Chapter 29

'Man, I've been way too busy recently.' Damian thought to himself as he appeared in the reception area of the Gremory clan home. On Saturday he met with Serafall and got his first peerage member and then on Monday he was 'invited' to the Gremory estate.

They phrased it in a way that he could theoretically refuse without any repercussions but after what happened at the party not that long ago there was no way he'd even consider it. This was a matter of the utmost importance to Damian.

'What was Dad thinking? And why'd Mom accept? I have no idea what they're thinking.' Damian thought to himself, annoyance filling his mind. Being engaged without any real choice was something he had readied himself for, accepting it as the fate of the nobility long ago.

It was his partner that was the issue. He liked Rias Gremory, rather there was nothing to not like about her. She was guaranteed to grow up to be a beauty and her personality was endearing even if it didn't quite align with his more scheming nature.

The issue was her family. The Gremory clan was powerful, boasting the largest territory in the underworld, wealth beyond even his wildest dreams, and birthing the Crimson Satan himself they were extremely powerful.

And that was the issue. Sometimes having too much power was a bad thing and with his probable engagement to the Gremory heiress and his family's 'connection' to the Astaroth clan the Thaumiel clan was a threat that just suddenly grew too big without any preparations.

Damian didn't know the full story, that much was obvious, but that didn't change the fact that he was worried. Besides, if he didn't know the story then most of the underworld wouldn't either which was an issue in and of itself.

But that was why he was here. He wanted to get to the bottom of this mystery even if only to assure himself that everything would be fine. He couldn't ask his parents since they would always dance around the issue so he would have to hear the reason from the other side.

"It's a pleasure to meet you heir Thaumiel, please allow me to escort you." The stern but professional figure of Grayfia appeared in front of him, the most famous maid in all the supernatural realms bowing before him.

"Please do." Damian requested politely, a gentle smile on his face. Damian didn't even want to imagine how most other devils would react in his place. Most would probably feel all powerful at having the Grayfia Lucifuge bowing before them.

Nodding her head Grayfia stood elegantly, her posture beyond admirable, before leading the way to where the Gremory family waited. Damian himself had mixed feelings toward the whole event though he would admit that he was curious how Rias was taking it.

Most likely she'd be relieved though to a certain extent that was his optimism speaking. As a person, he was fairly good natured but nothing special and his position was weak and built upon lies so normally he was an undesirable partner for somebody like Rias.

However, because of the scumbag named Riser Phenex being her first betrothed Damian would seem like a saint as long as he didn't treat her like a baby factory which was far from a difficult goal to achieve.

Opening the door Grayfia stepped out of his way allowing Damian to see the entire Gremory clan with the exception of the young Millicas patiently waiting for him. Paying special attention to Rias, Damian was met with pure relief on her face and a small blush oddly enough.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all again. Thank you for inviting me to meet you all once more." Damian greeted them as etiquette demanded after stepping into the room. Somewhere behind him, Grayfia vanished to do who knows what.

"Please act naturally around us. I assume you already know what's happening?" Zeoticus began the conversation instantly, motioning for Damian to sit across from them. Nodding in gratitude Damian took a seat across from them, quickly taking in their different expressions.

Sirzechs contained the same gentle but undiscoverable expression as always, his mother carrying a similar expression, while Zeoticus had an oddly solemn expression and Rias had an embarrassed face colored the same shade as her hair.

"I have a vague understanding yes." Damian admitted, briefly glancing at Sirzechs who chuckled awkwardly in response. Devil society had been lit ablaze by the news of Sirzechs choosing him over Riser and apparently the Phenex house was quite literally lit ablaze as a result.

"That makes this easy then. Damian, your marriage with Rias is cance-" Zeoticus began before his head was struck by his wife who had the same gentle and kind expression on her face. If Damian hadn't seen her hit her husband with his own eyes he would have doubted she did anything at all.

"Don't do anything foolish dear." Venelana requested her husband with a kind smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Shivering slightly Zeoticus, the famed Gremory head, couldn't help but nod repeatedly in response.

"Ahem. As I was saying, you're set to marry our Rias." After a cough, Zeoticus declared calmly as though the previous scene and his own words have never occurred. It was a comical sight however it was slightly worrying seeing as Damian had already been half denied.

"I understand. May I ask the conditions of the marriage?" Damian asked after a few moments of silence, deciding to avoid the previous topic altogether. Briefly glancing at Rias to see if she was offended by his words he let out a somewhat subtle sigh of relief.

In the world of devils, even marriages born of love had political ties. Sirzechs and Grayfia for example were married because they fell in love over the course of the civil war however it was also a political play to show that the new Lucifer had the support of the old Lucifer's followers.

Damian was worried that Rias would have taken his words the other way but luckily it seems she understood that his question was a requirement rather than a disservice. Even if she was naive and slightly airheaded at times, she was quite the smart girl.

"Of course." Zeoticus replied calmly, his next words hopefully sating Damian's curiosity.