Chapter 8 Problem child

Two weeks before the Jut forest incidence In the Eru Kingdom

In the village of Labak, a small village in Eru kingdom, little children could be seen running around in the village playing in the snow as it was winter. The village of Labak is a very small one with houses a little below 100 and population not up to 500 people. The reason for this high population, was due to winter as most people that worked in the town had stayed back to be with their families during the winter season or at least most of it.

Late in the evening, the little children in the village could be seen gathered in their usual playground. Although, they had just arrived from school, the little children still had enough energy reserved for running around and playing.

"Take that…" a little girl said while throwing a ball of snow at one of her friends

"Hey don't be …" puff another met the girls little face before she could finish her sentence

Hehehe… the girls could be seen giggling at the funny scene they all seemed to be having fun until they heard small thud.

"Hey stop that" one of the girls said to a boy who just pushed a girl on the floor

"Shut up" the boy responded, throwing a ball of snow at the girl who protested making her fall as the snow hit her in the face

"Are you alright Amy?" Vicky another girl said as she rushed to her friend

"I'm alright" Amy responded as she stood up

The boy whose name was Fiz walked towards them with two of his friends

"It seems you like playing hero Amy, maybe I'll leave her and bother you guys instead"

Fiz had always been a bully even in school, he was known and feared by all. All except one ofcourse.

"Do you always have to look for trouble Fiz?"

"We are all just trying to play here" Amy said with a soft voice

"Yes, we are". Fiz replied

"You guys are playing with the snow, while I and my friends are playing with you and that devil won't be able to stop me like she always does, it seems your savior is indeed stuck in town with her Uncle". Fiz said with excitement. He loved tormenting the weak kids a lot.

"Hey everyone, I'm back" a voice screamed from afar, drawing all their attention towards the little girl running in their direction. Her name was Thia the one Fiz called little devil, and indeed she was. She was smaller than the other girls although they were all the same age. She ran like the wind towards them, excited to see her friends. When she got closer, she noticed the unusual atmosphere.

"Hey what's going on?" she asked as she made her way towards Amy, her best friend who was trying to hide her face from her.

"Amy… what happened to your face?" she asked, which made Amy shocked as she was trying her best to avoid Thia from seeing the red mark left on her face from the snow ball Fiz threw at her.

Somehow the little devil was able to see the mark even without getting close enough.

Immediately Thia saw her friend reaction she turned towards Fiz in anger.

"What did you do?" she asked while looking at Fiz

"W-What made you think I did something?" Fiz replied with fake innocence

Before he could do anything else he felt a sharp pain in his jaw followed by another in his ear, eyes and groin. Before realized he was already on the floor screaming and crying.

His friends wanted to help but they were too afraid of what Thia might do to them so they could only watch.


Village elder Leonor's House

"You need to keep your niece in check Zinesh, she's too violent". An elderly man said to the young man in front of him

"I'm sorry about that Elder Leonor I'll make sure I talk to her" the man responded, bowing his head apologetically.

"I know she means well , but she needs to learn how to report to the elders so we can handle such matters well..."

"Unh like you always do" Thia muttered in a corner

An awkward silence ensued for a second before the Elder sighed and said

"How you deal with such a trouble maker everyday, Zinesh, is beyond me"

"I try my best. Mara does most of the work" Zinesh replied with a modest tone

"You can leave now" Elder Leonor Finally said to Zinesh

Immediate Thia heard this she dashed out of the Elders house in a hurry like she had been expecting to leave for a while now.

After walking toward the direction of their home for some minute, Zinesh , Thia's Uncle finally spoke

"So, what do you want to do now ?play ?or would you like some training?" Zinesh asked

"Ooh training... but I thought you said you were tired from our travel" Thia replied

"Yes I am but you already took my resting period away with the trouble you caused"

"And I could use the exercise"

"Yay, where should we train"…?

"Hold on, we have to inform your mom first"…

"Oh…" Thai responded with less enthusiasm than before

"You know your mom will be pissed at you right"?

"Yes, so please don't tell her. Let's just go"

"So she'll be pissed at me? Not a chance"…

"I thought you said you some needed exercise"

"Yes, but not a horn sounding in my ears."

"I'll tell mum you said she sounded like a horn"

"And I'll tell her I said a horn played by a skillful musician."

"Unh wise ass".

"Language little girl…"

Zinesh was about to continue when they met Thia's sister on the way. She seems to be coming from somewhere.

"Hey Talia, how are you doing?" Zinesh said to his other niece…"

"Uncle Zinesh you're back..." Talia said while hugging her uncle

"OH and you're here too" she said to Thia who was standing there

"Happy to see you too Talia. Did you grow beards when we were away? Because it seems like there's something..."

Before Thia could finish her sentence Talia panicked

"What! Where... How… oh my goodness" she finally said as she covered her face and ran away embarrassed

"You shouldn't do that to your sister, you know how she is about her looks" Zinesh scolded Thia who was already rolling on the floor laughing at her sister who had just taken off

"Yes I know but that's what you get for making jest of my height" Thai replied as she walked away towards the direction Talia ran

"Two sisters one insecure about her looks the other about her height I guess this life is a bit balanced after all". Zinesh said while following both girls.

When they finally arrived at their home, Mara scolded both Thia and even Zinesh very harshly, for not scolding Thai well enough in front of the Elder. She even refused to feed Zinesh. Everyone had to beg her for minutes before she grumpily agreed to give Zinesh food. Zinesh was her brother after all.