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Seeing that everyone had already agreed, Han Zhu said without any muddle-headed words: "Let go of your minds."

Those demon kings have already thought about it now, and no one made a movement of resistance, and they all slowly let go of their minds.

Han Zhu also waved his hand towards the air without hesitation, and several extremely complicated formations appeared in an instant, and fell into the deepest part of the minds of several people in an instant.

After Han Zhu finished all this, he slowly withdrew his hand and said, "Congratulations, you are now truly a member of the alliance. Next, I will plan what our alliance should do next."

Han Zhu slowly told everyone about his plan, and as he spoke further, the people below were stricter and more surprised.

Han Zhu finally made a conclusion and said: "So our first step is to occupy the entire spiritual world first, and then radiate out to the outside world until we occupy the entire star field."

Han Zhu glanced at the few people below, and saw that they all looked at Han Zhu with numb faces. The Brahma Demon Lord couldn't help but stand up and said, "Lord Leader! I know you are very strong, but you can't deal with it alone. The races in the entire spirit world, especially the top ten races in the spirit world, each of their clans has at least a hundred Mahayana strongmen, and some of them even surpass the immortal level."

Brahma Demon Lord hesitated for a moment and said: "Moreover, there are many old antiques in the border, and their strength is even more unfathomable. As for the strong in other worlds, there are as many as a cow's hair, especially the dragon and phoenix families."

Han Zhu looked at the worried people, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "I have already considered all this, and I have already asked my fourth brother to subdue the human race. By then, we will have the power of two races. As for You don't need to worry about high-end combat power, I will train a group of masters above the Mahayana stage."

Han Zhu paused for a moment and continued: "As the first batch of you to join the Heaven and Earth Alliance, I can give each of you 10,000 alliance points on credit."

Several people were stunned when they heard the alliance point. Han Zhu then explained the role of alliance points to them. The others didn't hear it. They only heard the most important sentence, that is, 10,000 alliance points, which can be exchanged for the peak of the fusion stage and breakthrough to the Mahayana stage. .

The demon kings suddenly became more excited. The excited look on his face couldn't be concealed, and only Demon Lord Brahma and Heifeng Xiaoguan remained expressionless.

For those who have reached the Mahayana stage, such temptation is not great. Han Zhu continued to say: "As long as you have 100,000 alliance points, you can become a true immortal, and I can guarantee that you don't have to ascend to the fairy world or cross the thunder disaster. Of course, if you want to go to the fairy world, I can also help you not to cross it Thunder Tribulation".

Everyone was stunned when they heard Han Zhu's words. After a long while, Brahma Demon Lord reacted abruptly.

He asked excitedly: "My lord! Are you sure what you said is true?".

Han Zhu smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, I, Han, will definitely do what I say. If you have 100,000 alliance points now, I will promote you to a true immortal now."

Brahma Demon Lord's aura became disordered in an instant, and it took a while before he could react. He bowed deeply to Han Zhu and said nothing.

Han Zhu saw that the things here were almost the same, so he said: "You have hundreds of years of cultivation time, just according to my request, each of your tribes trains a powerful army, and I will also choose a place to general Our Heaven and Earth Alliance will settle there, and I will arrange formations at that time. The concentration of spiritual energy is more than a hundred times that of the outside. You take them there to practice. My requirements are not high. Their cultivation base will be the lowest in a thousand years. You have to reach the stage of refinement."

When everyone heard the aura more than a hundred times higher, their eyes shone with excitement. He patted his chest and promised that he would definitely choose the most talented person in the clan to join this army, and he would never embarrass the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

In fact, the most important thing is to earn more alliance points in the future. Han Zhu has already made it very clear that the alliance points of the entire clan can be concentrated on one person.

Soon, the demon kings went back anxiously. As for how many monk armies they want to organize, that is their own business. They must have as many as possible, after all, each additional person can earn more alliance points.

At the same time, in the Abyss City of the human race, after Han Li and the others worked hard for a period of time, coupled with their cultivation base and the "Heaven Palm Bottle" placed there, they quickly occupied one.

Became the leader of the street's medicinal materials, because they have four practitioners, and no one dares to come and offend them.

Those in the human race's fusion period generally would not intervene in such things. Therefore, Han Li's elixir shop became more and more prosperous, because from time to time, there would be elixir that was tens of thousands of years old, and soon surpassed those ten thousand-year-old stores.

In order to complete the task entrusted to him by his second brother, Han Li planned to nibble away at the entire elixir market step by step. When their cultivation reaches the fusion stage, they should also control most of the elixir of the entire human race.

At that time, the high-level people of the entire human race, won't they just say what they say? It's just that Han Li also has a little bit of trouble recently. I don't know why the "Tiantian Ping" keeps sending him a message recently. Unfortunately, it is very confusing. Han Li is not too clear about what it wants to convey.

As time passed, the fluctuations of the "Handing the Sky Bottle" became more and more violent. Finally one day Han Li got a piece of news from the "Tianzhangping Bottle" that surprised him.

This "Tianzhang bottle" was unexpectedly divided into two parts. What I got was only the appearance, and the most important part was somewhere in the spirit world.

The "Heaven Palm Vase" felt so restless during this period of time because it felt the call from that part. And the message from the "Tianzhang Ping" told him that if he could find that part.

The "Heaven Palm Bottle" can exert 100% of its power, and there is a complete law of time in it, which can quickly help Han Li break through to the Mahayana stage, and even become an immortal and ancestor.

Every time Han Li thought of his second brother's formidable strength, he couldn't do anything to help him, and kept holding his second brother back. If I can get the other part of the "Heaven Palm Bottle", then I can quickly improve my cultivation, and then I can fight side by side with my second brother.

It's a pity that the power they just established has not yet stabilized. Only when their power is stabilized can he look for another part with confidence.

This is waiting for three hundred years, but he has not spent these three hundred years in vain. His cultivation has broken through to the refining stage, and even their power has expanded countless times, and they have controlled 80% of the entire human race. Elixir market.

Han Li finally arranged the affairs here, he simply said goodbye to Nangong Wan, and embarked on the road to find the other half alone.

What he didn't know was that he had turned against his most beloved second brother and staged a scene where brothers killed each other.