he was time-traveled.

Rather, he said that he was extremely talented, especially in terms of formations. As he continued to narrate, Han Li and Nangong Wan looked at each other.

It turned out that they were already Taoist couples in their previous lives, and Dong Xuan'er and Ling Yuling also had incredible expressions on their faces, with tears in their eyes.

When Han Zhu talked about the two of them, his face was full of guilt. Soon he talked about his first fight with After Shadow.

Han Li stood up abruptly, looking at his second brother in disbelief. At this time, his face was full of disbelief, he couldn't believe that he was just an experiment or a clone or a ray of soul of others.

Han Zhu stepped forward and hugged him gently, "Xiao Li! No matter what you are, in my eyes you will always be my fourth brother, Xingyue's fourth brother."

Han Li hugged his second brother tightly, his whole body trembling slightly. He couldn't believe it, it turned out that the second elder brother had been hiding his affairs for himself.

Han Xingyue also ran up to hug the two of them and cried, "Fourth brother! Second brother is right, in our eyes you will always be our fourth brother."

Han Li's eyes had turned red and he kept saying, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!".

Han Zhu smiled and comforted him: "I can survive Xiao Li in my previous life, let alone this life! And with the help of all of you in this life, I believe I can defeat him."

Then Han Zhu's gaze became cold, and he said with a chill in his voice: "I don't care who he is, how high his magic power is, how strong his strength is, I will definitely ask him to pull him for the rest of his life." come down".

Han Zhu looked at Han Li and said seriously: "Little Li! It doesn't matter if you are his clone, his experiment, or just a strand of his soul. In this life, I will let you completely replace him. There is only one you in this world."

Han Li looked at the firm eyes of his second brother, and his heart was touched again. He also nodded his head desperately and said: "Second brother! I believe in you, we will definitely defeat him."

Han Zhu patted him on the shoulder vigorously and said: "Even if he is the sky, we have to poke a hole in him, break it completely, and recreate the world of life."

Everyone in the hall was stunned by what the two brothers said. Especially the IQ old man and the black phoenix demon king Xiaoguan, they have the highest cultivation level and know the difference between each realm.

It can be considered that there is a huge difference, and only a formation master like Xiang Han Zhu, or a great master can challenge several levels. If it was them, they might not even have the courage to face such a strong person.

Han Zhu quickly adjusted his state of mind. He smiled at everyone and said, "This is probably the case, and you should understand it. Strong people like this can't interfere with the mortal world. With a world like our spirit world, based on my current understanding of the world, it should be that their power is too strong to come to our low-level world."

"If they descend by force, the whole world will suppress him. If he doesn't forcibly suppress his own power, then he will be attacked by the whole world. Even those existences beyond Da Luo cannot fight against the flood of a world like the spirit world ".

"So for now, he can only send his clone to deal with me. And this clone can't be shot casually. If I don't break through to the golden core stage, he can't make a shot either. This should also be related to the rules of the world."

Here he told another big lie, he couldn't expose the existence of the system. You can only speak in terms of the rules of this world. After all, even the most powerful people in this world cannot understand the rules of this world.

Even those high-ranking Da Luo strongmen only know so much about the world. After Han Zhu said these words, he glanced at the crowd. Although there was a trace of fear and fear in their eyes, they still looked at him with firm eyes. That is trust in yourself.

With a smile on the corner of Han Zhu's mouth, he said: "Because I know the formation better, even if I am in the foundation building period, I have a lifespan of more than 500 years. This is the limit. cannot be increased."

The IQ old man who was about to say something, slowly closed his mouth when he heard what he said. Han Zhu noticed the change in the old man's expression and just smiled.

Han Zhu took a look at everyone and continued: "So now we still have about four hundred years. At that time, I have to break through to the Golden Core Stage to face him. Even if I don't fight him, I will fight him." To be left alive and die of old age, so there is no choice in all of this."

Everyone became serious when they heard this, after all, what they said next was also related to them. Han Zhu also spoke out his plan without hesitation.

He slowly said: "In the next time, I will arrange a super large formation to connect the three heaven and earth spirit veins of the Black Phoenix Clan. In the center of the formation, the spiritual energy there may reach a hundred times. above".

Even if the IQ old man was mentally prepared, he was surprised when he heard him say this. You must know that even if it is the holy land of the monster race and the human race, the concentration of your aura is only about fifty to eighty times.

It wasn't until this moment that he really understood what Han Zhu meant when he said that he belonged to the top of the master. You must know that someone who can achieve this level cannot be found in the entire spiritual world. If he cultivates in such an environment, even his cultivation base will increase.

Han Li and the others showed ecstasy on their faces, if they really had such a strong aura. Then they may also break through to the stage of transforming gods within four hundred years.

Looking at the excited eyes of everyone, Han Zhu only sighed and said: "Actually, these are all incidental items left after I set up the formation. In fact, to be honest, no matter how high your cultivation level is, it is useless." , even if it is raised to the peak of the Mahayana period, it is useless."

Everyone fell silent when they heard this, yeah, so what if they are all promoted to the Mahayana stage? Could it really be possible to get a hand in front of that kind of boss? .

Han Zhu looked at everyone's lost mood in an instant, smiled and said: "But you don't need to be discouraged, you just need to improve your cultivation. In fact, I did this for our future plans. If we defeat him this time, then we have to Then the spiritual world can develop with peace of mind."

Han Zhu hesitated for a moment and continued: "Even if I really fail, you can rest assured that I will pull him down."

