The boys had been running for three hours straight , so they decided to rest since probably the beast wasn't interested in chasing them. After a while of catching their breath Kor looked at his tired brother and smiled "we did it "he said "yeah , we almost sealed him with the aktel", Gor replied, who would have thought a 9 year old child could use blink. (A technique that involves quick movement)." It was because you kept him busy that's why I was able to catch my breath and take the weapon before he realized what was going on. Nice trick by the way brother, how did you know he would react to the army slogan? "

"Soldiers are always like that" Kor replied , and when I read about general Loid I found out he was a strict and rigid kind of general , so I knew when I saw the beast shutting the general up. I knew even if was just for a second that the general could do the same for the beast all we needed to do was to trigger the general a bit to respond.

After resting for five minutes the boy decided to get moving as the dimensional prison only lasted for four hours and they would like to be as far away as possible when the beast is released. The boy kept on moving as fast as they could rest only for few minutes to catch their breath, after which they would continue to run.

After getting to the Helpets range they started moving more slowly to avoid the beast that still lurked in the area so as not to have any reason to fight or shed any blood , the young lad had been moving since mid-day and it had already been eight hours since they sealed the beast

As the boy were resting , the dimensional prison broke and a beast came out but it wasn't the combination of man and beast as before it was the ekun, a beast that was 280cm tall with four eyes sharp fangs and claws it could stand on all fours and just it two hind legs depending on its mood and its was very pissed. "I thought these things only take four hours to collapse, this was not the first time he had been capture in such a manner and he had made sure he killed those who disgraced him like that and this time would be no different than the last. After a sec of catching his breath the ekun roared and released a powerful aura felt all through the cave scaring the life out of all the residents in the cave literally before exiting the cave by bursting through the roof of the cave. Ekun's all have four eyes that were very effective in tracking, they could sight this in long distance radius depending on how powerful the ekun was. The ekun after a while moved swiftly towards the direction of the boys.

The boys had already started moving again, they had not yet realized what was coming at them they had almost gotten to the point beyond the Helpets range when suddenly a huge bang was heard in front of then as something had landed in front of them. Immediately the two boys retreated to see what they were dealing with. After the dust settled the ekun came to view drooling at sight of the boys after which he spoke "Are you little devils leaving so soon? We are not done playing yet".

The boys knew after what they heard that this was the beast they had encountered in the cave and they had lots of questions in their mind like how did the beast merge with the general in the first place? How was the beast able to catch up with them so easily…. Among others but nothing compared to how they would escape without fighting or even shedding blood as they were thinking, they lost sight of the ekun, just as they were underestimated by the beast in the cave, they had both underestimated the beast as its power was even more than before, in fact it was due to being fused with the general that had reduced its powers greatly…

Suddenly it appeared beside Gor ready to cleave him in half with his claw, Gor couldn't even move nor react the beast was just too fast he taught he had died only to find himself rolling in the floor, something had pushed him out of the way. After he looked up to see what it was and he was torn by the horrid sight he was witnessing. Kor was lying on the ground almost split in half and the ekun was standing beside him licking its bloodied fingers. But Gor couldn't care less, he kept looking at his brother with eyes of shock and horror, he could feel him trying to tell him something but his ear was not working, everything had gone blank. He could see the Helpets in the background of this horror scene ready to pounce on Kor's body, thousands upon thousands of them moving and approaching their location. But that was not all there was in the scene just above him Gor sensed two figures observing what was happening and he knew even though his vision felt blurry at the moment he could not forget this presence easily, his Father presence was a mixture of cold and emptiness.. Exactly what Gor was feeling...? And he started reaching...

Why did he have to die and not me?

He's the one with the big dreams not me

He's the strongest and smartest not me

He is the only reason I was able to fight…

Why is he dead?.. He continued reaching

On the other end Kor was lying down in a pool of his own blood hanging on to life a bit more and trying to tell Gor to run away and leave him but his voice did not seem to reach his twin who was wallowing in despair. Little did he know that Gor was reaching…?

The ekun roared loudly when the Helpets started roaming around him. He knew high pitched sound or powerful roars were the Helpets weakness and so he roared fiercely so the Helpets would know Kor was his kill and dinner and he's not interested in sharing. The beast had also noticed the two figures staring at the events from the distance but since they weren't interrupting his meal he smiled and ignored them, he was happy to have spectators. He turned his creepy smile toward the young child in front of him drowning in despair

Gor's mind had wandered he kept his eyes on Kor's body which was now life less and he just didn't understand why he had to die.

Is it because he was weak or because of the stupid test or the beast that killed Kor or was it his Father that choose to watch them die and not save them? He wanted answers, but none came? As Gor was wallowing in despair the beast came close and was about to deal a blow on him when Gor finally took what he was reaching for. An answer to his looming despair…. and above all else he wanted the beast to stop smiling and his father's expression to be wiped off his face, he wanted them to know he could make them feel the same way he felt… helpless, hopeless and maaad, really mad. Suddenly the night darkened as if, darkness itself had come to pay the world a visit. Everyone in the area could see this unnatural phenomena .The child Gor had reached for something sinister and dark…. it was a curse, he had summoned the cursed ability of Kokou.