When Ling Yuling and the others heard this, their eyes started to turn red again. Seeing that everyone's consciousness began to sink, Han Zhu chuckled and said, "But don't worry, I have at least a 70% or 80% chance of killing him this time." ".

Everyone looked hopeful when they heard his words. Han Zhu smiled confidently and said, "Don't worry! Without such high confidence, I dare not say such a thing."

"In the next period of time, I will arrange the formation, and then I will retreat. The next thing is up to you. In addition, no one is allowed to disturb me during my retreat."

When Han Zhu said this, he looked at the IQ old man and the black phoenix demon king Xiaoguan. Both showed firm expressions, nodded, and gave him an affirmative answer.

Han Zhu glanced at everyone again and said: "Then starting tomorrow, I will start to arrange the formation. I still need a lot of help from the Black Phoenix Clan."

The IQ old man smiled and said, "Don't worry, Boy Han! As long as the Black Phoenix Clan can help, there will be absolutely no problem."

Han Zhu comforted his two confidantes, as well as Han Li and the others. He began to arrange the formation with all his strength, and the entire Heifeng Clan began to function.

Time is like this, three years have passed in the blink of an eye. In the past three years, Han Zhu has basically never stopped, and has been busy working on this super big formation.

After three years of busy work, this super large formation is finally completed. At this time, Han Zhu brought the IQ old man and the others to the middle of the formation.

The IQ old man watched this super formation take shape little by little, and looked at the young man standing in the middle. He had to sigh, he was indeed a peerless genius.

Others had the same thoughts as him. Han Zhu stood in the middle of the formation and began to activate the formation eyes and patterns one by one. You must know that the entire formation has at least millions of them.

As each array eye and array pattern light up, a different phase appeared in the entire midair. Everyone stared at this magnificent scene and fell into silence.

You must know that this formation stretches for tens of thousands of miles, and only in a high-level world like the spirit world can those strong people easily do it. If you want to arrange a formation of tens of thousands of miles in the mortal world, it is basically impossible.

Time passed day by day like this, and it took half a month for the entire formation to start. On this day, suddenly the whole sky began to become colorful.

The IQ old man and the others all showed serious expressions. They all knew that the formation was about to start.

It was only at this time that Han Zhu had time to stop and look at the people behind him, looking at their worried eyes, and smiled at them.

Han Zhu stretched out a hand slowly, and all the magic power was directed on it, and an extremely complicated spell was struck.

At that moment, the entire formation stopped moving, and when everyone looked puzzled, suddenly a huge light shot into the sky. Soon, this piece of heaven and earth was enveloped, even if it was hundreds of thousands of miles away, this ray of light could be seen.

At the same time, an extremely huge funnel began to appear, and it began to crazily absorb the spiritual energy in the world. In an instant, millions of miles around were affected, and it was still spreading outside at an extremely fast speed.

The black phoenix demon Wang Xiaoguan and the IQ old man looked at each other, nodded, and disappeared in an instant. After all, such a big movement will definitely attract the prying eyes of other races, and they have to block those strong people above the fusion stage.

Han Zhu held a top-grade spirit stone in one hand, even so, he still felt that his body was very empty. The aura that entered his body was converted into mana in an instant, and was also drawn out in an instant.

Han Zhu shook his head helplessly, his cultivation was still too low, if he had the Golden Core Stage, he wouldn't have worked so hard.

Fortunately, he is a master of the formation, and he can use the power of heaven and earth, so he doesn't need to consume much of his own mana. Otherwise, even if he is in charge of the formation here, he will be drawn in an instant.

The black phoenix demon Wang Xiaoguan turned into a ten thousand zhang-sized black phoenix, floating quietly in mid-air. In front of her is a huge black eagle, and a huge mouse.

The huge mouse couldn't bear such silence at first, and said in a buzzing voice: "Black Phoenix Demon King! What the hell are you doing? Why are you affecting the aura of the whole world? Today you don't give us A reasonable answer, and we will not rest on our laurels."

After saying this, he turned his eyes to the huge black eagle beside him. There was a look of thinking in the black eagle's eyes, and finally he nodded slowly. After all, there must be something wrong with making such a big commotion. questionable.

The black phoenix demon Wang Xiaoguan's eyes were full of coldness, and a cold voice came out of her mouth: "We don't need you to worry about what we are doing in our own territory, and we don't need to explain anything to you."

The huge mouse roared angrily: "If you didn't make such a big commotion and affect the aura of our entire world, we wouldn't care about it. It looks like you are ready to do something."

The Black Phoenix Demon King didn't speak, but her wings were slowly raised back. When the two saw this scene, a look of fear flashed in their eyes. After all, the black phoenix demon king's natal supernatural power is very powerful, even if they are not careful, they will be seriously injured.

Seeing this scene, the Xuanying Demon King quickly laughed dryly, came out to smooth things over and said, "Don't be so angry, the Black Phoenix Demon King! We just came here to ask about the situation. After all, your clan has indeed affected the world of our two clans." Reiki, such a big thing, we can't not care about it."

Heifeng Yao Wang Xiaoguan stopped his movements when he heard this, after all, this matter is indeed inseparable.

Seeing her stop, the Xuanying Demon King was overjoyed, and quickly continued: "Black Phoenix Demon King! If you don't say anything now, there is nothing we can do. Then we can only report this matter to "Brahma Demon Lord", after all, this is a matter related to our three clans, I think the old man will also intervene in this matter."